Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 257 If Necessary, Take A Sip Of River Water!

Another seven or eight days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these seven or eight days, Night City was so lively that it could even be described as a buzzing about the city.

The filial son frequently appears on major TV stations and constantly delivers various speeches.

All military technology is just a piece of shit.

Military technology is the biggest threat in the world.

What Xinbai is dizzy is a complete hooligan.

Or maybe it's because his father died miserably and he was already lying on the bed before he even entered school.

He also said that he must arrest the murderer of his father. The reason why he hasn't held a banquet yet is because the murderer has not been arrested yet.

Arthur's ears are almost numb when he listens to these people in his research laboratory every day.

But in fact, the death of Saburo Arasaka will not have much impact on Night City.

But it was Arasaka Yorinobu who was in charge and had a great influence on everyone.

Because Arasaka Yorinobu is willing to spend his life to destroy the Arasaka Group that his father spent his life to create.

The filial son who wanted to die even placed the battlefield in the City of Night. 11 Now the entire Night City can smell a vague smell of gunpowder smoke.

People from Military Technology and New Bald Eagle have quickly gathered in the city closest to Night City.

The purpose is to give Araban Yorinobu a big mouth as soon as possible.

Let him get to know who the father of the new bald eagle is!

"Sir, Mr. Takemura is waiting for you outside. Do you need to see him immediately?"

Arthur touched his chin with a stubble on his face and looked at the helmet in front of him with wiring harnesses and circuit boards everywhere, and said without caring at all: "Why did he come to me?"

Jarvis's voice was still full of magnetism, and the projection on the screen was quite gentlemanly, like a British butler.

This is the image that was born after Arthur gave him the responsibility of being a butler.

Although the Internet in this world can no longer be called the Internet, it is still a top-level AI.

The other party can still dig through the garbage dump full of dangerous software and find the dregs of the old era that can be used.

Of course, anyone can find it, as long as you can withstand the smell and the poisonous snakes that suddenly come out of nowhere.

In fact, many hackers make a living doing this.

They're like miners... No, Arthur thinks they're actually more like graphics cards that mine digital currencies.

It’s just that mining digital coins is for digital coins.

These new era network cyber miners are here to mine some data left over from the old era.

"It seems to be related to the Arasaka Group. I found out that Hanako Arasaka is about to arrive in Night City. "It seems that the combat aircraft carrier was brought here in order to deter the military group.

Arthur was stunned for a moment and then looked up at Jarvis on the screen.

Does time fly by so fast?

However, the other party actually brought combat aircraft carriers over. It seemed that they were determined not to let the fifth corporate war happen again.

To put it bluntly, Saburo Huangcheng is hiding in a coffin-like server sucking people like a vampire.

Of course we don't want a war at this time.

No matter how much he dislikes Westerners.

In addition, combat aircraft carriers are genuine war machines.

The aircraft carriers of the old era were already very good, but the combat aircraft carriers of the new era are completely different from the aircraft carriers of the old era.

Because the combat effectiveness has at least increased by more than a hundred times.

If that aircraft carrier launches an attack with all its strength, the entire Night City will be reduced to ashes in less than half an hour.

Although it sounds exaggerated, it is actually not exaggerated at all.

If you don’t believe it, you can give it a try, and you will be saved if you try it!

Arthur didn't even check how many mushroom eggs there were on it.

But Arthur estimated that he should at least have enough to put one on each city of New Bald Eagle.

"It's really full of gunpowder!"

Arthur couldn't help but shook his head and then rubbed his face. You walked directly outside without caring about your appearance.

This is his private laboratory.

He didn't want anyone involved except the core people.

Although Takemura is an honest man.

But people talk about things wherever their butt sits.

If Saburo Arasaka gets up from the coffin, Takemura, the loyal dog, will definitely run over and wag his tail immediately.

After a short while, Arthur came to the factory office.

This is his chairman's office.

But to be honest, he only spends less than one day here every month. Although it is luxurious, it is really not used.

"Hey, you retreated into the shadows and returned to the light so quickly?"

While greeting Takemura who was sitting on the sofa and looking around, Arthur picked up a bottle of pure caffeine from the coffee can next to him and poured it into his stomach.

There is nothing else in Night City but this kind of mental stimulation supplement.

Some pharmacies even support customization.

If you usually lack stimulants when fighting, you can even reach out and grab some water from the river in Night City and take a sip.

Although Arthur has not tested it, the content is definitely not low.

"Miss Hanako will arrive in Night City soon. It seems that she plans to hold a flower street parade in memory of Lord Saburo!"

Arthur rolled his eyes, ignoring Takemura's very solemn expression.

"What does this matter have to do with me? You can't expect me, a rat from Night City, to mourn for Saburo Arasaka, right?"

"What I mean is, can you give me what I need in advance? I will be able to do more things after I regain my identity! After being together for so long, you should 607 trust me as a person!"

Zhucun's expression was very solemn. He felt that this Flower Street Parade was an opportunity not to be missed.

If he really missed it, it would be absolutely impossible for him to meet Hanako Arasaka in his current status.

Of course, he didn't know that Arthur thought so too.

Because although Arasaka Hanako has a good relationship with Arasaka Yorinobu, it is obvious that she is standing by Arasaka Saburo this time.

At least after Arasaka Saburo died, Arasaka Hanako was making the plan for his resurrection.

Of course, if Arthur changed his personality and became Hanako Arasaka, Hanako Arasaka would also be willing to have his dear brother's waist.

"Although I will be a jerk in Night City, I still want to believe you, but do you think this thing alone can bring down Arasaka Yorinobu?"

Arthur shrugged and sat down on his boss chair.

Hey, don't tell me, this is quite comfortable.

Arthur turned his chair so that he looked directly out of the office's floor-to-ceiling windows.

"If I were Hanako Arasaka, I would silence you as soon as I get this video, and then physically eliminate the video."

"Do you know why?"

Zhucun widened his eyes and said doubtfully: "Why?"

Arthur looked at the busy people outside the window and said softly: "Because Saburo Arasaka is already a dead dog, but Yorinobu Arasaka is still alive!"

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