Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 205 You Will Have A Guest Soon!

Arthur hid in the distance and looked at Adam who got out of the car and couldn't help but slap his mouth.

"This skinny guy with no flesh on his body has remained the same as before."

Adam Heavy Hammer does not have any flesh left on his body, so based on his current pure physical weight, he is indeed a thin man, and he is also a skinny beauty.

A very skinny one.

Arthur couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth slightly when he saw this.

He was able to get V's current vision from the virus he installed on V's body.

"Please move faster. Although it may be okay, it's better to be careful!"

While the four were chatting, T-Bug was among them, urging Jack and the others to quickly take out the data soul.

"Don't worry!"

Jack quickly came to the area shown in the intelligence. It was completely blank. Even fools knew that something would be left here.

V immediately scanned the scene with a scanner, followed the data connection to Arasaka Yorinobu's bedside, and turned on the switch.

The next moment, a small freezing device slowly rose.

This should not be something installed here originally. It should be a place specially arranged in advance by Arasaka Yorinobu when he comes.

After all, who would be a good person to install an icebox in his room?

The corners of Arthur's mouth immediately turned up when he saw this scene through V's vision.

"Johnny Silverhand, we'll meet soon!"

Then Arthur immediately connected to the chat room and said to the people in the chat room with a slightly teasing tone: "Wow, what an unexpected surprise!"

After hearing Arthur's words, Jack was a little surprised. While surprised, he quickly put the cold chip into the box that had been prepared.

Finally, he had time to ask: "What unexpected surprise? Is it too easy?"

"To be honest, I don't understand why the price for such a simple job is so high."

"But what the hell! Even if you kill me, I won't go back. Arthur, I finally climbed out!"

Jack seemed very excited and was talking non-stop.

V breathed a sigh of relief. This task was unexpectedly smoother than expected.

Originally, she was thinking about having an exciting street chase, but she didn't expect it to be as simple as being a thief in Kanbi Building.

You know, this is the most luxurious hotel in the whole night city!

V felt that his former colleagues should send all the security teams here to Taipingzhou.

Because they are so incompetent!

Arthur smiled and said: "There was an old man over a hundred years old who came all the way from Neon to meet his unfilial son.

"So you will have an overage guest soon. Let me see, there are still five..."

Jack's eyes widened when he heard this.

Neon's customer, who is more than a hundred years old, has come all the way to Night City. Even an idiot would know who he is.

Isn’t he talking about the emperor of Arasaka, Saburo Arasaka?

"There's still five minutes left? That's okay!"

V next to him is calmer, maybe because he has been with Arthur for a long time and has learned more from Arthur.

Of course, it may also be because V is a former member of the Arasaka counter-intelligence department. He is the kind of person who doesn't hit the wall and doesn't look back, even if he is about to die in the next second, he will be calmer in the last second.

"four three.....…."

"Blank! Five seconds?!"

Jack was shocked and immediately picked up the box, and then layers of lights lit up outside.

Two floating vehicles slowly approached the top of the building from the window.

One is responsible for escorting, and the other one looks more luxurious and should be Saburo Arasaka's car.

The light didn't feel warm at all.

Just like that, it pierced the darkness and illuminated the mouse hidden in the darkness.

It was as if the white light reflected from the tip of the knife instantly penetrated Jack's passionate heart.

Sure enough, big shots in Night City are not so easy to do!

Jack immediately took the box and wanted to run towards the elevator, but the next moment the T-bug's voice came directly over.

"Quick! Let's go!"

"Damn, it's too late, Arasaka Yorinobu is coming in, you should quickly find a place to hide!"

T-bug's tone seemed very anxious.

It's not that she is very familiar with V and Jack. To be precise, Bug is an exquisite egoist.

So the death of two mercenaries didn't matter to her.

But the point is not here. The point is if these two mercenaries are discovered by others as mice.

Then a certain iron dragon who was beaten by others and was half disabled will roast T-bug's brain until it is twelve mature, and will never let go until it becomes coke.

…please give me flowers…0

"If you can't run away, I have a place for you to choose. There is a small space behind the display screen, enough to hide the two of you, and there is no need to worry about being scanned with electronic equipment in front."

Arthur's voice sounded at the right time, because according to his time estimate, Arasaka Yorinobu should have almost reached the top floor.

In addition, the float car on the top floor of the Gandi Building has also stopped. It is estimated that in a few minutes, Master Ban will drag his old body down to teach the filial son a lesson.

This kind of life is recorded.

Otherwise, Arthur would feel that he was not qualified to stand in front of Arasaka Yorinobu and talk to him about things.


V and Jack moved very quickly, and in just a few seconds they had already hidden behind the display screen.

Tightly hidden, Bug also slightly disguised it to make the surrounding network environment look more normal.

At this moment, the surroundings became completely quiet, and no one even spoke in the chat room.

In fact, T-bug still has some luck. After all, the emperor's tour in this world is a very grand event.

How could he just come all the way from Neon to Night City for no reason?

"Arthur, the guest you just mentioned..."

"Oh, Saburo Arasaka, yes, his car has been parked on the roof and will be coming down soon.

Arthur touched his chin and then crossed his legs, looking at V's field of vision with his own eyes.

This feeling is similar to playing a game, but the perspective is more immersive and more realistic.

"How is it possible? The emperor of the world shouldn't..."

"You have to talk to Saburo's eldest son Arasaka Yorinobu about this matter. A certain filial son is trying to start things after the fourth company war again. After all, if a giant falls once, it will surely fall again. The second time, isn’t it? The thing you are holding in your hands is the bargaining chip for Arasaka Yorinobu’s plan.”

"Zhuo! Stop talking. I don't want to know at all about the fatherly and loving relationship between Huangcheng Yorinobu and Huangcheng Saburo."

For the first time, T-bug regretted why he got involved in such a thing, and even more regretted that he should not have such a strong curiosity. .

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