Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 312 There Is Someone Behind You!

In fact, it is not too difficult for Night City to take back the NCPD company and become a government department again.

This is a city of interest.

As long as you pay a certain amount of interest, there is nothing you can't accomplish.

It only takes about three mayors to take back the ncpd company.

It’s no big deal that the mayor has become a unit of measurement.

But taking back the law enforcement power is different. If Night City dares to do this, no matter who is sitting in the mayor's seat, no matter who is on the opposite side of these companies, they will all appear in the smelly river the next day.

Of course, it is also possible that the scavengers will clean it up and sell it directly to the Whirlpool Gang for fuel.

Then the entire Night City will be filled with your presence.

When Lucius saw Arthur was about to leave, he quickly stretched out his hand and took Arthur, who was his only ally.

If Arthur doesn't help him, then no one in Night City can.

11 Lucius is actually not a noble man. Arthur knows this very well.

If Lucius was a noble man, Arthur wouldn't be able to help him.

Because the withdrawal of law enforcement power means that the entire Night City will become more harmonious.

This is good for umbrellas.

After all, Arthur can't expect Umbrella Company to be able to fight others on the battlefield with guns and cannons.

You know you can't beat me, right?

But the problem is that Lucius has selfish motives, and he must have planned something else.

There is no need to estimate that what makes him lose his mind and want to take back his law enforcement power is nothing more than interests and rights.

"No, Arthur!"

"I know it sounds crazy, but it can be done!"

"This incident was not only caused by me, but there is a larger company behind me, and they may be able to help."

Arthur narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

There are actually only two Bald Eagle companies in the country that can withstand this kind of pressure.

One is the Arasaka Group.

Arthur has not yet heard Arasaka announce any plans in this regard, and another company is...

"Military technology?"

"How did you know?!!!"

Lucius's eyes suddenly widened like those of the homeless people who had been dead on the street for several days.

Full of disbelief.

He felt that he had seriously overestimated Arthur, but he did not expect that Arthur was still seriously underestimated by him.

Obviously the other party should not have received any intelligence. This matter is still the highest level of secret even if it is placed in New Bald Eagle or military technology.

Because this is related to what military technology will do to Night City later.

Arthur touched his chin and looked Lucius up and down.

"This is actually not particularly difficult to guess. What you did actually does not fit the image of a Night City mayor at all.

What should the mayor of Night City look like?

Anyway, we shouldn’t be worried about the country and the people.

The mayor of Night City should throw the people of Night City to frying, squeeze out the last bit of water from the people of Night City, and pour it into his own oil jar.

"And there are only two companies in the entire region that can help you handle so much pressure.

"My cooperation with Arasaka Yorinobu showed me that he has no cooperative relationship with you at all."

"Then only military technology is left."

Arthur sat back on the sofa now that he was interested in the matter.

Because this matter can be regarded as an inevitable trend.

Now that Military Technology has decided to intervene, Arasaka Yorinobu has decided to push the Arasaka Group into the abyss.

So this means that the power that can oppose it in the entire Night City actually does not exist at all.

Other companies would not fall out with the people from Military Technology over a matter of law enforcement power in Night City.

What's more, this is also the base camp of military technology. You can reach New Bald Eagle in half an hour by driving outside.

So any resistance is meaningless.

Since there is no way to resist and you have learned the news in advance, you should naturally gain greater benefits for yourself.

This is what a Night City person should do.

"I'm interested now, please continue!"

Arthur pointed at the whiskey on the table and took a sip of it for himself.

The alcohol gave Arthur a slightly tipsy feeling.

This way Arthur's perspective looks quite psychedelic.

Arthur didn't stare at Lucius, but looked at the Night City outside the window and didn't know what he was thinking.

If law enforcement power is destined to be reclaimed, then Ncpd is the one who must fight for it.

In other words, there will now be a lot of people grabbing positions that were previously unavailable even if they were offered high salaries.

Because everyone must have their own spokesperson within this law enforcement agency.

This is not done to attack the enemy, but rather counter-intuitively to protect one's own interests.

“The Arasaka Group has been making a lot of noise recently, but it doesn’t seem like it’s trying to start a fifth corporate war.

"People with military technology are gathering at the border of Night City, so the smell of gunpowder in Night City has been very strong recently."

"This has caused many companies to start arranging manpower to prepare for evacuation. 017"

"So this is a very good opportunity, military technology has definitely been on my side."

"The price is that Ncpd must hire more than 50% of its security personnel with military technology."

"I think this is acceptable, but I want more, which is why I want to cooperate with you."

"I want to work with you to get 70 to 60 percent of the share, and the remaining 10 to 40 percent will be given to military technology.

"As for the rest, we will slowly figure out how to burn bridges and kick out military technology."

Arthur took another sip from the bottle and thought silently and didn't rush to answer Lucius.

This matter sounds unusual, but in fact it is not that difficult. The main problem lies in the military technology and the Arasaka family.

Even if law enforcement rights are taken back, military technology will still go its own way in Night City.

Since military technology has its own way of doing things, it makes no sense for the people in Arasaka to be obedient.

What's more, there are no cities or governments in the world that can govern these two companies.

Therefore, as long as these two people lead the way, the people behind will continue to follow the old system, and the mayor's words are equivalent to farts.

But... I'm afraid the purpose of military technology is not here, nor is Lucius's purpose, but somewhere else.

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