Arthur actually had an idea when he was working on cloning organs.

That is to rely on the technology of cloning organs, coupled with the technology of this world, humans can actually replace all the parts of the body.

Except for one place, this place is questionable.

This place is the brain.

After all, the soul is too fantasy.

Human beings still believe more that their brain controls their behavior and carries their own consciousness.

So after replacing a brain, will that person still be me?

Of course, if you want to cure Evelyn Parker, there is actually only one way.

Get a new body and a new brain to repair the damage to your nerves.

This is also impossible.

This is essentially different from the Phoenix Project. To be precise, this is actually a supplement to the digital soul of the Deserted Grave Study.

It would actually be good to tidy up this thing a little and use it to deceive Saburo Arasaka.

After all, Arthur didn't believe that this old guy would put his soul under the Night City.

Arthur still felt uneasy unless he killed this old guy.

It is not groundless that the world calls Saburo Arasaka the emperor, because the 11th Arasaka Group ruled by Saburo Arasaka is actually no different from the feudal dynasty.

Although the following metaphor is a bit inappropriate, it is actually quite similar.

Saburo Arasaka's status in the Arasaka Group is equivalent to Qin Shihuang's status in the Qin Dynasty.

The world will not rebel until Qin Shihuang dies.

Similarly, even if Saburo Arasaka is a data soul, an unknown intelligent body composed of zeros and ones, he can still control the company he created.

So if I don't kill him, I won't be able to play anymore.

But if you want to get him out, you have to spend a lot of money.

The Phoenix Project is impossible to come up with, but a less mature brain replacement surgery can be tried.

Arthur directly called a Dramman and took Zhucun towards a location in Heywood.

"I didn't expect that company dogs like you would actually have human relations in the company?"

Zhucun, who was sitting next to him and looking at the scenery outside the window, said expressionlessly: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes... But it is not actually a human relationship. Although this sentence is unpleasant to hear, this is really not emphasized in the company. More advocating exchanges of interests.”

Arthur scratched his head, lit a cigarette for himself, and handed a cigarette to Takemura.

However, Takemura waved his hand to indicate that he would not smoke.

Arthur smiled, and then continued: "So how did you establish a relationship in this environment?"

Takemura looked at Arthur next to him and said, "Well, just take a photo of the evidence that they violated the company's rules.


Why do you call this kind of thing a favor?

Isn't this a proper threat to others?

How did you survive until today?

Shouldn't he be plotted by others the next day and thrown into a smelly ditch to feed those fish that don't even exist?

But the next moment, Arthur returned to normal, yes, this is the City of Night.

So that's fine.

Isn't it normal to threaten others with other things in Night City?

Arthur touched his chin and felt that the atmosphere in the car was eerily silent.

So he said: "To be honest, I don't think I should call you the company dog, or call the people of the Arasaka Group dogs. It is indeed a bit impolite."

Zhucun's eyes widened and he didn't expect that there would be people in Night City who were polite.

He thought that the word politeness had already been eliminated from Ye Zhicheng's dictionary.

Is this an admission of error?

This is definitely an admission of mistake, right?

"Actually, you don't need to apologize to me. I have already accepted this statement, but since you have said so, I will..."

Takemura was just about to say that he would forgive the other person.

After all, he can be considered a very generous person.

But it's a pity that Arthur broke his hand so that he didn't finish his words at all.

"After all, dogs don't have to work overtime, but company employees have to work every day, and their lives are much more tiring than dogs.

…Are you polite?”

After a short period of time, Delamain entered the Heywood area, and Arthur asked Delamain to stop directly in front of the Wild Wolf Bar.

The Wild Wolf Bar is a very iconic building in the neighborhood.

Just like Fatty Ding Square.

Even if the Wild Wolf Bar disappears completely in the future, the name of the Wild Wolf Bar will still be spread on this dirty street.

After getting out of the car, Takemura looked at the graffiti spray-painted on the wall and said with some confusion: "What kind of god is this worshiped?"

The reason why it is said to be a god is because there are many tributes placed under the sophisticated chemical graffiti.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the round and fat candles were placed below, illuminating a small area.

It looks quite warm-toned, completely incompatible with the black-and-white painted god above.

Next to the candles are placed some rum and tequila, or flowers, candies, and cigarettes.

A few people would take a look when they passed by, not knowing what kind of wishes they were silently reciting in their hearts.

Arthur glanced at the statue of the goddess and said: "Well... we are not afraid of death. What's so scary about death? The Holy Death is our good friend and close partner. We know how to deal with it. She talks and I know when there is no room for negotiation."

"Take out your semi-automatic pistol, play roulette, and celebrate your becoming a new disciple of the Goddess of Death."

Are you kidding me?

Are you serious about playing roulette 610 with a semi-automatic pistol?

Zhucun widened his eyes and realized that all the people in Night City were insane.

Good guy, the current religious path is so wild.

What is wrong with worshiping death?

In fact, people here in the Heywood area basically worship this goddess, and they have long abandoned the backward Jesus Christ.

Because Jesus and Christ cannot come down from heaven and spend their lives with them.

But the goddess of death can.

Living in Night City, Death is more clingy than your terrible girlfriend.

She follows her everywhere like a shadow and cannot be shaken off, just like a patch of psoriasis that cannot be cured at all.

She may appear in the bar or in the toilet.

But in short, when you see her, you will praise her holy name loudly.

"In what age are you still practicing traditional religions? I worship the Cyber ​​Buddha, and then I accumulate some cyber merits to see if I can become a Cyber ​​Arhat when I die."

"...I am very worried about your mental state. I really recommend that you make an appointment with a psychiatrist. If you really lack the money, I can go to the construction site to move bricks for your treatment!"

Zhucun had a mouthful of Lao Cao stuck in his throat, and he vomited it out after a while. He opened the door of the Wild Wolf Bar and walked in with a not-so-good look on his face. .

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