Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 247 This Is Very Cyberpunk!

So there is actually a lot of pressure on the acquisition of Taipingzhou, because basically all the forces in Taipingzhou will not agree.

But that's not important.

Arthur shook his head and calmly pulled his hand out of Lucius's bear claws.

He is not gay, how could he be held by a grown man for such a long time.

"A bunch of smelly fish and rotten shrimps, what's there to be afraid of?"

For Arthur, as long as Taipingzhou is not unified, then Taipingzhou is just a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, a group of stragglers, and a group of shrimps and crab generals?

Divide them into pieces and defeat them one by one!

This is the wisdom hidden deep in the traditional culture of the Dragon Kingdom.

The Voodoo Gang is now severely weakened and cannot even kill those traitors.

Valentino has just gained a foothold and doesn't even have the right to speak.

The immigrant groups in Taipingzhou are even more petty. They only follow money. What kind of protection can the gangs give them? As long as they think about it for a moment, they should know how to choose.

As for the remaining gangs who want to come in and grab a piece of meat?

Haha, it is impossible for these to pose any threat to Arthur.

First of all, there is the Six Street Gang, an old friend. The immigrant group does not follow the new Bald Eagle's rules. Although it is just lip service, it is important to have a common goal.

As for the Uzumaki Gang, they are all lunatics. Only those who have all the synapses in their brains burned out will be willing to play with this group of people.

Scavenger? The dogs shook their heads when they saw it!

So after thinking about it, it is actually just a company.

However, there is cooperation and interest between Kangtao and Umbrella, and coupled with the fact that Arasaka is currently uncontrollable, there is a probability of more than 90% that he will choose to take a step back and seek some smaller benefits.

The Arasaka Group is now represented by Yorinobu Arasaka, and the entire company is busy dealing with those who finally lost their jobs to Saburo Arasaka and Hanako Arasaka.

Military technology?

People in Night City don't like military technology, because military technology is actually the New Sun Eagle.

As the largest free city of Bald Eagle, Night City is naturally not very good at dealing with Bald Eagle people.

Therefore, people from military technology cannot participate in the internal competition in Night City.

It can be seen from the game world that Arasaka's forces are the ones seen most in the entire Night City.

As for military technology?

Except for seeing these people in some border areas, it is difficult to find people with military technology in Night City.

So it seems dangerous, but actually it is a stable group.

Arthur didn't believe that Lucius couldn't even see the situation. If he really couldn't see the situation, he wouldn't be the mayor of Night City.

You must know that the position of Mayor of Night City would make anyone shake their head.

The citizens below want to stuff your head into the anus, and the companies above want you to take out your heart and soul and sell it.

Being able to still have a good reputation despite not being able to please everyone already represents Lucius's strength.

"Is that so? What a pity!"

Now that he heard Arthur was so determined, Lucius simply stopped pretending.

He patted Arthur on the shoulder with a pity expression.

He originally wanted to scare Arthur and see if he could change hands and take back Taipingzhou.

You can sell this area to Kang Tao if you change hands.

Otherwise, it would be good to split it up and sell it to smaller companies.

After all, land is precious in Night City, and such a large piece of land is very expensive.

Now there is no need to face the big force of the Voodoo Gang.

So as long as you go to the auction, you are guaranteed to make a lot of money.

Arthur rolled his eyes, and then followed Lucius towards the press conference.

There were many reporters at the scene.

Although it is 2077, many reporters still have cameras in their hands.

Although this kind of thing is far inferior to the prosthetic eyes installed in their eyeballs.

But it always feels weird not holding something in my hand.

As soon as Arthur and Lucius entered the venue, there were flashes of flashing lights all around, and the sound of clicking was endless.

It seemed to be very lively.

Arthur walked forward with a smile on his face, and calmly asked Lucius next to him: "It's already 2077, why are you still using these antiques?"

Arthur doesn't believe that prosthetic eye technology can't take photos and videos. He knows that as a hacker, he can control other people's eyes and use them as ultra-clear surveillance cameras.

Not to mention these reporters.

This is also a big market, and he doesn't believe that the vicious dogs in Night City won't keep an eye on this market.

Lucius smiled and waved his hands in greeting while answering Arthur's questions in a low voice.

"These things are just atmosphere sets. Think about it if a group of people stood in the audience and stared at you, wouldn't you feel uncomfortable?"

...That seems to be true!"

Arthur thought for a moment and nodded.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. In the past, when celebrities appeared on stage, there were cameras below desperately taking pictures, and the sound of flashes and clicks was endless.

At first glance, I knew that the big shot was coming.

Let’s think about another scene. The star slowly walked out of the car, and then a group of people around him just stared at the star without speaking or posing.

Those who didn't know thought it was some kind of cannibal looking at his ingredients.

"I have called you here today because I have a good thing to tell you!"

Lucius walked to the podium aside, while Arthur stood silently and waited quietly.

Politician 143, if he doesn't say a few words, he feels uncomfortable all over.

So Arthur understands very well.

"The security issue in Taipingzhou has always been a headache for us. As for this matter, we didn't say we wouldn't do it, but we didn't say we must do something about it. We said... ..”

Arthur heard the scream from below and his head was full of black lines.

It's already 2077, can we do something new?

After playing for so long, it’s still the same thing as it was decades ago. Don’t these people get tired of the repeated bad bowling over the past few decades?

And why does nonsense literature last until 2077!!!

Thinking of this, Arthur's mind seemed to be struck by thunder, and a rumble helped him open up his mind.

Oh, it seems like this is more cyberpunk.

So it’s normal and reasonable for cyberpunk to have nonsense literature.

Arthur couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched his chin, with an expression that showed Lucius' approval of him.

Lucius stood on the podium and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction after seeing Arthur's expression.

Look how enlightened little Comrade Arthur is!

It’s nothing like the reporters below. Look, I’ve only been speaking for thirty minutes, and a lot of people below have already fallen asleep!

There is really no future at all!!!

You deserve to be reporters down there, they can buy Taipingzhou!

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