Cyber Heroes

Chapter 913 What Lao Liu did

The conversation with this subordinate of the Sixth Martial God reminded Xiangshan once again what Kanhara Yanye said.

Although Kanyuan Yanye's choice to mix with the Holy Lord is definitely a bit serious. But in this case, she really hit the nail on the head.

——Little girl, sharp teeth and sharp mouth...

Xiangshan commented on his former disciples in his heart.

This is really something that should be considered. The right way is to not persuade others to do good without suffering others' suffering. Even if the memories of the eighth and ninth Martial Gods are recovered... no, even if the memories of all the Martial Gods are recovered, Xiangshan cannot be considered to have truly lived continuously for three hundred years. Every time he is reborn, his mentality will be reset back to his heyday. Even this time, he woke up in the wreckage of the starship without any memory. He may be even younger at heart than he was at the beginning. In this regard, he is different from everyone else.

From this standpoint, asking others "Why don't you stick to it" is indeed standing up and talking without pain in the back.

——Under this situation, what I should say to Yan Ye is actually...

——"Even if you can't hold on anymore, it's okay to do nothing...why go to the opposite side of the past"...Is that so?

The warrior seemed to know Xiang Shan's thoughts and asked, "Are you thinking about Senior Kanhara and Senior Yang?"

Before setting off, Xiangshan told the warrior that "Kanahara Yanye and Yang Mengying have switched sides."

Of course he couldn't hide such a thing. This important information needs to be disseminated. In order to prevent others from dying under the sea, the news must be told to others as much as possible.

The fact that the unnamed warrior followed him was surprising in itself. It seemed that the people and whales in that base were frightened. Orla Freeman lamented that "this day should have happened a long time ago."

"Oh." Xiang Shan nodded: "I'm a little worried...but then again, you know me very well."

"When I was under the command of Xiangshan...the Sixth Martial God, the Sixth Martial God often discussed some issues with us warriors." The warrior said: "At that time, the White Ship Yi Cong didn't even exist. The place where we started our activities was Saturn. Within the ring. By continuously attacking the outposts of the reclamation agency within the ring, we gradually accumulated resources. For a period of time, some sites were clearly idle, but the patrons just did not dare to stay for long. It is in this kind of site that we build We will build the first warship that can be used in space battles, and then go to the asteroid belt..."

Xiang Shan nodded with great admiration: "You are an old knight."

"I'm joking. After all, my internal strength, external strength, and military skills are not first-class. I have to fight behind enemy lines. In the end... forget it, it's a thing of the past." The warrior shook his head: "What you are facing In fact, the Sixth Martial God also faced the troubles."

Xiang Shan was shocked: "Who does he want to kill? An old acquaintance?"

"This is not important. Some of the people the Sixth Martial God faced back then are already dead, and some of them you will face one day." The warrior did not look back: "And what you are thinking about now , and has nothing to do with these things.”

Well, if you think about it carefully, the era when the Sixth Martial God was born was not long after the death of the Fourth Martial God, and the bad influence brought by the second and third Martial God had not completely disappeared. The combination of several setbacks caused some knights to change their stance.

Xiang Shan smiled: "Then tell me, how does Lao Liu deal with this kind of problem?"

"About the 'Trolley Problem'..."

——A madman tied five innocent people to the tram tracks. An out-of-control trolley was heading towards them and was about to run over them in a moment. Fortunately, you can pull a lever to move the trolley to another track. The problem, however, is that the madman also tied up a man on another tram track. Considering the above situation, should you pull the lever?

"Ah, don't think about it." Xiang Shan waved his hand: "If you pull the lever or not, there is nothing wrong with whichever way you choose..."

"'Kill the kidnapper first'?"

Xiang Shan laughed out loud: "Isn't this very understandable?"

This is very similar to the answer Xiangshan would give.

"But it didn't answer the question directly." The man said: "This is like thinking about Galileo and Newton thinking about the pendulum problem, and then you say, 'Human beings cannot maintain an absolute vacuum. This premise will not be established, and this phenomenon will not occur, so Don’t think about it’.”

Xiang Shan nodded: "Well, it's very similar to what I would say."

Xiangshan respects everyone who proposes thought experiments. Through "simulation", we can reduce the "cost" of experiments and allow otherwise impossible experiments to appear in human imagination - this is the most valuable ability of Homo sapiens.

Those who question the practical significance of the "trolley problem" are like questioning the significance of the "ideal plane" and "ideal vacuum" to physics.

"So, what did Lao Liu say?" Xiang Shan said: "Should I abide by morality and kill my former disciples without hesitation? For the sake of the world."

"You shouldn't ask me this question. This is originally a question with no standard answer." The warrior said: "Of course, what I want to tell you is that as a person who passively makes choices, no matter which side he chooses, others will There should be no blame.”

Xiangshan thought for a moment. The thought experiment of the "Trolley Problem" is essentially to criticize "utilitarianism" - considering "the most positive sum of the pain and joy of each individual involved in the behavior" as the "greatest good" and "the greatest good", that is, It is the ideological tendency of "maximizing group happiness".

From the perspective of the "trolley problem", "utilitarianism" will reveal a contradictory situation. Based on the principle of "maximizing group interests", "save the many and kill the few" should be correct. But "sacrifice an innocent person" is not good. And "inaction" seems to violate the principle of "maximizing group interests" and is also unkind. Absolute goodness does not exist.

Similar to many math problems. The answer to the question is meaningless; its existence itself and the process of thinking about it are its value.

"In order to reshape the public's spirit, the Fourth Martial God has organized discussions on similar issues on the Internet many times." The warrior said: "When the war is not tense, the Sixth Martial God will bring us warriors together every week to discuss Those thought experiments that don’t have answers—the process of discussing them is more important than the answers.”

Xiang Shan applauded: "As expected of me... I quite like your atmosphere. Three hundred years ago, Xiang Shan's group also liked this. But having said that, 'No matter which side you choose, you should not be blamed from a moral perspective', yes Isn’t it also an escape from the tram problem?”

Before facing an old friend, let's think about the train problem... The mental state of the Sixth God of War is also worrying.

The warrior shrugged: "I'm just telling you what the Sixth Martial God would do in a similar situation. You have almost the same concept as him, and this may also be helpful to you."

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