"Huh? You actually understand the concept of a loving father and a filial son. It seems that you have found a lot of things after surfing the Internet?"

Arthur hadn't heard anyone playing this kind of internet meme for a long time. After all, everyone was bored in this cyber world.

Every day I am either busy dying or busy finding a way to die.

Either study how to die vigorously, or study the feng shui of that smelly ditch.

Where do I have the time to study these bad internet memes?

This makes Arthur feel quite disappointed. After all, the Internet is still the same, but the people who surf the Internet have become different.

"Zhuo, where does the word surfing come from? You were born in the 1990s, right? You are the same age as Roger and the others!"

"Well, I'm a little younger than them. Please don't call me so old, here you go!"

After saying this, Arthur remained silent - zero.

He didn't want the two people on his side to be completely exposed before Saburo Arasaka was killed.

The next moment, the door of the room was opened instantly, and Arasaka Yorinobu rushed in hurriedly [Ten's anxious and somewhat lost and overwhelmed look did not look like the successor of the Arakawa Group at all.

The other person kept moving his hands, sometimes touching his face, and then his hair.

He looked nervous and a little scared at the same time.

Adam Heavy Hammer followed Arasaka Yoriken and entered the room in a leisurely manner, standing at the door like a door god.

He works in Arasaka's security department, and usually protects some important members of the Arasaka family.

Of course, no one in the Arasaka family really likes Adam Hammer.

They prefer the fighters they have trained, such as Oda or Takemura.

Dogs raised from childhood are more loyal.

A midway monk like Adam Hammer is not taken seriously, and only Arasaka Yorinobu prefers Adam Hammer.

"Are they coming?"

Arasaka Yorinobu suddenly asked towards the open space, and the system's artificial intelligence immediately replied: Just arrived at the tarmac!"

Arasaka Yorinobu was excited and sat in front of the chair.

I also took the drink in front of me aside and looked like I was thinking seriously.

It looked like a primary school student who had made a mistake and was waiting for a scolding from his parents.

Although Arasaka Yorinobu really wanted to kill his father, Saburo still had a strong suppression on such a big boy.

"No, no, this is impossible...

T-Bug also saw the scene from Jack's vision.

She saw an old but vigorous figure walking slowly down the stairs on the top floor.

I didn’t accept anyone’s support, just like more than ten years ago, more than twenty years ago, and more than forty years ago.

Time seemed to have no effect on the emperor.

It seems that the other party has stopped growing since sixty years ago.

Originally, the other party should find a suitable time to lie down in the coffin and have a big banquet.

Who knew that he would sit in that position until 2077?

Takemura, who was opening the way in front, began to scan around with his pair of advanced prosthetic eyes. He walked in front of Saburo Arasaka, a bodyguard who fulfilled his duties.

When Arthur saw Takemura's face through V's vision, he couldn't help but want to laugh a little bit.

As long as some time passes, this unlucky guy will be deprived of all issues and may even be hunted down by the Arasaka Group.

Who could have imagined how majestic he is today?

"Didn't you say you would no longer interfere in my affairs?"

Arasaka Yorinobu sat on the chair without even looking at Takemura, but placed his eyes on the tablet on the table.

It looks like I'm checking out the company's latest financials and it's hard not to laugh.

It looked like a student who was playing games at home. After hearing the sound of the engine outside, he turned off his computer and sat at his desk pretending to do homework.

Saburo Arasaka did not answer Yorinobu Arasaka's words, but just looked at the ceiling and said in Japanese: "Please let us talk alone!"

Takemura immediately turned around and said, "Mr. Arasaka, I haven't conducted a comprehensive scan yet..."

As a dedicated bodyguard, he has his own rules.

"This is my son......"

Takemura was stunned when he heard this. Yes, Arasaka Yorinobu is the son of Arasaka Saburo. How could this be disadvantageous to Arasaka Saburo?

"Then I'll go get what I need this time..."

Saburo Arasaka shook his head and said, "Leave it to me!"

This scene almost made Arthur laugh out loud.

Arthur estimates that in the entire Arasaka Group, only Saburo Arasaka can tolerate Takemura.

No vision at all.

Didn't you see that the father wanted to talk to his son about something that would not be on the table?

If Arthur were Saburo Arasaka, the first thing he would do would be to fire Takemura on the spot.

Not long after, both Adam Zhonghammer and Takemura left the room, leaving only the father and son in the room.

"Do you think you won't notice if I lose something?"

"That's wrong, because I don't care what you think at all. This is your problem. You always think that the world will revolve around you. You are arrogant!"

Now that it was over, Arasaka Yorinobu didn't hide it.

With grief and indignation that the plan failed, he sarcastically went back.

Anyway, talking about the relationship between father and son is too petty.

It would be better to vent out all the grievances I have suffered over the years and my thoughts.

Because Arasaka Yorinobu knew that his last action had made Master Arakawa very impatient with him.

This time the plan was discovered by the other party again.

Again and again, again and again, no one can bear it.

Even if he is the other person's son, the consequences of failure of the plan will at best be a little better than ordinary people.

The best outcome waiting for him next is nothing more than confinement.

"Lai Xuan..."

Arasaka Saburo wanted to say that he didn't give the other party a chance, but Arasaka Yorinobu didn't give any face.

"Now that you know everything, what else are you doing here? Are you going to humiliate me, or are you going to teach your son how to behave himself?"

"The gun shot 5.2 birds..."

Arasaka Yorinobu originally wanted to hear something else, but in the end Arasaka Saburo was the same old again.

This made Arasaka Yorinobu collapse immediately and stood up from the chair. He covered his head in disbelief and scratched his hair irritably.

"Don't you have any new vocabulary?!!!"

Jack's eyes became very complicated when he saw this scene. He originally thought that those big shots should be different from them.

But the scene now seems to be exactly the same.

He seemed to have seen this scene more than ten or twenty years ago, on the night when he beat his father away with a whip.

"It turns out that the emperor is also a human being..."

Arthur smiled after hearing Jack's words and said: "The emperor is a human being!"

"The data soul technology they are researching is actually a project led by Saburo Arasaka himself."

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