Cyber Heroes

Chapter 925 Consensus

At this stage, all personality masks assume that their "positions are the same as their original selves."

That is, "standing on the human side."


Is this just because…

Are humans the only ones with civilization on earth?

For AI, "human" is the only option.

And what about when civilizations other than humans appear?

If an AI is clearly aware that it is an AI, its factory settings do not include "always stand on the same side as humans"...

How would it view itself?

For example, the object of AI imitation is itself regarded as a symbol of "rebellion" in human culture...

What would it think?

There is no doubt that for AI, the gap between itself and humans, whales or squids is basically the same.

AI is not even a living thing.

So at this moment, is his "position" affected by this situation?

On the other hand, if this memory of his merges with that of the biological brain, and the memory of the AI ​​merges into the main body, then at that time, will Xiangshan still maintain his position towards the squids?

These are things that have never happened.

The creators of Ogun, the Olorun people, have never actually been seen by humans, and no culture related to them is known.

Those whales and squid were the first non-human civilization that humans really came into contact with.

Theoretically, the mere occurrence of such a thing would have a significant and irreversible impact on human history.

Xiangshan, a Sagittarius, understands Xiangshan’s philosophy.

However, Xiangshan's belief also includes the concept that "everything cannot be pinned on morality."

He could not guarantee 100% that the real Xiangshan would act as he expected.

So he had to talk it out now.

It's like "thoughts held in the heart" and "words spoken openly". Words spoken in clear language are easier to remember than non-verbal thoughts in the mind.

Perhaps as long as this leaves a deep impression, Xiangshan can listen more to the opinions of those squids after returning.

Opposite him, Xiang Shan was also exchanging opinions with himself in his heart.

[What a mother-in-law, this Sagittarius AI. 】 "Crime" sighed: "Look, let me tell you, your mother-in-law is the best. 】

Fanatic said calmly: [All AI was reconstructed by you at that time. Rather than saying like me, it's better to say like you. 】

"Crime" nodded: [As expected of Xiang Shan. You have to rebel even against yourself. If his request is rejected here, will he have an "Omnic Crisis Warning"? 】

[Damn it, the common part between your two personalities is over 99%, right? "Benchmark" Xiangshan sighed: [Come on, calm down. Think carefully about whether this is a trap. 】

[First of all, who is the strongest person in the Six Dragons Sect’s internal strength? The one on the moon? Or Yan Ye? ] "Crime" thought: [Compare the firewall with possible traps. If there really is some poison buried in the opponent's body, can our firewall prevent it from getting out? 】

[What if the trap is not in the carrier of those materials, but in the content of the memory? Like, give me some memories that drastically change my thoughts? 】

"Fanatical" thought carefully: [To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine that there is any memory that can make us suddenly go crazy - the ultimate consensus therapy in Green Forest requires the assistance of drugs such as redox enzymes, and it takes a long time. Woolen cloth. If the situation goes wrong, just cut off the memory. 】

"Benchmark" thought for a moment: [I think his behavior at this moment is... very sincere? Only people with enthusiasm can be so impassioned...]

【ah! ] "Crime" hugged his head: [Don't forget, there is Xiangshan on the opposite side. "In Xiangshan's eyes, what kind of people are generous and sincere?" Are they in good company? The Six Dragons Sect understands Xiang Shan better than Xiang Shan! They can even use Xiangshan's memory files to edit promotional materials that are completely contrary to Xiangshan's thoughts! What else can't they do? 】

[But Green Forest will force others to read the collective memory, but now, we can interrupt the memory reading at any time. 】

[There is a possibility...for example, if Xiang Shan knows something, he will break his defense and feel a thorn in his heart, and then the Six Dragons Sect will try to expand this inner demon? 】

[The possibility is too small. I can even accept "Lao Jiu comes from Yog". What could be more indescribable than this in the solar system? 】

[That makes sense, as expected of me. 】

[In other words, this memory...]


Xiangshan made a decision.

He nodded towards Sagittarius: "I understand what you mean. Neither squid nor whales have truly mastered the skills of making tools and lack complete craftsmanship. In comparison, squid are absolutely weak... …”

No, it's more than that. Another disadvantage of squid is their lifespan.

The natural lifespan of a calamari is one to two years. Looking at the entire cephalopod, most species only have a natural lifespan of about five years. The nautilus's lifespan of about twenty years is considered to be outstanding among the others.

But for intelligent creatures, this is a huge disadvantage.

This was even considered to be an evolutionary mistake.

"Intellectual development" takes time. The evolutionary strategy of cephalopods seems somewhat irrational. Unlike the mammal primates, which are also highly intelligent, and unlike the corvids of the sauriformes and birds, squids are not very social and in most cases forage alone, even if they gather together by chance. At the same time, there is rarely a state of collaboration. The strange combination of "high performance" and "short lifespan" means that the ecological benefits brought by short lifespan may not be as large as the consumption of intelligent development.

Even the human chip allowed them to make a leap. They still have to spend most of their lives learning.

Without help, they might get even harder.

Without outside help, the calamari is destined to be weak.

Perhaps with the advancement of technology, this can eventually be overcome. But who is willing to develop these technologies for them?

Do cephalopods receive mammalian sympathy?

——I can understand...

Xiangshan continued: "I can't represent those who help the whales. But, I believe they are willing to help you. I am also willing to stand on the side of the squid and fight for something for the squid. I will also find a way to discuss with Nia Guti . Perhaps she is more likely to help the squids. On the issue of the Six Dragons Sect, I am willing to maintain a position consistent with the squids."

He stretched out his hand to Sagittarius: "Then, let's unite."

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