The night is coming.

Japanese Street.

A car stopped behind TURBO Restaurant.

The car door opened, and a white little leg stepped out first.

"That's it, thank you Falco. You go back first, I still have something to do."

After handing Falco's share of the reward to him, Rebecca opened the door and got out of the car.

"Eh? Aren't you going to have a drink here?" Falco looked at Rebecca in a hurry and asked in confusion.

"No time."

"Hasn't the commission been completed?"

"Why do you have so many questions? I told you to go back first."


Falco was a little helpless. Why did Rebecca look different today? It was rare to receive such an easy commission, so it would be a waste if I didn't have a few drinks to celebrate.

But Falco decided to leave first. Rebecca looked like she might explode later, so he decided to go to Lizzie Bar to have some fun.

After saying goodbye to Falco, Rebecca came to Rocky's clinic.

The door of the clinic automatically approved Rebecca's visitor application.

There were no guests in the clinic at that time. Seeing Rebecca coming, Rocky put down the prosthesis he was fiddling with.

"It's Rebecca. How is it? Is the commission going well?"

"Of course it's going well. It's not a difficult commission, and Falco's driving skills are very good, so it didn't take much time."

Rebecca transferred the received payment to Rocky while talking. After deducting the reward for Rebecca, there was still 190,000 left.

Seeing that the money finally arrived, Rocky was in a good mood.

"Haha, thank you."

It's true that with a car and a driver, the delivery is fast. It seems that the money is worth spending. Rocky was also thinking that it was time to drive a four-wheeled vehicle.

After all, he was alone before, and a motorcycle was enough, but now sometimes he has to deliver goods, and in the future he will develop a team, so a vehicle is still necessary.

"Well, then this commission is successfully completed, do you want to go out for a drink to celebrate?"

Rebecca saw that Rocky was in a good mood, and pointed her thumb behind Rocky to invite him.

"Celebrate? It seems that it is indeed worth celebrating. It seems that I have to leave work early today."

Rocky glanced at the account. The payment of 190,000 goods plus the transaction volume of the clinic this week, at this time, his account quietly lay 270,000.

With this money, Rocky can install the next module, which is indeed worth celebrating.

After cleaning up the shop and changing the sign in front of the door to "resting", Rocky and Rebecca came to the open space in front of the clinic.

After buying two glasses of wine, the two sat on the steps at the base of the tree next to them, watching the people who were having fun in the open space, chatting casually.


"So your team is pretty good."

"Of course, Mann and Dolio are like my family, and Falco is also quite reliable. As for Qiwei and Lucy, these two people are usually a little cold, but they are actually very good people. Except for Pyrrha, I just want to shoot his head with a gun."

"Haha, I can see that."

"What about you, do you have any reliable friends?" Rebecca stared at Rocky, with curiosity flashing in her eyes.

Rocky took a sip of his drink and nodded.

"Yes, Jack, you have seen him. He is the one in the Wild Wolf Bar.

He and I are old friends. He often takes me to do commissions and often takes me to bars to drink. He is one of my most trusted brothers.

And my teacher, Victor, you probably haven't seen him. He is a cyborg doctor in Watson District. He taught me all my skills. I will take you to meet him when I have time.

Of course, there is also you, Rebecca. You are also my friend."

Hearing Rocky's answer, Rebecca seemed very happy and couldn't help laughing: "What? How come there are only three of us including me? I thought people like you are good at making friends."

"I never said that."

"But then again, I didn't expect you to be a cyberpunk too. This is the first time I see a cyborg doctor taking commissions."

Rocky spread his hands helplessly.

"My clinic has only been open for a week. Before that, I was just an apprentice in my teacher's clinic. If I hadn't taken on a lot of commissions and made some money, I might still be there. But now the clinic is thriving, and I don't have much time to take commissions."

"Eh? Is that so? I was going to invite you to our team. I believe Mann won't refuse another one.

Reliable teammate. "Rebecca said with a bit of regret.

"Forget about the team. If I go to your place, Jack will probably go crazy. But I believe we will have the opportunity to fight side by side in the future."

Rocky was a little surprised to hear that Rebecca wanted to pull him into the Mann team, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. There was no need.

It is only a matter of time before the Mann team falls apart. Mann can't hold on for too long. After his death, no one can support the team. David is already on Rocky's reservation list, so it can be said that he has nothing to do with the Mann team.

It seems that the future of the Mann team is bleak, and I still have to save Rebecca and Lucy from the dire situation.


"Of course. "

The two chatted for a long time, and Rocky once again rode his motorcycle to take Rebecca home. However, this time he did not encounter the annoying Whirlpool Gang on the road.

Back in Long Beach North, Rebecca let go of Rocky's hand and jumped off the car.

After saying goodbye to Rebecca, Rocky did not go home directly, but went to find Wakako first.

"It's L, why are you here?"

Wakako looked at Rocky who came in, a little curious.

"Nothing, just want to thank you for recommending so many customers to me these days. If it weren't for you, I guess no one would know about my clinic."

As Rocky spoke, he transferred 10,000 euros to Wakako, just as advertising fees for Wakako.

It can only be said that Wakako did help him a lot. In Night City, there is more than just fighting and killing, and there are still human relationships. If you want Wakako to continue to help you attract customers, this sincerity is very necessary.

"Hehe, since you said so, I will accept the money. "Wakako said with a smile.

No one doesn't love money, and it's only natural to take the hard work fee for introducing people. There should be some rules. If you don't give it, it would be Rocky's ignorance.

After running the trip to Wakako, Rocky can finally go home and have a good rest.


The next day.

Rocky sat in the clinic, not in a hurry to open, but looking through the modules in the system.

Regarding the selection of the next module, Rocky already had some ideas in his mind.

Now he has formed a cooperative relationship with many clinics. Relying on the reputation of power stimulants, many clinics have now defined Feisheng Technology as a medicine workshop.

If the next module also chooses to produce and sell medicines, it will be more convenient for market development.

After looking for a while, Rocky soon found his target.

[Marvel Super Soldier Serum]

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