"I used to work at Zeta Technology. Did you know that one of our fleets was robbed some time ago, and a blueprint was taken away. That thing was very important, but luckily it was recovered later."

"Of course these things are not important. What is important is that I am also the developer of this prototype. I worked overtime and worked hard day and night without a break for seven or eight months in a row."

"It's precisely because I haven't had a break in the past seven or eight months that I got the apocalypse!"

Arthur looked at the company dog ​​opposite him strangely.

Although this person has unique tastes, he is indeed a talent in all aspects.

The fact that the good guy was able to work continuously for seven or eight months without suddenly dying in Zeta Technology's office building proved that he had a body that was different from ordinary people.

Does this guy have a genetic mutation? Should he be captured and dissected for study?

Arthur stared at the company dog ​​opposite and touched his chin, thinking.

"so what?"

Although Arthur was thinking about it, he subconsciously asked a follow-up question.

After learning that the other party's body was a little abnormal.

Arthur felt that he might need to study whether there was any connection between eating Oli and boosting his spirits.

Maybe we can develop a new stimulant from this.

When the time comes, if you sell it to those corporate dogs, you can make a lot of money back.

For company dogs, stimulants are as necessary as water!

"It was a stormy night..."

"Have you encountered a ghost?"

"What the hell? It's already 2077. How can there be such a thing? Can you please have some scientific literacy? And do you want to continue listening?"

Arthur touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Please continue!"

The company dog ​​picked up the bottle in his hand and drank a swig of wine as if he was recalling that night.

But Arthur felt that the other person was wasting it because half the bottle was wasted in one sip and the other person's clothes were wet.

He felt that he needed to contact the people from the Terrorist Mobile Team.

After all, cyberpsychosis must be dealt with by cyberpsychosis.

Why am I a cyberpsycho?

That's okay. Arthur decided to wait and fuck the guy across from him for a while if he got sick.

This is Hanz's territory after all, so he can give the other party a little face by doing free work or something.

"It was a sunny and windy night... ahem, stormy and rainy night, and I was working hard 々々.

"Suddenly I received a message on my computer. I thought it was a new research plan sent to me by the company."

"So I opened it and took a look, and then I realized that this was not a new research project but a revelation from God!"

Arthur touched his chin and thought that there might be something wrong with it. It might be some new type of European Golden Gel.

After all, he receives this stuff every day.

Sometimes he really wants to try to see if that thing is real. After all, the publicity effect is indeed very exciting.

"What did that message say?"

Arthur couldn't help but ask.

The company dog ​​took another sip of wine and then said: "The sender is someone you can never imagine, you have never even seen him! He is the famous savior Johnny Silverhand!"

...Savior? Johnny Silverhand?”

No matter how he thought about it, Arthur felt that the savior had nothing to do with Johnny Silverhand.

No matter what, the savior should be myself, right?

After all, I still have a divine status in a certain religion!

If Johnny Silverhand were Jesus, what would he do with his followers?

Smoking, drinking, and picking up girls?


Maybe Johnny Silverhand is really the son of God, but the son of Satan!

But when did Johnny Silverhand start sending random messages in Night City? Why didn't he tell me this plan?

And if you don’t have money or anything, you should ask Rogge for it, right?

Anyway, Johnny Silverhand doesn't eat soft food for a day or two.

This kind of thing should be easy to do.

So this thing sounds like a telecommunications scam, right?

Arthur touched his chin and thought carefully, thinking that Johnny Silverhand would not do such a stupid thing anyway.

Because who would trust an email on a computer?

Except for the company dog, the emails on everyone's computer are basically all fraudulent messages.

I’m so annoyed that I can’t turn it off!

"He told me that he was not dead, but was hiding in Nicaragua in the Black Sea, building the legendary retirement home in Night City, saying he had a big plan."

"He only needs fifty yuan of sponsorship to execute it!"

"Then I asked him what it was. He was reluctant to say it at first, but after I kept asking him, he still said it."

"He said: Well, what about this plan? There are no more multi-millionaires! When your assets reach 9.99 million yuan, every penny you make will be used for public education and medical security."

"..and you get a trophy that says I defeated capitalism!"

"In the end we will name a puppy park or kitten park after you!"

"As soon as I heard it, I felt that the person opposite must be Johnny Silverhand! Only he can imagine such a genius plan!"

"But the execution of the plan requires manpower, so I immediately funded five hundred dollars into Johnny Silverhand's account."

"Then I went to my supervisor with this plan [and] I wanted to convince him."

"Let him quickly change his position before the divine revelation comes and join me on the winning side!"

"Everyone is a big winner this way!"

"I don't know why that bitch didn't agree with my plan and kicked me out of the company!"

"These people are really bad!"

After hearing what the other party said, Arthur was shocked. This girl is really a talent!

How on earth did this kind of person get to the position of researcher in the company?

Shouldn't such people be eaten to death and finally used and thrown into the toilet?

How on earth did such a person escape to Dog Town without being slaughtered in the middle of the road?


Arthur can only be called a miracle!

I don’t know who created such a miracle in this world!

Arthur must thank the other party. Why did eight generations of ancestors save such a junk gene so that the other party could continue it?

Such stupid people will suffer if they live in this world.

"You said, I mean, is there a possibility that you were defrauded?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, the company dog ​​opposite him immediately shook his head and said: "Actually, I had doubts at first, but when I left the company and was going to hide for a while, do you know that I really saw him? Here comes Johnny Silverhand!”

"After he heard my story, he sent me to Dog Town, saying that as long as I kept a low profile here, I could barely live for a while."

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