Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 207 Saburo Arasaka’S Method Of Death!

T-bug was a little in disbelief after hearing this.

What kind of project would the person in charge of the Arasaka Group personally lead?

That can only mean that this project is related to Arasaka’s future.

If there is a regret medicine in the world, T-bug wants to buy it directly, even if it means spending all his savings and even his pension money!

If he had known that this project was led by Saburo Arasaka, he would not have done it even if he put a knife to her neck.

Because if ordinary things are stolen, they are stolen.

The industrialists of Arasaka Company have a great cause, no more, no more, no less, not to mention that the world is so chaotic and companies will be stolen every moment.

Anything less is a normal loss.

But it's different now, because since this thing is led by Saburo Arasaka, it means it is extremely precious.

It's so precious that even the Arasaka Group can't bear it.

It won't be such a simple matter then.

In other words, this mission was a failure from the beginning.

Even if all of them succeed, they will be killed and burned one by one by the people of the Arasaka Group, and then they will be crushed to 11 pieces with a 7,200-rpm grinder, and then used as milk powder to feed the dogs. .

“What kind of big project can the Tu Emperor personally supervise?”

Jack became a little curious, because the scene outside was a bit boring to him.

The father and son were already quarreling.

Arthur didn't care at all: "About immortality, Saburo Arasaka wants to live forever!"

After hearing this, T-bug couldn't help but said: "This is so ridiculous..."

"Is it ridiculous? I don't think so at all. What do you think that thing in your hand is? A data soul! Since human memory can be stored as data in a chip, there must be a way to use the human head as a computer. Download the data."

Arthur paused for a moment and then continued: "But this technology is obviously more troublesome than imagined. Saburo Arasaka is stuck at this step. He has never been able to get data into people's brains. So his immortality The plan can only be said to be half successful."

Arasaka Saburo slowly approached Arasaka Yorinobu, and his aura became colder and colder.

It was as if he was no longer facing his own son, but a dog that had repeatedly torn apart the family and refused to change.

"I should have known that there would be such a day, and sooner or later your shamelessness would cross my bottom line!"

The more Saburo Arasaka spoke, the less sorrowful and sorrowful his tone became. Instead, it seemed more like he was describing this fact.

"I have always been tolerant of you, but betrayal cannot be tolerated!"

This sentence almost pronounced Arasaka Yorinobu's death sentence. When Saburo Arakiro looked at Arasaka Yorinobu's body, his body changed from cold to playful.

Eventually that touch of amusement turned into greed.

Although the project of importing the data soul into the human body has always failed.

But thanks to the homeless people in the entire neon capital, Saburo Arasaka has taken a big step forward thanks to their blessings and their contributions.

That is, when data is imported into a body that is not related to one's own blood, a very strong rejection reaction will occur.

Rejection under this level of surgery means death.

At the same time, the data can be imported into the body knowledge that has a close blood relationship with oneself, and the rejection reaction will be greatly reduced.

The success rate will also soar directly from a few percent to 10% or even more than 20%.

Just need to do a little more research.

This technology can be said to be perfect.

For a person like him, as long as the probability is higher than 40%, it is worth a gamble.

After all, he is a neon soldier who has survived from World War II to the present.

The kind of gambling that is deeply rooted in one's bones and cannot be changed.

Of course, his subsequent success also relies on v. After all, the devil v is a very reliable sample.

For the company's technology, as long as there is a successful example, replicating it is not a problem.

What's more, as long as he can achieve eternal life, Wang Lang of Huangcheng can invest the financial resources of the entire Huangcheng Group.

"I'm glad your mother didn't see this moment, because she would have been disappointed and heartbroken..."

Arthur couldn't help but touch his chin after seeing this scene.

He felt that Saburo Arasaka was too confident.

"This is already a way to die!"

After all, the two sides have completely fallen out with each other. Prince Arasaka even wanted to kill Yorinobu Arasaka.

Therefore, it is natural for Arasaka Yorinoto to resist at this time. It can only be said that Arasaka Yorinobu's dormancy for these years made Arasaka Saburo think that he had completely domesticated him into a dog.

But little did they know, this was a hidden wolf.

And he's still a white-eyed wolf.

"How to say?"

Jack was a little confused, what is the way to die?

"Of course it's the love and death between the filial son and his father!"

The next moment, under Jack's shocked gaze, Arasaka Yorinobu grabbed Saburo Arasaka's neck with both hands.

And pressed it hard on the display screen, the ferocity and anger on Arasaka Yorinobu's face were beyond words.

"Now you don't have to be tolerant anymore!"

As his hands slowly exerted force, Saburo Huangcheng only felt that his consciousness began to slowly float to the sky.

The old body cannot withstand this kind of torture.

But there was a hint of indifference in his eyes.

This is also part of his plan.

He actually didn't care much about whether the body was dead or not. Anyway, his 160 degree consciousness had already been backed up in the neon light.

So even if he dies, "he can still live in this world in a way similar to AI.

In the future, we just need to wait until the technology becomes more mature.

He can then use the name of God to return to the human world.

The reason why he wanted his son to execute him personally was probably due to several considerations.

On the one hand, it is to eliminate the factions within the Arasaka Group.

In the past, I was too old and had no choice but to consider candidates.

But now that they are immortal, there is no need for the faction within the Arasaka Group that only needs one voice to support others to continue to exist.

It would be a good idea to use this opportunity to let a stupid guy like himself help eliminate the forces within Arasaka.

On the other hand, he, Saburo Arasaka, did not want to die in the hands of others. The only one who could kill Arasaka was Arasaka.

On the other hand, he is giving Arasaka Yorinobu one last chance.

Doesn’t the other party want to resist?

Then try to see if you can break the chess game played by your subordinates.

If the other party can also make Neon continue to be great, then in fact he doesn't really want to continue living in this material world.

After all, he is over a hundred years old and has already finished enjoying the things he should enjoy.

Of course, this does not mean that Saburo Arasaka is a saint with no desires. He just has greater ideas, such as simply being a god in the virtual world. .

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