Arthur almost spit it out at him.

This doesn’t taste right!

Arthur picked up the vodka bottle and looked at it. Oh boy, the Whole Foods factory almost made Arthur vomit out everything he ate yesterday.

He threw the bottle of vodka aside with some disgust, picked up the bottle of whiskey on the table and took a sip.

"Zhuo, this bottle of wine will be recorded on you, and when will you pay back the money you owe the bar? If you don't pay back, I will break your legs and throw you out of the bar!

Roger had just finished reading the data chip and was about to say something when he saw Arthur. He was startled. He looked at the whiskey in Arthur's hand and couldn't help but curse.

Rogge seems to be only in his 30s, and he is only 40 years old.

But in fact, this is an old aunt.

I have to say that prosthetic technology saved Lao Sepi, because in this world, as long as you have money, you can have whatever you want.

It's not impossible to give yourself the eyes of a fly if you need to.

Some people like to install strange things on themselves. For example, one person installed a grenade on his nose.

The other party probably wants to take the other party with him after he dies, so a big bang is actually quite good.

In a way, maybe it's a tribute to Johnny Silverhand.

It's a pity that his tribute was in the wrong direction. Arthur felt that if he really wanted to pay tribute to Johnny Silverhand, he should go to the entrance of the Wasteland Building and pull a stick.

"Money? What money? I don't remember, I still owe money to the Afterlife Bar."

Arthur's main character is a person who refuses to admit his guilt. After all, it happened more than ten or twenty years ago. Is it possible that the other party can still propose marriage?

What's more, even more than ten or twenty years ago, it was the 1960s, oh, no, it was around 2060.

It’s 2060, who still uses paper to write IOUs?

No, it’s already 2060, who will lend money to others?

Maybe you lent money to your friend today, and your friend died in a smelly ditch the next day, and then the money was wasted.

If Roger could come up with the IOU, Arthur would eat the bottle of whiskey on the spot.

Just when Arthur was feeling triumphant, Rogge's eyes lit up the next moment, and then a video was sent to Arthur's mailbox.

Arthur watched the video content, then remained silent, stuffed the glass bottle into his mouth and chewed it.

Then his eyes lit up and he returned the money from Laisheng Bar.

After receiving the money, Roger looked at Arthur eating the wine bottle with some surprise.

"What are you doing? It's a quirk you developed after being out for so long. "?"

Rogge just felt a little surprised, but not surprised. After all, the people in Night City are all crazy, and they have some problems of their own.

Night City is tolerant, so tolerant that it is full of deformed monsters.

Just like those who watch Mewtwo, especially those who watch Black Mewtwo.

Who on earth would want to experience what it feels like to be tortured to death by someone else?

So Arthur's habit of eating wine bottles is actually understandable.

Arthur nodded, then chewed the glass particles in his mouth and said, "It's okay, I just like it!"

If Arthur hadn't modified his teeth and mouth and adjusted his digestive system before, he might have gone to see God by now.

Roger rolled his eyes, and Claire brought another bottle of whiskey and placed it in front of Roger.

Rogge poured himself a glass, took a sip and then said: "The umbrella company in Taipingzhou is your handiwork recently, right? Zhuo, what can I do wrong, but be a company dog."

Arthur rolled his eyes, gnawed on the wine bottle, and drank the wine in the bottle and said, "Please call me capitalist, thank you."

Rogge was placed on the table and then crossed his legs, took a data chip from behind his head, placed it on the table and pushed it in front of Arthur.

"Some time ago, a mission failed, and now I have novices under my command."

"So there's a job for you here that you might be interested in."

Arthur picked up the chip and looked at it. Without thinking, he connected it to his data interface. Then one folder after another popped up in front of him, one photo after another, and a paragraph after another. A paragraph of text description.

The contents of this document record the recent actions of Absurdity.

From security levels to room reservations, from corporate cleanup to Night City intervention, it's all covered.

"Damn, Arasaka isn't your home, is it? It's so detailed! Why don't you tell me what color underwear Arasaka Saburo is wearing today?"

Rogge rolled his eyes and took a sip of wine, and then said lightly: "Nothing to wear!"

Arthur was a little surprised. He originally just wanted to complain.

But he didn't expect Rogge to tell him the answer directly.

However, Rogge's ability was so great that he was able to obtain information about the Arasaka headquarters in Neon.

But what's wrong with having this ability? Just get a pair of underwear. Who on earth would be so boring and interested in Saburo Arasaka's underwear?

" do you know?"

Arthur wanted to ask the other party where he got the news.

Maybe after getting the news, we can sell the news to the TV station.

People from News 54 will definitely be very interested. After all, the people behind News 54 are military technology.

Rogge picked up a cigarette, lit it for himself and took a puff: "He is a very traditional neon man, born during World War II, so you should understand what the neon man was like at that time, so It is reasonable to assume that it is normal for him not to wear underwear!"

Arthur: "...Okay, okay, tell me, why are you giving these things to me? Do you want me to assassinate Saburo?"

Rogge pinched her eyebrows with a headache. She felt that she shouldn't go to Arthur to carry out this task.

Because this guy's psychosis is not cured at all.

Two and a half of these three sentences are in response to myself.

She was already very old. If she got mad at the other person, she might have to go to the hospital tonight. The platinum membership of the trauma team that she had bought for so long might also come in handy.

"Okay, okay, next time there is such a big job, I will come to you first!"

"The content of this mission is actually very simple. I need you to sneak into Arasaka Tower like a cockroach, find out exactly what these dogs are doing recently, and then sneak out like a cockroach."

Arthur shook his head immediately after hearing this.

Sneaking into some ordinary factories would be fine, but infiltrating the Huangban Tower would be the most ridiculous thing in the world.

As strong as V Zhentian, they all swaggered in through the gate.

No dog can do this kind of task. .

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