Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 132 Your Mental Illness Must Not Be Cured!

For the mercenaries around, just pretend you didn't see them smoking and continue to smoke, those who drank continued to drink, and those who were waiting for someone continued to wait for someone.

Even Emerick had no objection at all.

Although fighting is prohibited in the Afterlife Bar, it is inside the Afterlife Bar and does not matter outside the Afterlife Bar.

Emerick's eyes lit up, and he obviously dialed someone's phone number, and then said: "Ask someone to come over and clean up the door of the bar. When will the garbage in Wild City be able to die? Really? It’s really blanched.”

Turning to look at Arthur, the light in his eyes had dissipated and said: "Okay, the strength has been strengthened again, and which experimental prosthetic body was picked out from which corner?"

As for the dead dog-like body on the ground, Emerick didn't even look at it.

But on the contrary, he was more interested in the strength Arthur showed just now.

According to normal circumstances, the longer a creature like a mercenary lives in this world and performs more tasks, the weaker it becomes.

How should I put it, it is equivalent to a triangle. 11

When you first become a mercenary, your strength increases very quickly because you will enter a positive cycle, just like David in the original work.

Do tasks, buy prosthetics, become stronger, then do bigger tasks, use more money to buy stronger prosthetics to become stronger, and then continue the cycle.

But this cannot continue forever. Generally, after reaching the peak, the strength begins to decline slowly.

There are many reasons, usually due to rejection caused by a large number of body modifications.

Your body won't listen to you, and your strength won't be that good.

As Adam Hammer said in the original novel, you simply cannot bear your own weight.

Another reason is that although science in this world has fallen into a state of stagnation, no matter what, the speed of upgrading is still very fast.

Arthur has not returned to the Night City for more than ten or twenty years, but his strength can still rise. This is simply incredible.

And Emerick has not seen any traces of the new prosthetic transformation on Arthur's body.

"Look at what you said. It's not like you didn't know about Adam's Hammer some time ago. Adam's Hammer was chasing me like a mad dog. If the people from Kangtao Technology hadn't wanted to use me, maybe I would be here now. Already drinking the northwest wind on the bad soil."

Emerick's eyes widened for a moment, and then he looked Arthur up and down and said in disbelief: "Is your psychosis not cured yet? It's like winning a lottery. The cyberpsychosis is cured. You Put those messy things on yourself again! Blanch! If it weren’t for the fact that there are no coffins for sale in Night City now, otherwise I would have to order one for you.”

Emerick felt that Arthur was a lunatic and should be locked up in the Night City Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, where he could be studied carefully by those in white coats to see how many zones he had entered in his brain.

It's a miracle that this guy can stand in front of him rationally and talk to him.

Emerick quietly moved to the side, a little further away from Arthur.

Although the other person seems to be quite sane, but which one of those cyber psychopaths didn't look extremely sane before going crazy?

It is better to make plans in advance.

Arthur saw Emerick's movements and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He immediately took off his leather belt, revealing the metal centipede-like mechanical device behind him.

The two red eyes of the metal centipede flashed from time to time, as if they were really alive.

"Hot! Is that Adam Hammer's taste so strong now? Or is it that the tastes of the researchers in the laboratory have become that strong?"

"Put a centipede this big on your back!"

Even though Emerick had a plain temperament, he couldn't help but complain after seeing this thing.

Arthur almost staggered and sat on the ground when he heard this.

After finally regaining his composure, Arthur rolled his eyes, then put on his fur coat and said, "You know what the hell, this is an adapter that speeds up Adam's hammer nerve and plugs it into my body! "

"This is the latest technology I've researched, and it's something you can't find even in big companies.

When Emerick heard Arthur say that he had researched this thing himself, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

We all used to be brothers fighting for food in the same pig trough.

Who doesn’t know who?

You, Arthur, may not even be able to recognize the twenty-six English letters, and you are also developing new equipment. It's simply off the mark.

Emerick thought about the green light flashing in the eyes of the metal centipede just now, and suddenly thought that Arthur, the madman, had put a small mushroom into his body, right?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and Emerick couldn't help but move aside.

He was thinking about whether he should ask for leave from Rogge today and leave this place of right and wrong.

Lest the little mushroom inside this lunatic's body suddenly explodes, and he won't be able to escape even if he wants to.

Arthur looked at Emerick's vigilant eyes and became more and more angry. He wished he could just go up and give him a big mouth. 517

However, considering the friendship between myself and the other party, I could only endure it and rolled my eyes. Then I ignored this stupid guy and went straight into the Afterlife Bar.

As soon as I entered the bar, there was noise after noise.

Although there is no air conditioning here, you will always feel an inexplicable coldness as soon as you enter this ghost place.

Arthur strongly suspected that that guy Roger must have visited the Afterlife Bar in this damn place just to save money on the electricity bill.

Look at how cold the air is for no reason. No one would believe it if there was no dirt.

Arthur looked at Thor next to him and the survivor who was looking around and said: "You guys hang out here, drink some wine or something, I'm going to talk to the Queen of the Afterlife, I don't know what kind of bullshit trouble you have for me. .”

After saying that, Arthur ignored the two of them and said hello to Claire, directly took a bottle of vodka and headed towards a private room.

Just when I arrived at the door of the small box, I saw a woman wearing a yellow vest with her legs crossed and her eyes shining brightly. You could tell that she was either on the phone or reading data.

Arthur didn't care. The bodyguard blocking him at the door knocked his shoulder away, sat down opposite Rogge, then unscrewed the bottle of vodka and took a sip of it for himself. .

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