Oda's head remained in the same position as he was hit.

Looking dazed, Takemura picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped his hands before sitting back in his seat.

"Do you think I don't want revenge?"

"But I have said it so many times, and I have gone through the entire Huang Group.

"Even you, my disciple, have to shame me to beg you."

"But in the end, who of you can believe me? Believe that I really do it for Lord Saburo and the Arasaka Group!"

Takemura picked up the cold beer on the table and took a sip, even though it was just like urine from a drunken man.

But there is still some alcohol, which can numb his emotions.

"Even though it was so difficult, I still repaid Lord Saburo's kindness. I forcibly brought Miss Hanako out and handed over the evidence that I spent the rest of my life to."

"Xiaotian, I have done enough!"

"That evidence is a deal, do you understand?!!"

At this point, Zhucun paused for a moment, then sighed and said hello to the boss again and brought a few bottles of cold beer.

He opened a bottle and put it in front of Xiaotian. He also opened a bottle and blew directly on the bottle.

"You may not believe it, but the Arthur you know is actually a good person and I am working for him now.

"What?! You're working for that rat!"

Oda didn't listen to a word of Takemura's defense, but he was very concerned when he heard that Takemura was working for Arthur.

When will the rats who used to steal here and there in Night City be able to ascend to the palace of elegance?

If a mouse is born in a stinking ditch, it should die in a stinking ditch!

Why can a mouse climb up?

Although they are dogs, they are much more noble than mice!!!

"Watch your words Oda-san, if I hear you insult Lord Arthur again I will kill you here without mercy!!々"!

Takemura originally wanted to slap Oda again, but when he saw Oda's face was as swollen as a pig's head, he immediately retracted his hand.

He almost forgot that the other party didn't have a prosthetic body.

But he still warned the other party fiercely.

"Lord Arthur?"

Meow meow meow?

Oda's face was full of confusion, and he even wondered if he had been stunned by Takemura.

What exactly is going on?

He couldn't help but touch his face and felt that it was definitely not his problem but Zhucun's problem!

"Master Arthur is a man who is determined to make progress. At the same time, he also has qualities that Master Saburo does not have!"

Seeing that his apprentice didn't seem to agree with it, he took a sip of cold beer at any time and seemed to be remembering.

"In order to find out the truth behind Master Saburo's death, I followed my wife all the way from Watson District to Taipingzhou.

"As a result, I was stopped by Lord Arthur on the way."

"He is so powerful that even in my heyday I would not be able to cause any harm to Lord Arthur.

"So I lost easily, but he didn't pursue my impolite behavior towards his wife.

"On the contrary, he is happy to help my poor wild dog."

"Although it was a transaction, he didn't force me. The things he asked me to do were all small things and not worth the price at all.

"The reason why I call it a transaction is just because I'm afraid of hurting the self-esteem of this wild dog like me."

At this point, Zhucun took another sip of beer, as if he was planning to get himself drunk before he had the courage to face reality.

"Then I saw more and more."

"He is very kind to the people at the bottom, and he is neither humble nor condescending to the people at the top. He dares to be sarcastic even in the face of that beast.

"Did you know? The employees in the Umbrella Company worship Arthur as a human being and as a god. I once asked why Sir Arthur is so nice to those at the bottom."

"As a result, Lord Arthur said that he just treated people as human beings...

Xiaotian stood up immediately at this time.

Are you kidding me, forge ahead?

Does that mean you have to steal an experimental prosthetic body every month?

Are you still nice to people at the bottom?

That guy used to be an explosive maniac in Night City, and countless innocent people died due to his involvement!

You Zhucun are really not afraid of those people turning into ghosts and writing a tragic word on your leg!

"Are you kidding me?! Is the Arthur you are talking about the same person as the Arthur I am talking about?!!"

Takemura took another sip of wine, neither salty nor light, and didn't care at all that he was interrupted by Oda.

"If nothing else, we are talking about the same person."

"Of course I don't believe in the so-called benevolence and righteousness, so I expressed my denial."

"But Lord Arthur didn't blame me, but told me that if you don't believe this reason, then just believe my ambition!"

"He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world!"

"When Master Arthur told me this sentence, I knew that Arasaka Yorinobu was already a withered bone in the grave!"

"..= Ori, as a loyal dog of Arasaka, I have reached the limit of what I can do for Master Saburo."

"However, my revenge as a loyal dog has not stopped yet. I must send that beast Yorinobu Aroakiro into the article!"

"Xiaotian, join the umbrella. As long as you join the umbrella, Lord Arthur will definitely help you!"

"To a certain extent, our interests are the same. What's more, how can you find a way in this night city alone if you don't even have a prosthetic body?"

Xiaotian fell silent immediately and now his mind was very confused.

This night city is really magical.

Too old, the sow has climbed up the tree!

The mouse became the king, and the White Emperor fell from the altar.

Night City is a place that doesn't suit him, or rather Arasaka.

Should I find a Feng Shui master or a psychic master to perform a mysterious ritual?

Let's see if we can use the mysterious oriental power to change the feng shui of this broken place. (Good Li Zhao) Arthur applied for a membership in the Worry Club through Hanz's identity. After all, one of the few high-end casinos in Dog Town has a quota here.

Of course, in Arthur's opinion, these entertainment methods are still relatively low-level.

They just drink some wine and dance in the middle of the dance floor, and the girls in Gou Zhen Bing are not very good-looking.

As for why?

That's of course because Dog Town is too chaotic, and girls who are too good-looking will be snatched away by others.

Unless you have extraordinary strength or are protected by Hansen.

There is no way around this. Night City itself is already very predatory, but Dog Town is a condensed version of Night City.

"...Arthur, the thing you studied before is ready. I have to say that this plan is really dead. When do you plan to come back?"

Arthur sat at the bar of the bar and took a sip of tequila while listening to Thomas's voice in his head. .

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