Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 246 The Crumbling Voodoo Gang!

A little Heizi standing next to him nodded, but his face was very ugly. Even in this dark environment, the darkness could be seen.

Maman saw the hesitation on the other party's face, so he sighed and said directly: "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

What situation could be more terrifying than the two companies Arasaka and Kontao joining forces to attack?

But if you do something wrong, you will be beaten. This is normal.

Who let Saburo Arasaka die in Night City?

All I can say is bad luck!

What's more, after surviving such a bad thing, she thought nothing could knock her down!

"The Valentino gang has entered Night City... They have occupied a small area and are developing rapidly."

"Zhuo! Is there no one... How could it develop so quickly? Could it be that someone betrayed us?"

Maman was just about to say why no one stopped him.

I just remembered that someone in their gang almost died a few days ago.

It’s normal if no one stops you” – Three Love!

After all, you can't expect someone to crawl out of the grave and fight in cyberspace.

If someone really did this.

That is a terrible thing!

But she was also a little surprised, "The reason why Song has ten gangs of their Voodoo Gang in Taipingzhou is because the Voodoo Gang actually tied their gang to ten ethnic groups.

This nation is Haitian immigrants.

As long as Haitian immigrants are not completely eliminated, the Voodoo Gang will be reborn countless times through bloodshed.

So it is actually a very strange thing that Valentino can gain a foothold in Taipingzhou.

Don't talk about the Animal Gang.

The people from the Animal Gang were able to occupy the Empire Mall because they brought their own people in with them.

It's like a special forces team going directly behind enemy lines.

Therefore, the people of the Animal Gang have not actually gained a foothold, at least the local people do not trust them.

Being able to develop and grow means that Valentino has recovered some of the little ones.

And recruited some gang members from these little black men.

"'s the company's handiwork. There were agents everywhere outside some time ago. If anyone saw someone with a network cabin, they would kill them on the spot.

"In order to avoid accidental killing, the people from those companies came up with such a vicious plan."

"As long as you join Valentino, you can remove the suspicion. Show Valentino's gang badge and you can avoid inspection."

Maman's eyes widened when he heard this.

She felt something wasn't right about this.

It was as if there was a black hand behind everything, slowly executing a vicious and spicy plan.

"Zhuo! Where are they now?"

But now is not the time to track down the man behind this.

This is like a person going to the toilet without paper to wipe his butt. Instead of thinking about how to get the paper, he thinks about who used up the paper.

The current situation is that the entire immigrant community is showing signs of fragmentation.

If they Voodoo Gang can't make a strong fight back.

Then the following group of immigrants will immediately start to get excited.

After all, the Voodoo Gang are not actually good people. Only their own people will be more cruel to their own people.

What's more, in order to establish a firm foothold in Taipingzhou, I know with my toes that those foreign gangs will promise greater benefits.

Then two or three more gangs will come.

The group will be divided more and more, and the base of their voodoo gang will be completely engulfed.

Then it will really depend on whose fist is stronger.

"Where are they now...forget it..."

Originally, Maman wanted to solve this matter immediately, at least to get rid of all the traitors.

But if you think about it carefully, the current Voodoo Gang does not have this strength at all.

Seventy-seven or eighty-eight people died.

It is simply unrealistic to kill all the traitors with just two or three big cats and kittens in the entire gang.

"Has there been any recent action on the umbrella side?"

Maman was thinking and suddenly thought of Arthur for some reason.

Although she didn't have any evidence in her hands, she just felt that it must be this shit stirrer.

After all, Taipingzhou had always been safe and sound before.

Why did it happen that so many bad things happened to Arthur after he entered Taipingzhou?

What's more, her current plan failed, so she actually wanted to give Arthur a hard blow.

It's like killing a chicken to show the monkey.

The little Heizi under his hand shook his head after thinking for a moment and said: "Nothing unusual..."

"If I have to say it, the number of employees in the Umbrella Company has increased, and many people joined the Umbrella Company during the war.

"About a thousand people..."

"The other party seems to be deliberately choosing. Each family only wants one person, and only those who are married."

Maman suddenly narrowed his eyes...

And on the other side.



Arthur stood on the street in the city center, sneezed twice in succession, and looked at his brain-computer system with some confusion.

All the data are normal, and you don’t feel sick at all?

Is there someone talking about me behind my back?

"Are you okay Arthur?"

Lucy stood nearby with very concerned eyes, as if she was worried about Arthur's health.

Arthur shook his head and waved his hands.

"What can happen to me? It's okay for me to kill Arasaka Yorinobu now.

"I always feel like someone is talking about me behind my back, and I don't know who it is!"

Lucy immediately rolled her eyes: "Isn't it normal for you to be criticized by others for being such a playboy?"

Arthur smiled and showed his eight big white teeth. He straightened his suit without explanation and then solemnly walked towards the city hall.

It was very lively outside the city hall today.

It should be said that outside the city hall is very lively every day.

Every day, various groups of people stand outside the city hall holding signs to protest against something.

For example, they need an eight-hour work day. The temptation is just that they need better hot water.

Or maybe it’s the atrocities committed by anti-epidemic companies.

In short, there are many things they can protest in Night City.

If they wanted, they could even change the slogan every day and use it for ten years without repeating it.

Ten years from now there may be more problems for them to protest against.

Ah, Se feels like a bad joke.

After avoiding the protesting crowd, he entered the city hall from the side, where Lucius was waiting. After seeing Arthur, he couldn't help but come up and give Arthur another bear hug.

He has been reading the news these days and has seen clearly what is going on in Taipingzhou.

Even he had to praise his boldness.

Even Arasaka and Kang Tao dared to take advantage of him. He was a ruthless man. He was really not afraid of his body being thrown into the smelly river in Night City.

"The reporters at the press conference are ready, Arthur 4.5? It's not too late to regret it now.

Arthur shrugged, of course he understood what Lucius was talking about.

It just means that if he has to face pressure from three parties once he announces it, the first party will be the company.

After all, Kang Tao and Arasaka are not fools, and Arasaka's people may not have any objections. After all, they do need an outlet.

But the people in Kangtao may be different. The tree that was finally planted was stolen by others as soon as it bore fruit, which made everyone angry.

The second party is the pressure from the gangs.

Although Arthur sent Valentino to Taiping State, it does not mean that Valentino and Arthur are of the same mind.

A company dog ​​is a company dog ​​after all.

Third-party pressure comes from Taipingzhou itself.

After all, the immigrant groups have already regarded Taipingzhou as their own. What is a protective umbrella?

Why did you buy my house quietly?

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