Arthur and Johnny Silverhand were lying on the hacker chairs, with a line connected to their brains and connected to the equipment next to them.

Thomas said while typing the code: "I will help you approach the data fortress, and then Jarvis will guide you to the edge of the black wall."

"Be careful not to get caught by the hyena!"

The hyenas Thomas is talking about are actually Internet surveillance companies.

Before Bartmos, the online world was actually very chaotic, with all kinds of hackers mixed in, and all kinds of malicious malicious programs running around in it.

It's simply more outrageous than the cockroaches in Night City.

But this is not without its benefits, although it is easy for hackers to meet Cyber ​​Buddha or Cyber ​​Yama King in this environment.

But in the end that world is free.

You can do whatever you want, no one will care about you.

But after Buttemos it was different.

Today's Internet is like an airport security check. Every step you take, network surveillance will check your ID to see if there is anything strange hidden in your anus.

Of course, it only takes four hackers to come up with a fake ID and forge some fake permissions.

Therefore, network monitoring is not so simple. You can see what each hacker's anus is like.

..sneak into!"


Along with Thomas's last second countdown and the sound of typing on the keyboard, Arthur instantly felt a sense of weightlessness.

It feels like you have fallen into an extremely deep abyss in a dream.

It's a pity that this feeling can't make you immediately twitch your feet and wake up from the bed.

After a while, Arthur and Johnny arrived at Umbrella's data fortress.

Every company needs this kind of thing.

Because companies in Night City inevitably use a variety of modern equipment and must be connected to the Internet.

And the hackers in this world can do things beyond your imagination.

They can even control the vibration frequency of your cup.

Arthur found records about this in his garbage dump memories.

A hacker directly controlled the target's cup while performing a mission, and then blew up the cup.

In the end, the mission target lost too much blood and died at home. The mission was completed perfectly.

It's almost like picking up money.

Therefore, every company needs a data fortress to protect the security of its own company data.

Of course, this is not only to prevent hackers, but also to prevent network surveillance.

After all, no one wants their control to fall into the hands of others.

Arthur had just entered the online world when he saw a huge bald head in front of him.

It looks a bit like Dr. Manhattan in DC.

This person...well, the AI ​​is Jarvis.

In fact, AI has no entity. They are just a string of data, but in cyberspace they will have their own bodies.

Of course, this is a form of human brain-computer interface.

In fact, there is no body and no space. Everything is just a flow of data.

"Sir, how do you feel?"

Arthur scratched his head, but before he could speak, Johnny Silverhand next to him complained: "It feels like riding a roller coaster a hundred and eighty times in an amusement park for people with brain problems." Just like that, the dizzy water in my head is about to pour out."

What kind of wonderful metaphor is this?

Arthur looked at Johnny Silverhand and gave him a thumbs up.

"Well done, although there are a lot of swear words, but the metaphor is really apt!"

"Entering cyberspace for the first time will indeed have such side effects. The more times you use it, the more you will get used to it."

Jarvis stood aside and explained a little, still as personable as before.

Arthur waved his hand.

He wouldn't want to come to a place like this unless he had to.

Not to mention danger, I can't feel anything at all.

I feel like I am a ghost.

This out-of-body feeling is not very pleasant.

"Okay, okay, take us to the Black Wall!"

Jarvis nodded, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, accompanied by an imperceptible snapping sound.

Jarvis, Arthur, and Johnny Silverhand were moving forward at a terrifying speed.

Soon the surrounding scenery became blurry.

Although those things were data, Arthur felt as if he was about to get carsick.

As a person who is about to be transformed into a Cybertronian, he actually feels a little motion sick at this moment.

"Zhuo, if I didn't have a body now, I would definitely hold the toilet and throw up all night!"

Johnny Silverhand also felt bad.

Although he is famous in the world, his face is still not very good-looking.

Arthur nodded and said, "Well, it feels like sitting on a light speed train."

In fact, Arthur's metaphor was correct. They were indeed moving at the speed of light.

Because their data is being transmitted quickly through optical fibers one after another.

This is a process of separation and polymerization and then separation and polymerization again.

It's normal to feel uncomfortable. Only experienced hackers who have been completely numb will feel nothing abnormal.

Of course, you won’t feel uncomfortable if you have a brain problem.

After a short period of time, the three of them arrived outside the black wall.

Blackwall is actually an AI.

Its function is actually to distinguish harmful and harmless ones, those with permission and those without permission.

Isolate harmful and unauthorized ones and prohibit them from entering a certain area of ​​cyberspace.

It sounds very high-end, but in fact it is like the security guard at the factory gate, unable to protect anything.

However, his appearance in cyberspace is not a security guard in a baggy uniform, but a huge black wall.

If it weren't for the fact that this place was in cyberspace and the color of the wall wasn't right.

Arthur even suspected that a huge head would suddenly poke out from the high wall, and then once again thought of the fear of being dominated by them.

Then let’s talk about who is the hunter and who is the prey.

Jarvis waved his hand and forcibly extracted a piece of data from Johnny Silverhand.

Then this piece of data was thrown outside the black wall like garbage.

Johnny Silver scratched his head.

In just a moment, a huge human figure appeared instantly.

Arthur looked at the other party's turbulent waves, and then looked at Johnny Silverhand. In an instant, he felt like he was seeing a book.

A small horse-drawn cart... No, this is a small horse-drawn aircraft carrier!


The voice seemed a little gentle and a little cold.

This voice is very strange, he is very contradictory.

Arthur feels that the artificial intelligence's emotion level estimation may need to be improved a bit.

However, the other person was not an artificial intelligence before but a real human being.

Therefore, this may need to be studied later.

Arthur patted his head: "Ott Cunningham?".

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