It is well known that all homeless people are poor.

If you want money but have no money, you belong to the bottom among the bottom, and they only have a little more money than the homeless people in Night City.

Oh...if we really talk about value, this group of homeless people might not be as good as the homeless people in Night City.

Because many homeless people in Night City are actually veterans.

Although they don't have much money, the prosthetic bodies they have are very powerful.

A killing machine among killing machines might not be experimental equipment made in some laboratories.

So if we really want to talk about value, homeless people are really inferior to homeless people.

The reason why Arthur wants to recruit homeless people is actually not just because they are poor and have no way out.

In fact, Rangers are very counterintuitive and weird.

That is, their level of education is actually surprisingly high, even much higher than the average level in Night City.

The reason is that they follow the tradition of Bald Eagle country family education.

They will even have their own library, network operation station, and communication center!

They even have mobile cinemas and theaters.

Moreover, the knowledge they learn is mainly practical. Although they may not be able to write papers, they are the strongest when it comes to practical application.

The most exaggerated thing is that these wanderers occasionally delve into literature and even philosophy.

Not every wanderer is like Panan, who opens and closes his mouth to spit out fragrance.

But what Arthur wants to recruit are ordinary wanderers, and Luandao will not be among them.

The Rogue Society is actually an organization formed by people who were kicked out by homeless people. It is not much different from ordinary homeless people.

It's just that their behavior is even more unethical. For example, they may rob other people in the family.

Whoever has the bigger fist is the boss and will even shoot members of his own family.

The Ran Dao Hui is actually a night wandering ghost, but a night wandering ghost is not necessarily a sword or axe.

The Night Walkers are a gang. The members of the Random Sword Society didn't want to continue wandering, so they formed a gang outside the gate of Night City.

This gang is called the Night Walkers.

Their well-organized operations and efficient work have no bottom line, even more bottom line than some people in the Luan Dao Society... Well, but this is normal after all, they have nothing to lose.

The wanderers hate this group of people deeply.

It's not that the wanderers must kill all the abandoned babies they drove out.

The main thing is that this group of people from the Random Sword Society always ruin the reputation of wanderers like them.

The Night Walkers are notoriously unreliable. They often break agreements and detain the client's goods or personnel in exchange for ransom... Of course, it may also be just for fun.

Although the biotechnology company cleans up the area every year, after all, the farm belongs to them.

Although Night Walkers are not interested in bugs.

But the Night Walker is very interested in biotechnology employees.

But nocturnal ghosts are like cockroaches. You can't kill them no matter how hard you kill them. When you find one, it means they are everywhere in your room.

It had been a long time since the last biotech cleanup in the area, and Arthur felt the need to do it again.

Otherwise, it is a good thing that these people are always interested in their own companies.

"Hmm...a war with the Night Walker?"

"It's not impossible, but you also know that although they are well-organized, they are actually very loose."

"It's impossible to kill them all at once. How about inviting them out to talk?"

"Sometimes you can get more benefits by giving away a little benefit?"

Thor touched his chin and thought carefully for a moment. After that, he still felt that it was not very reliable, so he gave his own suggestion.

After Arthur heard this, his eyes widened and he did not dare to look at Thor confidently.

It was as if I heard some language that didn't belong to this world.

Panan, who was still chatting next to her, also heard it. She immediately stepped forward and said sarcastically: "I said he is no longer suitable to be the leader!"

Thor immediately quit, and he did it for Arthur's own good!

"What do you know? The gang of Night Walkers are endlessly killing people. New people are joining in every moment!"

"After you clean up one group, there will be a second group. And once they become enemies with them, these guys will rush forward as if they don't care about their lives."

"The losses will only be more severe by then!"

"It's better to say hello to them in advance and give them a little bit of oil and water to try, so as to avoid greater losses!"

Asking for flowers......

The more Arthur listened, the more pain he felt between his brows. He couldn't help pinching his brows and then said: "Saul, your perspective on things has changed. It's not even as good as Panan's! 1"

"To put it bluntly, those guys are just a bunch of hooligans. If you dare to take one step back, they will dare to take ten steps forward!"

"I know you wanderers have a library, but you don't know if you have a collection of books from the Dragon Kingdom. This book is called The Theory of Passing the Qin Dynasty!"

"Today we will cut five cities, and tomorrow we will cut ten cities, and then we will have a good night's sleep. We will look around the surrounding areas, and the Qin soldiers have arrived again."

Arthur said this sentence in Chinese. Although he speaks English in his current identity, as a time traveler, how could he not speak Chinese.


Whether you can understand or not is not a problem. Anyone who lives in this world will at least install a translation plug-in for themselves.

Who is still stupid enough to learn a language when they are 2076 years old?

Translation experts have long been overthrown by AI, the kind that can’t even get up!

"Today we give them a little money, and the day after tomorrow we will give them more. When we think everything is fine, they will come to our door again!"

"So, we can't spoil them like this. We will do whatever biotechnology does. Certain things must not be compromised!"

Arthur spoke in a very stern tone, while Panan nodded frantically. She had long wanted to reprimand her boss like this.

It's a pity that she, a wanderer, is the kind of uneducated and has no good way to express her opinions.

Arthur's words today are as refreshing as eating a piece of iced watermelon in the dog days of summer, and as refreshing as going to Genting to find a young lady.

Sol was stunned when he heard this. After a while, he came back to his senses and shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

Yes! When did he become the timid person he is now, a timid person who has to think everything through clearly?

If you really care about everything, if you really compromise on everything.

How can we continue to live in this world?

Not all interests can be exchanged, and not everyone follows the rules. The best way to survive in this world is to be on guard and don't let anyone extend their claws to you. .

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