Cyber Heroes

Chapter 952 The inexplicable sect

After Yuki arrived at the bridge, he stood silently in the corner.

After being rescued, the group asked him where he wanted to go. At that time, Youki only said that he wanted to go to Southeast Asia, but he was directly rejected by the other party.

"There are a lot of protectors in that place!" The female warrior in the lead danced and gestured to Yuki: "There are two or three first-level heavenly warriors! Think about it, how big a place and how small a population is, but there are so many So much high-end force! That density! It’s very dangerous!”

"Ha...that's right."

Yuki couldn't help but nodded.

Although he is still young, Yuki has indeed seen many big scenes.

At that time in Paradox City, many first-level warriors did not do anything to them and the knights.

Youki was even the one who watched the live broadcast of "How to Hunt the First World with Ordinary Prosthetics".

Therefore, he was not afraid of this information at first glance.

But if you think about it carefully, this should be...

His concept is too distorted...

after all……

A first-level heaven warrior can indeed kill everyone in this submarine within a few seconds. There is a problem if he is not afraid!

Only then did Youki realize that his own positioning of a warrior's force was subtly different from that of the public.

And Youki calculated the possibility of walking directly from the bottom of the sea. Thanks to the nuclear battery left behind by the rangers hunted by Xiangshan, Yuki can walk on the bottom of the sea for several years without supplies.

However, the output of the nuclear battery is insufficient, so Yuki has to take a break after walking for a while, and wait for the battery to accumulate a certain amount of energy before he can continue on the road.

In this case, just walking to the meeting point A agreed with Xiangshan would take more than half a year.

Then this is too long.

Xiangshan won't wait there for long. According to the prior agreement, if you cannot reach meeting point A within three months, it is best to find a way to go directly to the African continent.

If he wanted to reach the rendezvous point within three months, he would let these strangers take the risk to send him there. But such large deep-sea vehicles can easily be targeted by protectors in that area.

Yuki didn't want to make things difficult for these saviors, so he asked them if they could take him to Africa. There is no need to send him to land, just put him near the African continental shelf. He can find his own way.

This request was readily agreed to.

This group of weirdos who called themselves the "Picosi Faction" patted their chests and said that Yuki was just on the road with them and they were guaranteed to deliver it.

So Youki temporarily stayed in this ship and helped these people with some chores.

The leader of this sect calls himself Yin Zhewei Song. He is young and has an informal style of conduct.

The female leader stood on the control platform, raised a hand, and said: "Those evil vested interests blockade areas of the sea for no reason! This kind of behavior is requisitioning our batteries and computing power." Power, commandeer our brains!”

"Which one of us is not an elite? Which one is not capable of far exceeding his peers? The result? Just because of the willfulness of those with vested interests! Our efforts! The fruits of our labor! They were scrapped lightly!"

These dry words may have been borrowed from the historical materials of Wuzu, but they did not capture the essence of the story, and the level of incitement was average enough.

Yuki thought so.

They didn’t even sing a song, and they didn’t explain their demands clearly.

But many members of the Picosi faction were deeply inspired. They all stood up, echoed loudly, and shouted!

"Today we arrived at the edge of the restricted area..." Yin Zhewei shouted loudly: "We are going to see what those people don't let us see today!"

"Oh oh oh!" There was another messy shouting all around.

It seems that the pressure that has been compressed in everyone's body for decades has been completely released today!

"Now! It's time to go deep into the restricted area..." Yin Zhewei lowered his voice: "Be alert and be careful..."


There was another burst of cheers, mixed with the confused behavior of throwing the things in his hands up to the ceiling.

Yuki was lost in thought.

——Did the Master say that they would... be formally awarded the title of Research Knight... or would they just graduate and throw their hats up?

Suddenly, the young man's eyes became strange.

There is no such thing as "culture" in this era, and there are not many "customs" to speak of. But suddenly there is a group that shows very similar movement habits...

It will definitely make people think more.

At that time, Yinzhewei waved to Yuki: "Little brother, come here."

Youji walked forward and said: "Headmaster Song..."

"From your perspective... ahem, from your perspective, how do you think what I just said? I heard that big figures in the martial arts world are usually very good at doing this... just this kind of thing. And if there is internal strength to support it, This kind of skill is usually not too bad. See how I do?"

Her gesture clearly showed the meaning of "please praise me quickly".

——Is this person... very in need of recognition?

Yuki pondered for a moment, then violated his chivalrous heart and said: "It's... okay."

"As expected?" Yin Zhewei was overjoyed.

Yuki fell into deep thought again.

He really can't understand it.

Why was such a person able to grab a standard Scientific Research Knight submarine intact?

Very strange!

Yuki began to search for the "art of speaking" taught by Xiang Shan - although Wu Zu always had the attitude of being the best in the world, he somehow knew "how to speak human words". He just doesn't do it most of the time.

Yuki hesitated and said: "Actually, I think the key points can be made more clear. My master once said..."

The two of them murmured for a while, and Yin Zhewei waved his hand with satisfaction, asking Yuki to stay aside.

Although they said they took Yuki in and allowed him to do some chores to repay their kindness, in this era, many jobs that could be done by robots were done by robots, and there was no manual work to do. There are certain thresholds for tasks that require humans to complete, such as driving submarines and processing data. They will not easily entrust Youki to do things before knowing his level.

Yuki stared at the man not far away who was called the "deputy leader".

This man's name was Zhao Zhengzhen. He had always been taciturn before. When they met, he introduced himself by sending text messages. Youki once thought that this guy did not have a sound module installed.

At this moment, this silent man was holding a small black bucket and kept muttering something. His eyes were staring straight ahead, as if he was expecting something to appear.

Such a boatload of incomprehensible people, with this inexplicable attitude, sailed towards the sea area they called the "forbidden zone".

——But if I think about it carefully, this restricted area seems to be the section I walked through...

Yuki couldn't help but think.

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