Cyber Heroes

Chapter 953 People running away with buckets

The origins of these mysterious people they met at the bottom of the sea are a mystery, and their behavior is informal but full of weirdness.

Yuki is still observing everyone here with extreme caution.

At this moment, no one paid any attention to Yuki.

Youki even suspected that if he rose up and launched an attack, he would have a 50% chance of killing this group of people to a rout.

However, this group of people put on a "extremely vigilant" posture.

——Are these guys too arrogant?

——Speaking of which, what are they warning about?

Yuki was tempted to ask. But seeing the serious attitude of those people, he was embarrassed to speak.

Several hours passed like this.

The first person to break the silence was Yin Zhewei. The leader took out a small red bucket from under his seat, then opened the lid, stirred it with two fingers, picked up a storage device, and inserted it into the data interface on the side of his thigh.

Then, he breathed a little sigh of relief.

"Brothers, it doesn't look dangerous here. Let's take a rest first."

As she spoke, she threw out a few more storage devices.

Only Zhao Zhengzhen threw the storage device back and still stared outside.

A woman named Songsong Guatape shouted: "Don't be crazy! There is nothing outside now!"

The man waved his hand, still holding the keg, looking outside, still muttering incessantly.

"Hey, what a miserable person..." Yin Zhewei sighed, and then threw a storage device to Youki: "Come on, little brother, you can get one too."

Yuki scratched his head: "What is this?"

"A collection of happy Paralympic games is a kind of junk information." Yin Zhewei said: "It's very harmless. It is said that some martial arts practitioners think this is good for the progress of martial arts."

Youki thought for a moment and inserted it into the interface on his wrist, but he immediately popped it out, just keeping the appearance of being "plugged into the interface". Youki hesitated and said: "Is there anything wrong with this sea area?"

Yin Zhewei sighed slightly: "Everyone of us here has had important things swallowed up by this sea..."

The deep affection and sadness in the tone make people unable to help but imagine a hundred thousand words of love and hatred.

Songsong Guatape also nodded and said: "This place is our sad place."

As she said that, she also took out a small plastic bucket from under the console, took out a small gadget, put it in the palm of her hand, and kept rubbing it.

Yuki could see clearly that it was a transparent thing with a little green inside.

And Yuki noticed another element.

——Bucket again?

There was a small plastic bucket under Yin Zhewei's seat, so Zhao Zhengzhen simply held a bucket. And Songsong Guatape also has a bucket in his hand...

"What is this bucket used for?" Yuki asked in confusion: "A special storage container that looks very plastic?"

"Ah, it's a common polymer material." Yin Zhewei said: "Speaking of this, you may not understand much, right? In Wuzu's youth, if he ran for his life, he would usually carry supplies in this form. This is... Wenhua!"

When he said the word "culture", Yin Zhewei trembled. And Songsong Guatape shouted out directly: "Oh! You said it! You said this word!"

Others also shouted: "Culture!" "Awesome!" "That's it!" "Help, this forbidden pleasure..."

Yin Zhewei also twisted into a ball on the chair: "Oh my, my, this taste, this taste! I can't even imagine that I will have a day to say such things..."

And Yuki fell into a sluggish state.


He silently retrieved his memory about the contents of the "bucket".

To be honest, he had never seen Xiangshan carrying supplies in such a container.


The group of people were minding their own business. Half of them disappeared. After becoming alert again, Yuki completed the search.

Yuki glanced at Zhewei and asked cautiously: "'Running away with a bucket'?"

It seems that Master used specific characters to form this word. [Refers to simply using Chinese characters. The language used in this era is closer to a super Creole]

Yin Zhewei was surprised: "Oh! You actually know such a word! It seems that you must be a famous and upright sect in the world, right? Which sect are you from? What kind of hero is your master? I heard that the Red Stone Sect in the Far North has recently been He is very popular and has a deep relationship with the Twelfth Martial God..."

"Well, my master is a lone ranger in the world, nameless and nameless." Yuki waved his hands in a hurry and denied it.

While following Xiang Shan, the disciple who called himself Xiang Shan said something else. Now my master doesn't even know where in the world the evil person is. He claims to be a disciple of the God of Martial Arts. He is looking for death.

Moreover, he was really a little scared now.

"Run away with a bucket"... "Run away with a bucket"...

This word is often used to describe "escaping from the control of an evil organization." In the past, there were many evil organizations that stole the name of light, but in fact committed excessive internal infringements. The act of getting rid of this kind of organizational control is called "running away with a bucket" - maybe this involves ancient advanced rhetorical techniques such as metaphors and analogies, and Yuki doesn't understand it very well, but it should be just a symbol …

——What did these guys come from before?

——The evil organization demands excessive amounts from them, or it can be said that "sustainable fishing is all done"...

——Their prosthetics are obviously not soldiers...


Yuki looked at the group carefully, weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

Then, he put one hand behind his back and asked, "Were you... from the government before?"

"Oh! You can actually deduce our origins from this culture! It seems you really understand!" Yin Zhewei laughed.

Yuki tensed up: "You were a research knight before?"

"Ah, yes, yes, you have good eyesight!" Yin Zhewei said.

Songsong Guatape on the side said: "It's still the Galapagos Temple, directly under the command of Knight Commander Hong C!"

Seeing that the imagined plot of "you know too much" did not happen, Yuki relaxed his tense body and sat back as if nothing had happened: "A powerful knights directly under the knight captain? That should be a good future, right?" ? Why...why did you run out and wander around in the world?"

At this moment, the momentum in Yin Zhewei's body weakened. She hugged her head: "Ah! That old bastard! What do you want me to do? What else can we do? Damn it! Damn it!"

Even Zhao Zhengzhen turned around and yelled loudly: "Fart! Where is the good of the Grand Knights? It's not good at all! Only those...only those who are relevant! Those who can move! Those who have resources! That's good! Wow! Wuwuwu..."

At this point, everyone became angry with the same enemy.

Because I stayed up too late in the past two days and my biological clock was messed up, I had an acute attack of pharyngitis and was hospitalized. I just updated it now.

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