Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 256 Why Don’T They Leave?

When Arthur said this, he spoke with righteousness.

David next to him has a lot of experience in the world. Although he has completed his transformation, he is still a bit green for an old man like Arthur.

David touched his head and suddenly felt that what his father said seemed to make sense.

After all, his father is his only son.

Even if it seems that he has found several wives now, he will only have a dozen children in the future.

Including myself, there shouldn't be more than twenty.

Based on the current earning power of the umbrella company, even if he gets 10% of it in the future, he will be able to earn a lot of money and become a world-famous rich man.

Night City is even more famous.

I’m a little excited when I think about it carefully!

I don’t need to go out to work at all. Why did I study so hard at Arasaka Academy?

Sure enough, it is better to learn well than to live well! "930" David scratched his head and turned away with a silly smile.

Thomas, who had just come out to watch the show, almost spat out a mouthful of blood after hearing the conversation between Arthur and David.

He has a thorough understanding of Arthur's Phoenix plan.

So Thomas felt that David's desire to inherit Arthur's inheritance might be a bit overwhelming.

It is estimated that David will never be able to survive his father.

It was his father who sent David away!!!

"What's wrong, Uncle Thomas? Is there something uncomfortable?"

David folded the one hundred dollar note and put it in his pocket, and then he noticed the strange-looking Thomas.

Out of politeness, he asked about the other person's physical condition.

Thomas twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "It's nothing, I'm just wondering when you will be the boss.

David was a little confused at first and scratched the back of his head, but he soon figured it out.

Thinking about it, it's quite tiring to think about my Uncle Thomas working under a mentally ill man like his father.

He probably wanted to come earlier to make it easier for his subordinates to do things.

"I will definitely work hard, Uncle Thomas! Believe me!"

Thomas originally wanted to leave quickly, but after hearing these words, he staggered and almost fell to his knees.

He looked back at David and nodded as if in agreement. In fact, he had already called David a big fool in his heart.

Arthur put his legs down from the table, then slowly stood up and looked at the members of the security team and said: "Those who should be working should continue to work, and those who should not be working can be dismissed on the spot." 1

After Arthur finished speaking, he walked into the factory with his long legs.

Lucy followed Arthur and asked with some confusion: "You give them so much money, do we need to recruit a new group of security team members?"

Arthur glanced at Lucy and said with some confusion: "Why should we recruit another group? But that's right, we do need to increase our manpower, so let's recruit another five hundred!"

Lucy was stunned for a moment but quickly responded: "Shouldn't we recruit a thousand more?"

Lucy's meaning is actually very simple.

This means that there are already millions and tens of millions, so there is no need to continue working for others.

You can live a stable and worry-free life anywhere.

Wouldn't it be nice to leave Night City and find a quiet and secluded place to become a rich man?

Arthur turned his head to look at Lucy while looking forward, and then showed a meaningful smile: "Why do you think I pulled a cart full of cash and handed it out in public?"

After finishing speaking, Arthur patted Lucy on the shoulder, and finally the whole person quickly disappeared in front of the other party and entered the laboratory.

He plans to retreat again starting today.

Seize the time to get the immersive game out, and also talk to the people at Kangtao about cooperation and buy some security robots from them.

Just buy him a thousand first.

Generally speaking, security robots are difficult to sell in batches. It’s not that no one wants to buy them but they don’t want to sell them.

But Arthur felt that it wouldn't be a big problem to get a thousand units by relying on his relationship with Kangtao.

Lucy stood there touching her chin and lost in thought.

She couldn't figure out what Arthur wanted to express just now.

Especially she can ignore it completely.

Because she is a hacker and does not need to understand what intrigue is.

Just follow the route laid out by Arthur.

But she just wanted to figure it out because she wanted to help Arthur in something other than hacking.

The reason is that the appearance of Jarvis has made him somewhat dispensable, not to mention that there is still a little black female hacker hiding in the basement.

She must be unique to attract more attention.

It sounds a lot like dog licking.

But this sentence is really too ugly, so I need to change it to another way of saying it, such as Tian is a person who knows himself,

So she just stood there blankly.

At this moment Mann came over and pulled down his sunglasses with his own hands to reveal his blue eyes.

"What's wrong Lucy?"

Lucy was immediately awakened and quickly recounted everything that had happened before.

Mann smiled after hearing this.

"Let's go? Where are we going? Now everyone in Night City probably knows that each of our Umbrella security team has received hundreds of millions."

"So what..."

Lucy was about to retort, but she quickly came to her senses, and broke out in a cold sweat behind her back.

Yes, where can we go if we walk?

Now those people in Night City must have been attracted by Arthur's big move at full speed.

Anyone with a little knowledge would know that each member of the Umbrella Company's security team receives millions.

As long as they dare to leave the protective umbrella, they will be cut into pieces as soon as they submit their resignation letter and step out of the factory door.

So it's safest to stay under the umbrella.

Because the current umbrella company has completely become an umbrella.

As long as they have not resigned from the umbrella company, no gang member will dare to attack them.

The reason is also very simple. After Arthur's previous planning and cooperation with Kangtao Company, coupled with the official affirmation of Night City, there was today's neat massacre.

The umbrella company's reputation has been initially established.

Only someone with a 4.2 brain would stroke the umbrella company’s beard at this time.

So even if they want to leave, they have to wait for this incident to subside.

Based on such a huge amount of money, it will take more than a year for this incident to completely subside.

Even if the umbrella company is not so low-key, it may take more than two years.

As for two years from now?

Haha, who will leave the umbrella after two years?

It has only grown to such an extent in just half a year, and there are many opportunities for promotion in the company's start-up stage, and they have many opportunities due to their outstanding achievements.

Maybe he will be at the supervisor level in half a year.

To put it another way, even if they leave the umbrella after two years.

so what?

By then the protective umbrella would have been a behemoth.

He just needs a thug? What a joke!

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