Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 313 What If I Could Inherit Arasaka?

Arthur squinted his eyes and looked at Lucius in front of him carefully.

If he remembered correctly, the greasy-mouthed guy in front of him had a career of twenty years before becoming the mayor of Night City.

Of course, Arthur didn't find out where he worked specifically.

Even though Arthur had asked Rogge to investigate, Rogge still didn't get any information.

So there are big problems in these missing twenty years.

The resume of Lucius did not start until he returned to Night City and became the mayor.

The most eye-catching evidence provided by the other party was actually that he stood up in 2069 when the new Bald Eagle planned to unify.

And persuaded Arasaka to help rebuild Night City while resisting the invasion of military technology.

This is a bit contradictory.

In the past, Lucius was on Arasaka's side, or rather on Night City's side.

But now it seems that Lucius has a little bit of military technology in him.

"You guys, are you an undercover agent sent by military technology?"

Arthur touched his chin and suddenly felt that His Majesty had rebelled.

You must know that Mayor Ye Zhicheng is still the mayor no matter how hard he is pulled.

There is only one city in Night City, which is the so-called Free City.

So the mayor of Night City is actually the emperor.

Of course, there are many powerful officials around the emperor, and they can slap the emperor's mouth every step of the way.

But this does not affect the status above these ten thousand people.

Even if the other party is an undercover agent, Arthur feels that it is better to continue to be the mayor than to go back to work as a wage earner in military technology.

After all, if you are the mayor, you can get off work whenever you want.

But as a wage earner, he has to work sixteen hours a day and enjoy the free health care products provided by the company.

.....How could you have such an idea?”

Lucius was stunned for a moment and was speechless. How could he be an undercover agent of military technology?

You know this kind of thing just by thinking about it.

If he was an undercover agent of Military Technology, he shouldn't have gone to Arasaka's people in the first place.

Wouldn't it be possible to directly allow people with military technology to come in and conquer Night City to achieve the unification of the United States?

You must know that the Bald Eagle people all dream of achieving this achievement, as if after achieving this achievement, the new Bald Eagle will return to its past glory.

Here we have to talk about the relationship between military technology and the new United States.

Like Arasaka, after the end of the Fourth Corporate War, military technology was also severely damaged.

As a filial son, Arasaka Yorinobu successfully nationalized the Arasaka Group.

Well, in fact, the Bald Eagle has retained more of its strength. It should be said that the New Bald Eagle has hidden it deeper.

After the war ended, Bald Eagle couldn't wait to start a new round of nationalization process.

Follow closely behind the Arasaka Group.

If the Arasaka Group completed its rebirth with the help of neon and broke away again.

Then military technology is like a maggot attached to the bone, clinging to the new bald eagle as a life-saving straw to achieve a perfect harmony.

Many military technology executives took advantage of this relationship to transform themselves from businessmen to politicians and joined the New Bald Eagle's Council.

This is one of the reasons why people in Night City are so disapproving of the new bald eagle and military technology.

If it were the bald eagle of old, many people would actually be willing to join this alliance due to their feelings.

But the people of Night City couldn't bear this trick of military technology.

"It's okay if it's not. Why do people from Military Technology want to help you? And why do you agree to the other party's cooperation?"

"Arthur, you have been living in Night City for a long time. You should know that Night City will not be able to survive if it continues like this."

Lucius stood up, picked up the vodka on the table, opened it, drank it for himself, and then tugged on his tie and suit.

"There is absolutely no point in continuing like this. This guy Arasaka Yorinobu is just a piece of shit!"

"In the past, through diplomatic mediation, I was able to sway between the two companies in order to obtain the benefits that Night City should have."

"But now Arasaka Yorinobu is this stinky piece of shit and he's crazy!"

"He doesn't want to stay in Night City, he even wants to fight the fifth corporate war again!"

"Except for the case in Night City, Arasaka's power in the entire world is beginning to shrink rapidly."

"Many branches in Europe have been dissolved on the spot... To be honest, I really don't understand what this piece of shit is going to do!"

“But Arasaka Group is no longer prepared to compete with Military Technology, so we won’t end up well if we continue to play both sides!

After hearing this, Arthur finally understood what Lucius wanted to do.

He touched his chin and thought for a moment, and then Arthur's eyes flashed involuntarily.

"..What if...I mean what if, what if I could inherit Arasaka's position and let this game continue?"

Lucius immediately raised his head.

He looked at Arthur carefully and then laughed and cursed: "Zhuo, I shouldn't talk to you about these serious topics. Look at you, you are going to be mentally ill!"

What a mental illness!

I say it again, my mental illness has long been cured!

Arthur couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was already preparing to take over some factories from Yorinobu Arasaka and develop some more himself.

In fact, whether it is a company or other group, it will start to discard some backward production capacity after reaching a certain point.

This is an inevitable result, just like the bald eagle of old was also a manufacturing power and an industrial power before it developed.

But after it became developed, Bald Eagle sold all these things, and then turned its head to study high technology and play finance.

(Li Zhao) After all, making money this way is simpler and easier.

Staying in that factory for more than ten or twenty hours every day, the money you make is not as much as a millimeter fluctuation in the market.

Any fool knows what to think.

The same goes for Arasaka and Military Technology.

Arasaka Saburo's original words were that the entire company's money was made by Arasaka's banks.

As for the other things, they really don’t make any money and are just dispensable.

So if you want to have a price war, no one can beat Arthur, because Arthur has his own controllable nuclear fusion.

If you build a large-scale Ark reactor, there will be no energy constraints and there will be one less cost.

Basically, you can kill all your peers.

Coupled with the Omnic Crisis order revealed by Arthur before.

Immediately, whether it is military technology, the Arasaka Group, or some of the rich people behind it, they will accelerate their accumulation of weapons and combat equipment. .

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