Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 364 Please, He Is Like An Angel!

"...What does the other person look like?"

"It's strange that the other person wears a very shabby exoskeleton but it performs very well. It looks almost like yours, except it's a little dirty and torn, as if it's made of some kind of garbage."

The company dog ​​looked Arthur up and down and then scratched his head and said, "By the way, when Johnny Silverhand sent me here, he said he was unavailable, so he called a few of them. A team with an octagon flag sent me over.”

“I heard them say that the company that the team is affiliated with seems to be called Umbrella, and I heard that it has a pretty good relationship with Kang Tao.

Blanched, it turns out that the beast is me!

Arthur almost slapped himself in the face.

What sin did you commit?

What kind of fate does this guy have with Johnny Silverhand?

After being defrauded by telecommunications, I was able to meet the real person.

It's as if you received a text message from Qin Shihuang asking you to v him for fifty. As a result, not long after you turned around, you met the real Qin Shihuang on the roadside.

Not only that, Qin Shihuang will also make you a general to chase the North for him!

There’s really everything going on in this fucking Night City!

Arthur couldn't help but send a message directly to Johnny Silverhand.

"Next time you encounter this kind of money-splitting, don't save me! If I know you use the umbrella's resources for 800 more, just throw money, and I will castrate you!"

Not long after Arthur sent it, Johnny Silverhand on the opposite side immediately responded to the message.

"Don't you think he is very innocent? There are people with such white lotus flowers in the Night City. I think it is a miracle. He is my little angel. Please Arthur, please be tolerant to these simple people!"

Arthur almost made him sick.

He had long thought that Johnny Silverhand was a double attack.

Can be bent or straight.

When he's free, he pokes Kerry, when he's busy, he pokes Rogge, when he's neither idle nor busy, he pokes Ott.

"What the hell... I'll blanch it, forget it, do whatever you want, how are things going lately?"

"It's going very smoothly. Didn't you see me causing a big explosion some time ago? Although it's a little worse than the one in Arasaka, it can still be regarded as a foreplay for my return!"

Arthur scratched his head. He always felt that the other person was always making dirty jokes, but he also felt like he was overthinking it.

If he really said it, he would look like an old pervert.

"Okay, our game will be launched soon. Are your promotion team members ready?"

"The Samurai Band has already prepared, and we (bbeg) can't wait to go to the toilet in other people's heads!"

Arthur scratched his head and closed the text message dialog box directly.

Yes, in reality, it is easy to be targeted by people in the company when promoting some remarks.

Although people in the company don't care.

It's like Johnny Silverhand sang those things every day before blowing up Arasaka Tower, and Agent Arasaka never gave him a big mouth.

To put it simply, the company is simply too strong.

Johnny Silverhand can affect too few people, so it is useless at all.

In addition, his singing style is not accepted by most people. After all, the rock music played by Johnny Silverhand is too hard-core.

But Arthur wasn't willing to give up on Johnny Silverhand's somewhat talented but cesspit-like brain.

So this virtual game is a very good opportunity.

As early as when Arthur first obtained this technology, he had already imagined it and asked Johnny Silverhand to prepare it.

The purpose, of course, is to make people remember the dictatorship of evil military technology and the evil deeds of biotechnology in Huangcheng...

As for the umbrella?

What the umbrella protects is of course to protect the interests of people all over the world!

Phew...ahem, this thing is a slogan prepared by Arthur. I don't know why Arthur has the urge to laugh every time he thinks about it.

But it doesn't matter, the public opinion propaganda war will always have to be fought.

But things like TV stations and Arthur's protective umbrella are difficult to get involved in.

Because the toilet has long been overcrowded, some people can't wait to go to the toilet from centuries ago.

Yes, those were the radios Arthur was talking about.

Where do you think the radios all over the streets of Night City come from?

This thing is basically half buy, half free. If you have a lot of people there, the company is even willing to give it to you for free.

The purpose is so that when you have nothing to do, you can hear that Night City is making progress every day, the crime rate is declining every day, the company is giving out benefits every day, people are winning the Dead Man Lotto every day, and the insects are sending condolences every day. Folk jokes.

Now you know why people in Night City love listening to the radio so much?

Because your only source of jokes in Night City is from these news programs or radio broadcasts.

"the vast horizon is my love..………"

Arthur immediately pinched his eyebrows, and then said to Jarvis in his brain-computer system: "Help me change the caller music back to the original one!"

That’s right, the brain-computer system can actually customize ringtones.

But you need to go to the prosthetist and pay a fee of two to three hundred yuan.

This is not expensive at all, right?

You have to think carefully about whether the wages for hard work have increased over the years.

This is knowledge that offends the realm of God...

Of course, under normal circumstances, no one would change their ringtone. Arthur would not pay the money to do it with his own hacking skills.

In order to miss his hometown, Arthur changed his ringtone to this, but it turned out to be too dramatic.

Arthur changed it again.

But it seems that some people have not been completely replaced.

Even though Zhucun called me, it still smelled like exotic music.

"By the way, help me send this most dazzling ethnic style to Johnny Silverhand, and tell him to listen to what music is!"

"Yes, sir, we are replacing it for you. We have changed all the settings for you and sent the most dazzling ethnic music to Johnny Silverhand's mailbox. I believe he will like it! 11

Arthur was silent for a moment. He didn't think Silverhand would like it.

However, he still answered the call from Zhucun.

It was now broad daylight, and Arthur stayed up all night and sat at the club full of worries all day.

Spent the night drinking and drinking.

According to normal people, Arthur should be feeling tired at this moment.

However, the prosthesis on his body was continuously injecting acceptable amounts of adrenaline into Arthur's body.

So now that Arthur is in high spirits, he won't say tired even if he goes out to kill an entire gang of scavengers.

"Zhucun? I heard that you went out last night. How did you feel about the food in Night City?"

"There are no three dishes and one soup, only plastic packaging. Once you put it in your mouth, it is all nutritious. This is the food of Night City!"

"I have to say that you are quite educated. Tell me what you want from me?"

Arthur couldn't help but nodded when he heard that it made sense. This old antique usually liked to read some neon books.

Of course, the other party reads all kinds of books, even pornographic books.

So a little cultural but not a lot. .

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