As Takemura followed Arthur, he picked up a magazine from the table and read it.

Arthur explained a little after seeing it.

"Although Chaomeng generally doesn't care whether the actors' faces are good-looking or not, good-looking girls can always bring more attraction."

"They publish recruitment information in magazines like this and trick them into coming here with the so-called dream of becoming a superstar.

"Well, how do you say it?"

"Are you the next Lizzy Chiwitz?"

Judy, on the other hand, took a fancy to the barrels next to her. After smelling the smell for a while, she said, "Propyl it rpm?"

Arthur shrugged and said: "Scavengers occasionally also serve as drug dealers."

"They are a very pure group. As long as they have money, they can do anything you ask them to do."

"Of course, they actually prefer kidney transplantation because kidneys are more expensive and don't require any after-sales service."

Soon the three of them arrived at the second underground floor.

This place is more terrifying than the lower level of "373". There are traces of blood everywhere, not the kind of fresh blood, but the kind of blood that has dried up for a long time.

There are mattresses placed randomly in many places.

Arthur didn't know which garbage dump these mattresses were picked from. There were all kinds of stains on the mattresses.

There may be blood, there may be some genetic fluid, there may also be some excrement and the like.

Except for the good smell of blood, the entire space smells terrible.

There are some steel frames next to the mattress, and there is a steel glove on the steel frame.

It's obvious this is a breeding farm. for breeding humans!


Judy who was next to her couldn't help but punched the side fiercely. She felt a little unbearable when she saw the surrounding environment.

In fact, Judy has an inexplicable sense of responsibility.

This sense of responsibility is very similar to that found in boys.

She just wants to protect the girls in her family, even if she doesn't know them.

"Don't the NCPD care?"

Zhucun looked at the surrounding environment and frowned, but couldn't help but say something.

In fact, these things have nothing to do with him.

But as a human being, he still felt psychologically uncomfortable with this kind of scene.

Arthur took a deep drag on the cigarette, feeling the nicotine floating in his blood, and then said: "No matter how old you are when you die, these kidney cutters will always come out from some strange corners.

"After all, if there is a market, there will be them."

After a while, the trio came to a slightly ambiguous space.

Pink lights, clean floors, and even a bed here, but unfortunately there was a lot of blood on the bed.

Arthur stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the bed: "There, but he is connected to the line now, and I need someone to help, so there is no way to disconnect her directly."

Takemura immediately stepped forward and put one hand on the line, while Judy came to the equipment and quickly operated it.

"One, two... right now!"

Judy pressed the terminate button and immediately sent the line down.

However, Evelyn still looks so weak, and Adam Hammer is really a great prophet!

What a prophecy!

Arthur couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and even wanted to ask Adam Hammer to give him a fortune.

Judy quickly came to Evelin's side and checked her injuries.

Zhucun gave up his position and stood aside looking at the woman.

"There's no need to check. The injuries outside are all minor and not fatal. Just leave them alone and you'll be fine."

"I can solve the memory problem on the behavioral chip. I'll just replace it with another one when the time comes."

"That's not the point..."

After Arthur finished speaking, he fell silent. If he could, he wouldn't be able to give Judy a face.

Although Evelin deceived V and Jack into performing a silly mission, this was not her original intention.

If you don't seize the opportunity when it comes, you will definitely be abandoned by it.

The other party is the lowest level group of people in Night City.

It's basically impossible to get her to ignore this trap.

"What do you mean?"

Judy looked at Arthur with some surprise.

Arthur took a deep breath of cigarette before saying: "She was injected with those things, you know, the feeling of not being exciting enough is not what those perverts want.

"So I guess the scavenger injected Evelyn with some large doses of something during the filming to increase the stimulation level."

"So, even if I fix his behavioral chip, she will definitely send herself to hell because of the loss of positive feedback..."

Before Arthur finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Judy.

"No, I don't believe it. I will save her in ten days!"

Arthur shrugged: "Okay, it's up to you, you can sue the hell on your behalf!"

After a while, the three of them came outside, and Arthur stood at the door of the factory, flicking the cigarette butt in his hand towards the inside of the factory.


The flames burned instantly, and the fire was so fierce that it almost engulfed the entire factory in a short time.

Since we are going to do something framed.

Then you have to do things thoroughly, and letting Evelin die here completely is the best choice.

As for what happens next?

After that, she is no longer Evelyn, and it doesn’t matter what she is called.

Of course Arthur could use the Phoenix Plan to cure the other party, but Arthur felt that he didn't have to do so.

Because Arthur is not familiar with the other party.

If Judy asked as Arthur's girlfriend, then Arthur might seriously consider it.

But since it's not, then why bother?

What's more, all Arthur needs is the contents of the other party's behavioral chip.

As long as you get those things, the rest doesn't matter.

A short time later, Judy's home.

Takemura is watching the news on TV and analyzing the current situation of Arasaka Group and military technology.

Arthur watched Judy cursing and working hard, because just now Arthur asked him to swipe Evelin's behavioral chip.

If Arthur hadn't fixed the other party's behavioral chip in exchange, Judy would never have done this.

After all, Arthur is not V, and he is not that familiar with Judy.

This operation to rescue Evelin cost money.

Yes, Arthur actually received a transfer, although it was so small that he couldn't even feed the cockroaches.

But since the money was collected, it meant that it was a transaction and not a so-called favor.

When Judy pressed the last key, it meant that all the data had been extracted.

Judy sorted it out a little, then came to Arthur with the Mewtwo disc and handed it to Arthur.

"What you want, to be honest, if it weren't for your sake, I really wouldn't slander her!"

"Well, then you will have to pay high medical bills. 4.4 Don't be like a child Judy, always give something.

After Arthur got the disc, he stood up and was about to leave. Just before he came to the door again, Judy said, "Thank you for your help this time!"

Arthur was stunned for a moment and then put the disc into his jacket pocket and looked back at Evelyn, who was lying in the room and shaking.

"This city is like a demon that always devours souls, but there is no way to save her soul. If she is willing to become a test subject, I can work hard for her."

As he spoke, Arthur took out a business card from his pocket and placed it gently on the bar.

"Let her think about it carefully and remember to contact me!"

After saying that, Arthur left the apartment directly. Takemura, who was following Arthur, bowed to Judy at the door before leaving with Arthur.

I have to say that this kind of habit is really powerful. Even if it has fallen from the cloud to the ground, it still cannot be changed.

Additional update (2/2).

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