While Arthur was telling about Buttermouth, he was looking through the information that Thomas had researched on his behalf.

Judging from the data, there is nothing special about Bartmos' body, not much different from ordinary people.

Of course this is only in an anatomical sense.

To be precise, Buttermos's body is even much smaller than that of a normal man.

Maybe that's why his empathy is so weak?

Of course this is just a rumor, just Thomas’s guess!

Arthur threw the documents in his hand aside with some sarcasm. As expected, Thomas's research materials had no reference value as always.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, are you saying that an unprecedented war is about to break out in this world, and it will be a war between AI and humans?"

Johnny Silverhand felt like his mind was a little confused.

Some time ago, he was still thinking about how to save mankind.

As a result, Arthur now tells himself that the end of the world is over and humans no longer need saving.

Johnny Silverhand just wants to say 11 at this moment, are you fucking kidding me?

Arthur touched his chin and felt that there was not much difference between the other person's words and his own thoughts.

After all, we are all human beings, and there is an essential difference between them and cold machines... Well, in fact, there is not much difference between the people in Night City and the machines.

For example, Adam's Hammer has far more metal than meat.

It seems more appropriate to say that he is a robot.

"Just in time, your transformation has been completed. Why don't you go to cyberspace with me to meet your old sweetheart?"

"How about some time later?"

Johnny Silverhand actually felt a little scared for a moment.

It's not because his old sweetheart turned into a digital AI, but because he was actually a real scumbag back then.

After so many years, I still feel a little overwhelmed if I want to meet him.

Different from the original world, the original Johnny Silverhand stayed in V's head.

He had to save his own life, so it didn't matter whether Johnny Silverhand agreed or not.

Because Johnny Silverhand couldn't force him to give up his life just because he didn't want to see Ultra.

But the situation is different now. He, Johnny Silverhand, has complete autonomy. If Arthur dares to force him to do something he doesn't want to do, Johnny Silverhand even dares to shoot himself in the head.

That's the kind of person he is.

Sounds contradictory and more psychotic than Arthur.

But there was nothing normal about Johnny Silverhand.

Normal people would not think of using a mushroom egg to blow up Arasaka Tower.

In other words, there are no normal people in Night City.

"We'll see you in the morning and in the evening. I'll go over with you today and take a look. In two days, I'll go and talk to Arasaka Yorinobu about the feeling of killing. I'll be very busy later.

There is really no time to spare to save humanity. "

Arthur rolled his eyes at Johnny Silverhand, then took out a hacker suit from the closet next to him and threw it to him.

Arthur is a rich man now.

Just lay it in the refrigerator like a poor man and use it as a piece of frozen bacon.

If the water drips onto the brain-computer interface on your brain, your brain may become flooded with water.

It's not a big deal if your brain is flooded.

What if there is a short circuit?

Although Arthur already carries the Phoenix Project with him.

But Arthur doesn't want to change to a new body just yet unless he has to.

That thing is reserved for when you die.

Johnny Silver curled his lips and took the hacker suit [and immediately started to hold up his clothes and electrocute his big bird.

"Zhuo, I thought my opinion was so important. Next time you'd better speak to me in a commanding tone. This discussion tone makes me feel like I still have some say and don't feel like a slave.

The corner of Arthur's mouth twitched slightly, but he also began to lift his clothes at the scene.

They are all grown men anyway, so be honest with each other!

Who is younger is embarrassed!

At this moment, the door banged, and Thomas walked in from the door wearing a Hawaiian outfit.

In his hand was a hamburger he got from who knows where.

Probably the canteen that Arthur built inside the Umbrella Corporation.

As soon as he came in, he saw such an explosive scene that he almost dropped the burger in his hand on the ground.

He knows that there are many perverts in this city, and he also knows that his boss is mentally ill and there is no cure.

But I never thought that my boss was a psychopath and a pervert.

He felt like his eyes were going blind.

Two grown men were dragging their clothes in such a high-tech laboratory. What else could they be doing?

"Sorry, sorry, I may need to go out and wash my eyes. I didn't see anything today!"

After saying that, Thomas turned around and wanted to leave. Arthur's face was dark and he shouted: "Get out of here, you bastard! It's just a change of clothes. When will you change your fucking yellow thoughts?"

"I told you a long time ago not to watch so much Black Mewtwo. I think your brain has been burned out by Black Mewtwo!"

Thomas immediately turned his head and touched his nose, looking a little embarrassed.

He picked up the hamburger and took a bite to cover it up before speaking: "It turned out to be changing clothes. I thought...ahem, why did you ask me to come over here, boss?"

While Arthur was wearing a tight-fitting hacker suit, he pointed at the computer next to him.

"We'll do a little bit of manipulation later and connect us to our data fortress in cyberspace."

"I'm going to talk to a mentally ill person about his condition."

Arthur felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. After all, if Buttermos wasn't mentally ill, how could he be in trouble with humans?

Do you know what the spirit of all things is?

Thomas rolled his eyes and sat next to the computer, eating a burger and typing on the keyboard with his greasy hands.

"Can't you just let Jarvis do this kind of thing? What kind of patients need to meet in cyberspace?"

Arthur pulled his clothes a little and felt a little tight, but this was normal, after all, these were Lucy's clothes.

The fact that he can wear it already means that the fabric technology of this era is far superior to that of previous generations.

As for Arthur's?

Arthur's was worn on Johnny Silverhand. There was no way the hacker suit was quite durable.

Basically, if you buy one, you can use it until death. Most hackers will not survive the life of this piece of clothing.

So Arthur didn't have a spare at all.

Now that I think about it, I need to finish this matter quickly, otherwise I don’t know when the next time will be.

Anyway, it's better to make do with it than to just lie in the refrigerator and use it as bacon. .

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