Cyber Heroes

Chapter 924 Negotiation

Xiangshan and his party found their target in the direction of the dolphins' cries. It was a shallow reef. Two dolphins were restrained. A rope was tied to their tails, and the rope was fixed to the reef. The length of the rope was just long enough for them to float to the surface, lean out half of their bodies, and take a breath of air.

"Knots" are really difficult to operate if you only have one mouth - whether it is tying or untying knots, it is always difficult to operate with one hand, not to mention that the flexibility of the dolphin's snout is not as good as the two hands of humans. finger.

The distance between the two dolphins was also restrained. They cannot help untie this bondage.

The two dolphins were very scared. You must know that the earth's oceans will move with the gravitational pull of the moon. It's like there is a gentle hill above the sea that moves with the moon. The sea water will rise.

The rope behind them doesn't get longer out of thin air.

They must also guard against being discovered by protectors patrolling the coast.

Two poor dolphins screamed in terror.

However, Xiangshan found a QR code on one of the fixed positions of the ropes.

The QR code was obviously carved on the reef with a sharp weapon.

Similar to the QR code in the ruins of the Eighth War God, this is an ancient QR code text that is only in the experimental stage.

meaning is……

"Squid Killer".

Xiangshan stood in front of this trace and remained silent for a long time.

On the other rope fixing point, there is also a QR code. There is a latitude and longitude coordinate and time on it.

That's right here, now.

It is only tens of kilometers away from the Rama project park.

The first meeting point originally agreed upon by Xiangshan and the others was also nearby.

Xiangshan never expected that the Sagittarius body, which he thought he had lost, would actually be waiting for him here.

And he also brought a few calamari with him.

Xiangshan has seen calamari before. Of course Xiangshan would notice the creatures near the Six Dragon Sect's submarine. Before that, he couldn't conclude that those squids were intelligent creatures.

And seeing Sagittarius and the modified creatures of the Six Dragons Sect together, Xiangshan had to suspect another thing.

——Has Sagittarius been completely cracked and modified by the Holy Lord?

Sagittarius is just an AI after all.

When Xiang Shan landed, the whale Haupderman spit out a huge four-meter-long steel spear. Hopderman is a gray whale. Before benchmarking, the size of a gray whale exceeded fifteen meters. After the metal base increases the strength of the body, this upper limit can be exceeded again. Unlike those large toothed whales transformed into baleen whales, gray whales are originally baleen whales, with their heads accounting for one-fifth of their body length.

To Hopdemann, holding such a weapon in his mouth was like holding a toothpick. An external power cord connected Xiangshan to the weapon, and then several magnetic link weapons were wrapped around it.

Xiangshan could lift the weapon placed on the rock at any time.

And many weapons in his body are also on standby.

In terms of pure output, Sagittarius is actually still above this ground warfare prosthetic body with the theme frame of a certain officer. Now both are occupying an environment they are not used to, and Xiangshan has no certainty of victory.

If it is replaced by an AI, it will be a blood loss.


In the end, Xiangshan chose to listen to what the AI ​​had to say instead of hacking in with his internal skills.

This may actually be important.

Therefore, Xiangshan asked for his words.

"Innocent?" Sagittarius smiled: "They prey on intelligent creatures."

These two dolphins were chasing another calamari when they encountered Sagittarius.

The movement ability of the squid is far inferior to that of the dolphins. Sagittarius failed to save the squid, so he attacked the dolphins in anger.

However, Sagittarius also knows what "criminal intent" is. There is an essential difference in the nature of "deliberately hunting intelligent creatures", "knowing that they may be intelligent creatures but insisting on hunting them" and "subjectively unintentionally hunting intelligent creatures".

Before he figured out the ins and outs of the matter, he didn't plan to commit any more crimes, nor did he kill anyone. He just made the dolphins faint briefly, then fixed them there, and then left a message.

"Sure enough, those squids are also intelligent creatures." Xiang Shan said: "Are they a species promoted by the Six Dragons Sect?"

"You can say that. These calamari behind me betrayed the Six Dragons Sect and escaped from the submarine." Sagittarius said.

Xiang Shan turned his head and glanced at Kledeqi and Si Kaxi behind him.

The two dolphins have mastered the language of communication between Xiangshan and Sagittarius.

Seawater has a significant blocking effect on electromagnetic waves. They use sound waves, of course.

The two dolphins were shocked by the sudden news and their thoughts were interrupted.

Xiangshan thought for a moment and asked, "How do those squids communicate?"

"Discoloration of the body surface."

"The vision of whales is only about usable. They can't see what's in their mouths. So it's very possible that they haven't seen any signs of intelligence in the squid."

Sagittarius nodded, agreeing with this statement.

"So, the misunderstanding is resolved?" Xiangshan spread his hands: "Did you know? The prey of toothed whales includes baleen whales. Thirteen million years ago, the prey of Leviathan whales were small and medium-sized baleen whales. How many years ago? A hundred years ago, there were many tribes of killer whales that would hunt large baleen whales. Of course, there were also dolphins. Dolphins were also the prey of killer whales. But you see, these whales can now also form a civilization."

Sagittarius nodded: "Indeed, there is no gap with the information I know."

"So, can we become one now?" Xiang Shan asked.

He needs to read the data in that AI to obtain the other party's experience during this period.

Sagittarius shook his head: "Before that, I still have something to say."

Xiang Shan was shocked: "We are one person. We will make the same judgment in the same situation..."

"The same person can also have many conflicting thoughts in his heart. I'm not sure that I will remain as determined as I am now after joining you. Our situation is completely different, isn't it?"

Xiang Shan said nothing.

And Sagittarius raised his weapon: "First of all, the wishes of these squids must be respected. The dolphins don't know that they are intelligent creatures, so they prey on them. This may be excusable. Maybe they don't have culture and collective consciousness yet, and they don't Knowing what that least these squids have the power to condemn the dolphins."

"The rights they deserve should be explained clearly one by one."

Xiang Shan said: "As long as the data is sent back to me, your current thoughts will be my thoughts."

"What if?" Sagittarius asked back: "Humans, dolphins, and whales are all mammals. These squid are molluscs. And I am not a mammal 'now'."

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