Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 111 These Workers Are Poisonous!

And among the umbrella companies in Taipingzhou...

Well, this is actually a dilapidated factory building, with the Umbrella Company's sign hanging outside the door.

Although it is said to be a company, it is actually a small workshop.

There are also a lot of garbage bags filled with garbage piled up next to the door. If the workers hadn't recently cleaned up some of them because they couldn't stand it, the door of the factory would still be a garbage dump now.

Arthur sat in his office scratching his head.

In fact, everything has been going very smoothly recently, as smooth as when Arasaka Yorinobu strangled Arasaka Saburo to death, that's one thing!

As soon as this batch of goods was put on the market, the sales speed was unimaginable, especially in the Little Chinatown in Watson District.


"Why do we still have so many goods in our warehouse! I almost have no money to buy raw materials!"

Arthur fiercely threw the document in his hand onto the "273" table, picked up the beer next to him and took a big sip of it.

Gloria, who was dressed in professional attire next to her, rolled her eyes angrily, walked up behind Arthur and squeezed Arthur's shoulders.

It's just that Arthur, this bastard, is covered in prosthetics and can't even squeeze.

There was no way to close the distance, so Gloria was so angry that she slapped Arthur hard on the head.

"Just sell it slowly if you have as much inventory as you can, it will be sold anyway!"

Arthur shook his head after hearing Gloria's words.

Things didn't work out this way. Se had already made all the plans before doing this business.

How much money it can probably make, how long it can be sold, and how much it can be done have all been calculated.

The main focus is a low inventory model.

To put it simply, the boat needs to be made smaller so that it can be easily turned around.

But now that there is so much inventory, it is like making the ship so big that it will not be easy to turn around.

When the time comes, it will be difficult to turn if you smell the wind.

Because you still need to spend time selling the inventory in your warehouse, otherwise, will you keep those things in the warehouse to feed cockroaches?

"Kuso! What's going on? According to my calculations, we shouldn't have so much inventory!"

Arthur tapped the table irritably, without telling his wife why he didn't want so much inventory.

The other party only needs to help you pay attention to the company. For things that are worrying, it is better not to talk to the other party.

Gloria thought for a moment and then said: "It should be because the workers work too hard!"

"They seem to be afraid that you will lose money!"

"Because they used to work for 16 hours but now they only need to work for 12 hours, so they are very agile and use 12 hours to create 16 hours of production value!"

Arthur: ...blanch, are these workers having water in their heads? They are rolling up wool! I should really throw them out and feed them to the scavengers!!!"

But after Arthur thought about it carefully, it didn't seem right.

"No, didn't I change their working hours some time ago?"

"I remember it was five days a week. Three of the five days were twelve hours, and the other two were eight hours, right?"

"Why is the output still so high? Have they injected chicken blood?"

That's not right either. Didn't he kill that big black guy from the Voodoo Gang? Now, where can you get a chicken in Taipingzhou?

Obviously these workers are poisonous!

Gloria smiled and sat next to Arthur.

"Of course it's because of the workers' efforts. They use twelve hours to create sixteen hours of output value, and then use eight hours to create twelve hours of output value!"


Arthur scratched his head when he heard this. When did these workers in Night City become so proactive?

Aren’t all the wage earners in Night City the ones with bad tempers who are always ready to take a gun and shoot their bosses?

This is a job where you don’t get paid and you’re doing shit. It’s ridiculous to work so actively every day!

No, if we keep doing this, the inventory will probably explode!

I have to talk to the people at Kangtao in the next two days, because this thing will stop production soon.

There are so many in the warehouse, how will they be sold?

"Zhuo, wait until Saturday and Sunday to go over and tell these stinky part-time workers not to work so fast! These damn tycoons, tell them that if they continue to jinx them, I will fire them all!

Arthur told Gloria about his decision, then picked up the key and went out, taking David with him.

He is going to Kangtao today to talk about the patent buyout.

At this rate, in less than a week, Night City will reach saturation in three days.

I have to say that the hands of these prosthetic workers are as fast as tentacle monsters with eight arms...

I have to say that the mature workers in the cyberpunk world are truly mature, because they have experienced a lot of prosthetic transformations.

They are real workers!

Because even the body has been alienated.

After a while, Arthur drove to Enterprise Square in the city center. It was still the same as before, not much different.

The human-looking corporate dogs hold coffee in their hands and are replenishing themselves with the caffeine they need for the day.

Many of the company dogs looked as pale as paper. They seemed to have spent a lot of energy on Twist Street yesterday.

The big goldfish in the sky is still swimming as usual, and it looks extremely prosperous, worthy of being a city of bald eagles.

But this is actually the worst city for bald eagles. Arthur just saw several homeless people at a glance.

Arthur looked up at the Contao Building, which occupied an entire building in Enterprise Plaza like the Arasaka Building, and nodded.

Only a big company like this can fight with the Neon Man.

Arthur directly dialed the contact number he had prepared.

In fact, in Night City, if you want to find a corporate dog to cooperate with, it is a very simple matter.

Generally there are two methods.

The first method is to find your middleman to buy. Your middleman's power is beyond your imagination.

As long as you pay the minimum price, your middleman can even bring you the number of the mayor of Night City.

The second method 5.5 is to contact the other party yourself. In fact, in this cyberpunk world, every company has an external liaison department.

It may or may not be that name.

Because there are always some weird people who get some weird things in some weird places.

For example, when some people were eating in the toilet, they suddenly saw a box with a company logo in the toilet pit. They picked it up and opened it and found that it was the latest model of product that the company was developing that had not yet been launched, or it was in a laboratory. very important information.

It sounds ridiculous, but this kind of thing happens all the time in Night City.

Because the person in charge of carrying these important information has most likely been killed and thrown into a pit.

But the person responsible for killing the person in charge didn't know that the person in charge had brought an extremely important piece of information. .

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