Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 110 Overtime Pay? Weekend?

Arthur was just about to pick up the beer and take a sip. Looking at the high-spirited young people in the distance who were planning to urinate ten feet away despite the wind and compete to see who could pee farther, he suddenly remembered something.

Arthur held the wine bottle next to his mouth, looked at V on the side and said: "Listen to my advice, if you meet a man who claims to be a black-skinned, fat Jesus with a 300-pound golden arm."

"Don't say any nonsense, just shoot him in the head and let him go to hell to meet his grandmother."

Jack and V were confused, what are they talking about?

Even though Night City is full of martial virtue, you wouldn't just draw a gun and open fire when you encounter a black man, right?

The bald eagle is no longer the bald eagle it was seventy years ago - okay?

What kind of racial discrimination is there in this day and age?

Time passed slowly like this, and another week passed in the blink of an eye.

Harry had been a member of the Charter Hill Factory.

But that is in the past, now he is an employee of Umbrella!


Harry was holding the breakfast he had just bought from the stall downstairs and was about to return to his small apartment to share it with his wife.

While taking the elevator upstairs, I heard a familiar voice.

Harry turned around and saw that it was his neighbor. He seemed to have been fired from his original company recently and now seemed to be looking for a job.

"Morning, Joseph!"

"Good morning, haven't you found a job yet?"

Joseph was a little confused. If he remembered correctly, Harry seemed to have gone to work in a factory with a boss.

At the very least, this news was told by the other party's wife to his own wife, so there should be nothing wrong with it.

The time now happens to be nine o'clock on Saturday morning. Shouldn't the other party go to work at this time?

Why are you so leisurely buying breakfast outside and returning home?

Harry smiled and said, "I have work. Isn't today Saturday? So I'm resting now."

Joseph nodded when he heard this. He understood that the other party should be the kind of paid leave. This kind of paid leave method is very common in factories.

"So you're going to work tomorrow...?"

"No, weekends. Do you understand weekends? It means you don't have to work every Saturday and every Sunday. They are rest time!"

Harry said this with a happy expression on his face.

How pitiful it was that he had lived and worked in Night City for so long, and this was the first time he heard of people having two weekends off at work.

In the past, I worked sixteen hours a day in a factory, and I didn’t even know if I could get a day off in a month.

Joseph's eyes suddenly widened, double break?

What is weekend break?

Taking two days off together is called a double break?

Is there such a good factory in this world?

"Then your salary......"

"Oh, it's not bad. It's only five percent higher than what's on the market. But we still have overtime pay. We work hours every day, four of which are for overtime."

After saying this, Harry pinched his eyebrows with a headache. His current situation was one of pain and happiness.

I'm happy because they actually get overtime pay!

You must know that he has only seen these three words in some very old magazines.

They are unhappy because they seem to be working too hard. According to their boss, Mr. Arthur, they produce too many things and it takes time to sell them.

So in order to avoid more inventory and more backlogs, Harry has been working for eight hours a day and getting off work recently.

This made Harry helpless, and made him anxious to death. He wished he could directly help Arthur manage the factory and squeeze himself hard.

After all, only by squeezing workers can a factory make a profit. Only when the factory is profitable can it continue, and he can always have a job.

It's a pity that Arthur looked at him very strangely when he made this request.

Joseph next to him opened his eyes wide when he heard this, and his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

She works twelve hours a day, four of which are overtime, and her salary is five percent higher than the market rate.

Doesn't this add up to...

Is there a factory like this in the world?

Joseph immediately looked at Harry and said, "What, Harry, how is our relationship?"

Harry looked at Joseph with some confusion and said: "Although we are neighbors, we are also good friends. We have been friends for more than ten years. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

When Joseph heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and then asked tentatively: "Is your factory still hiring?"

Harry scratched his head when he heard this. This was not the first time he had been asked this question.

In fact, within this week, he and his bull were basically asked three to four times a day.

‥Ask for flowers…0

Basically, they ask them whether the factory is still hiring, whether the umbrella company is still short of manpower, etc.

"I'm sorry Joseph, the factory really has no idea of ​​recruiting people recently, and the place where we work is in Taipingzhou. That place is too dangerous. Why don't you think about it again?"

Joseph was a little scared when he heard that the factory was in Taipingzhou, but after carefully looking at Harry up and down, he felt relieved again.

I am not afraid of my neighbors, and I have been working there for a week and everything is fine.

It’s definitely okay to go by yourself!

Joseph immediately felt for himself and took out a pack of cigarettes, then smoked one from it and handed it to Harry.

"Brother Harry, you smoke. You also know that there are three children in my family. They really can't find a good job recently. If you go to work in the next two days, why don't you help me ask?"

"I can lower my salary a little, it doesn't have to be 5% higher than the market price, it just needs to be the same as the market price!"

Harry immediately looked at Joseph with a very strange look.

He picked up the cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, remembering what his boss, Mr. Arthur, once told him.

After silently lighting the cigarette in his mouth, Harry looked at Joseph and repeated, "Where are you rolling your horse?"

"I finally found a job that works 12 hours a day, and the salary is five percent higher than the market.

"You will lose 5% when you come up! How can I safely recruit you into the umbrella company if you look like this?"

"My boss, Mr. Arthur, once said that what he dislikes most are people like you who have no bottom line and no principles!"

Joseph was stunned when he heard this: "Ah!?"

Isn’t it normal to take a salary cut when looking for a job?

When did such a big boss appear in Night City?

Harry silently exhaled the smoke from his lungs and suddenly felt extremely refreshed.

"Go back and wait for the news. When I go to work next week, I will ask Mr. Arthur if he wants to recruit workers!"

Joseph immediately nodded and bowed after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, please do ask for me! As long as there is news, I will definitely treat you to a bar for a drink!"

Harry waved his hand and looked arrogant, took the breakfast he bought in his hand, and returned to his home. .

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