Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 161 I Want To Talk To Them About World Peace!

"My fault! I reflect!"

Thinking of this, Thor immediately raised his hands as if surrendering.

"Since there is going to be a war, we Adeka are not afraid of night ghosts, but as I said before, these people can't be killed."

"If you don't want to compromise, then we can only carry out a beheading operation!"

"Kill their leader or take down their headquarters, but you may need to do this yourself, Arthur."

Thor set his sights on Arthur. He knew that Arthur was an extremely good mercenary, and beheading was what Arthur was best at.

As for their group of wanderers, they don't live for a living.

They don't mean to stay here and continue to be lazy, but they are responsible for clearing out some night-ghost forces that have settled nearby.

So this is just about letting the right people do the things that are suitable for the "530".

Although the overall strength of the Rangers is very strong, their individual strength is not as strong as that of mercenaries like Arthur.

Arthur touched his chin and said, "Then I'll go there myself and let them mess around for a while."

Arthur can actually go back to Night City and hire a mercenary to help him get it done.

But if you do that, you will have to pay.

Although Arthur has a lot of money now, there is really no need to spend it on such things.

Thinking of this, Arthur and Thor said hello and left immediately. While boarding the Sword in the Stone, he called Dakota.

"Arthur? Thank you so much for what happened to Ike last time!"

"Our neighbors are very grateful to you. I wonder when you are free to come over and be a guest or something."

After hearing what Dakota said, Arthur smiled and shook his head and said, "It's no big deal to collect money to do things."

"The main reason is that I want to reconcile with you and get some news about the bad land."

Dakota immediately showed a smile and took a puff of cigarette and said: "I am a know-it-all in Badland. If you have any questions, just come to me!"

"You've made a lot of noise in the Badlands recently, but I don't know if you still have people there? You know, "It's very difficult for wild dogs like us to find a job."

The Badlands is actually a very miserable place, even more miserable than Taipingzhou.

Because although Taipingzhou is not officially recognized by Night City, everyone in Night City will think that Taipingzhou is part of Night City.

But Badlands is different.

Not many Night City folk would consider the Badlands to be part of Night City.

Therefore, it is actually very difficult for residents in the bad land to find a job.

"There is no problem with this matter. My factory in the bad land still needs a lot of manpower. Well, it mainly needs twenty or thirty farm tool users!"

"It's best to be someone who has played with whips...well, be a bit more ferocious, not too gentle, I don't want someone who is too kind!"

"Well...that's about it!"

Dakota was confused as she listened to Arthur's description.

What is a farm tool user?

Is there anyone still farming these days?

Are you kidding me? In addition to being able to breed scum, this ghostly place called Night City can also breed liars.

Can we still grow crops?

And why do farm tool users need to be able to use whips?

Who still uses whips these days? If she hadn't been older, he wouldn't have been able to remember what a whip was.

But as long as you have a job, it doesn't matter what you do.

Anyway, Arthur has a good relationship with Adecado, he is extremely fair to the homeless people, and he is not a bad person himself.

So there shouldn't be any problem.

"Although I don't understand why you have so many strange requests, I still want to say thank you in advance!"

"You really should come over and get together with us. Although there's nothing delicious, it's good to have a simple meal. It's a little memory!"

"Besides, just treat it as a courtesy. I can give you the news you want for free. I wonder what you want to know?"

Arthur was immediately relieved when he heard this and couldn't help but smile.

This is called reciprocity, this is called favor.

You help me and I will help you. If it is purely based on interests, then in many cases no one is willing to suffer a loss.

But it's different if the burden is emotional.

"It has something to do with the previous incident. I plan to chat with the Night Walkers about dreams and ideals, and by the way, talk about world peace and love..."

Dakota was silent for a long time, wondering how long it had been since he heard the words dreams and ideals.

Isn't this the favorite word of the young mercenary who just left the society?

There is also world peace and love. If you are joking about the world nuclear Pingye City, it will be a part of it. As for love, it is even more out of the question.

Although Dakota didn't know what Arthur was going to do, she still handed over all the information she had to Arthur.

"Okay, but I don't think those guys like the Night Walkers are willing to talk to you about love and peace.

"It seems that the guys at the Night Walker Headquarters have a big business recently. They have been hiding in the cave for a long time."

"That's all I know, I'll send you their addresses later!"

"Oh, by the way, as a bonus aside from the intelligence, people from Military Technology are also looking for trouble with night ghosts recently, but they don't seem to be particularly anxious.

"But it's not like going through the motions. You'd better be careful."

After finishing speaking, Dakota chatted with Arthur for a while before hanging up the phone.

Arthur, on the other hand, looked at the address in the attachment and turned the steering wheel, heading towards the destination.

As for military technology looking for night ghosts, isn’t it normal?

Military technology troubles the wanderers of the badlands almost every day.

every day!

This is not an adjective, but a descriptive word! 5.6 Because basically all the supplies in Night City have to be transported in from outside, and in Arasaka's case, they usually go by sea.

Because there are no pirates in Night City, Arasaka's goods are rarely lost.

But military technology is different. As a local company, the things they send to Night City usually take the land road network.

Therefore, military technology items will be snatched away by homeless people every three days.

Sometimes it is something less important, such as weapons and ammunition, and sometimes it is something very important.

For example, some research materials or experimental prototypes.

If they hadn't known that these wanderers wouldn't be able to kill them all if the economy didn't get better, the military technology people would have wanted to use a few mushroom eggs to clean up the bad soil. .

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