Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 359 The Virtual Reality Game Is Completed!

"Is that so? So you have already experienced it?"

"Zhuo, how could I not experience such an invention that spans the world? Sometimes I really want to study your brain. It's a pity that I am not an expert in biology."

Thomas complained on the opposite side and was holding something like a helmet tossing in his hand.

If someone knew the value of this thing and was opposite Thomas, he would definitely give Thomas a big mouth.

Because this is the virtual reality gaming helmet that Arthur has studied before.

It should be said that Arthur reproduced the information given by the system father.

Of course, this would have been very difficult, if Arthur hadn't signed a lot of things in front of him.

Maybe it’s really difficult to reproduce this thing in this world.

Even so, the price of this helmet is too high.

Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality are different concepts.

It may be a little confusing to talk about virtual reality, but you can use several other English abbreviations to replace VR, AR, and MR!

To put it simply, virtual reality is actually fully virtual, such as those gaming helmets sold on the market before Arthur traveled through time.

AR is augmented reality. In fact, it is the glasses that have a certain influence before time travel. For example, if you are watching an art exhibition, wearing AR glasses you can see the introduction from these paintings, such as which painter painted the expression of 523. What kind of ideas do you have, or what is the market value.

MR is a hybrid. As the name suggests, it has everything. It can have both AR and VR functions.

The virtual gaming helmet Arthur studied can actually be classified as VR.

But this is completely different from VR in real life.

If I have to say it, then it is the difference between the gaming headsets in Sword Art Online and the VR glasses used by those in Ready Player One.

In fact, in Arthur's opinion, this technology has a lot to do with the Mewtwo technology in this world.

According to normal principles.

This world should have invented virtual reality headsets long ago.

But that's not the case.

Arthur tried asking Jarvis to search for information on this.

The result is absolutely nothing.

Military technology can even produce chips that allow people to conduct military training inside the chip.

But there is no virtual reality gaming helmet in this world.

Is it because people in this world don’t like playing games?

Actually no, if you walk around Night City, you will find that there are a lot of arcades throughout Night City.

And their business is very good.

"Let Jarvis conduct the final bug test. If there is no problem, then wait for my notification and let my wife prepare."

"Which wife of yours?"

"...Gloria! Who else could it be? I want you to stop eating so much fast food in Night City every day. Your brain will go crazy!"

Arthur complained angrily, and finally called Liu Yishou from Kangtao immediately.

To be honest, Kangtao's Liu Yishou hasn't contacted Arthur for a long time.

Arthur even wondered if Liu Yishou had been promoted to the headquarters.

After a little exploration, I found that the other party was still in Night City.

This made Arthur a little confused.

"Oh, rare guest

Among all the phones, Liu Yishou has gained a lot of weight and looks quite naive with a shiny face.

It's like a New Year painting doll that escaped from the New Year paintings.

.... It makes people feel a little disgusting.

The reason why people feel a little disgusting is because the other person is too old to be called a New Year Painting Doll.

"I've come up with something here, and I plan to let you Kang Tao buy individual stocks and share the benefits of the world together!"

Once a virtual gaming helmet is released, it may cause a huge sensation in the entire world.

Because this world is really too painful, and living in this world is really too painful.

Many people are in so much pain that they use Mewtwo and various illegal drugs to numb themselves.

But Mewtwo is someone else's life.

Other people's things are other people's own, and experiencing them only brings a little bit of pleasure to the bbee processor.

Those things are cold and have no reason. It is obvious that I have never smelled the fragrance of flowers.

But I feel that way.

There will be an illusion and a very serious sense of separation.

But virtual gaming headsets are completely different.

Everything they do in the game is under their own control, and they can do whatever they want.

They can go fishing, they can go eat delicious food, they can do whatever they want.

In that other world, there were no classes, or rather there were no such distinct hierarchies as in this world.

They can start all over again, and start all over again in a living environment that is at least qualified or even perfect.

The birds are chirping and the flowers are fragrant there, and one hour of making money there can lead to a day's work.

By then, whether it is Night City or other people, they will be immersed in it for a long time.

They may even feel that they are from that world rather than from this world.

They would keep the bare minimum.

Then invest all your experience, money, and time into this game.

At that time, this thing will become the second world in the true sense.

Money and stuff are just trivial matters.

For large companies, temporary gains and losses are not particularly important, at least to the top management.

However, people's time is taken away but it is a building.

And Umbrella will use this opportunity to grow from an ordinary small company to a world giant overnight.

Therefore, this benefit and time are not something that the umbrella can bear.

Some people need to be roped into the chariot.

Since you want to get on the chariot, you need to pay a price.

If you don’t give me money, who will work hard for you?!!

This is Night City, be realistic my friend!

"...Tell me, how are you going to trick me this time?"

Liu Yishou really wanted to hang up the phone. Last time he was cheated by Arthur.

I almost didn't finish it right away.

If it weren't for Arthur's reputation, the headquarters would be very interested in Arthur.

Maybe he was really beaten to the end.

So now he was both afraid and fond of Arthur.

Who doesn't like a man who brings him money?

"Look at what you said, I am sincerely trying to help you Kang Tao. If Arasaka Yorinobu wasn't interested, I might have cooperated directly with him. Why would I play with you second-rate guys?"

What Arthur said is actually absolutely correct.

Because Kangtao started relatively late, this company is actually much worse than Military Technology and Arasaka Group.

There is no way to squeeze into the first echelon. .

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