The new product is a big success.

[Marvel Super Soldier Serum]

[Super Soldier Serum from the Marvel Universe, which can enhance the user's metabolic function and all body functions, allowing the user to reach the peak of human potential and have the ability to mass-produce super soldiers.

After use, it will comprehensively enhance the user's attributes, including improving strength, toughness, resistance to blows, recovery, improving nerve reaction ability, enhancing brain utilization, and other improvements. Multiple use is invalid. ]

[Price adjustment: World correction -10%]

[Item module: 18,000 Euro/dose]

[Alchemy table recipe expansion: 180,000 Euro]

[Technology expansion: 270,000 Euro]

Lockey looked at the information of the module and decisively downloaded the alchemy table recipe expansion module.

The strengthening effect of the super soldier serum is very good, which is also very useful for Rocky, and the price is just right, but maybe Lao Wei’s money will be owed again.

Nowadays, whether it is cyberpunk or gang members, or even the company’s troops, they all have a need for physical strengthening. After all, not everyone is a modification maniac, and the original power is sometimes very useful.

In addition to self-training, there are also many drugs on the market that can enhance physical strength, but the effect is average. In addition, the transformation of biological prostheses is also a good choice, but this technology is still under development and has not been widely used.

In contrast, the super soldier serum has a very strong effect on the body. Even if you are a skinny boy, it can transform you into a strong man with strong muscles. And it is not an ordinary man, but a man whose body has reached the peak of human potential.

Let's put aside other people first. If the animal gang, who use animal hormones to increase muscle, knew that there was such a good thing, they would definitely go crazy to get it, and even go bankrupt for it.

So Rocky chose the super soldier serum as the next stage of the product without thinking too much.

The module was successfully installed, and Rocky came to the studio and checked the formula of the super soldier serum.

Like stimulants, this formula also has secondary formula materials, and more than last time.

This also makes the manufacturing process more complicated and takes more time.

However, this will give more room for operation, and it will become possible to modify the formula to prepare a weakened version of the super soldier serum.

After all, Rocky didn't want to see Captain America running around the streets. As long as the effect of the serum was better than all the strengthening potions on the market and it was competitive enough, that was enough.

Rocky frowned as he looked at the materials needed in various formulas.

This formula was different from the last one. Many materials became rarer. The price was okay, but it was difficult to find suppliers of these things.

Rocky came to the computer terminal and checked various supplier pages and black market forums to find the materials he wanted.

This process was much more difficult than Rocky thought. It took Rocky two days to find all the materials through various browsing searches and connections.

It was five days later when all the materials Rocky needed were gathered.


With the continuous operation of the alchemy table, the last step of refining the super soldier serum was finally completed.

Looking at the several blue serums in his hand, compared with the serum in the Marvel world, the serum installed by the module is a concentrated version, and only one can achieve the strengthening effect.

As for the method of use, there is no particular requirement. Just inject it directly into the body. It can be said to be very convenient, but it is unclear what will happen during the process of taking effect.

Rocky decided to test the effect on himself first. Anyway, there are only benefits and no harm in using it.

In order to better test and record the effect of the serum, and to prevent accidents, Rocky specially called Lao Wei to his clinic.

"What is this?" Lao Wei asked as he looked at the blue serum handed over by Rocky.

"New medicine, super soldier serum, can improve the user's physical function in all aspects."

After hearing Rocky's explanation, Lao Wei also guessed the reason for calling him over.

"Do you want to inject this thing?"

"Yes, so please come and help me watch it, and record the data changes of my body by the way." Rocky nodded.

"Are you sure it's safe? Is there any prior experimental guarantee?" Seeing Rocky was about to inject something he had never seen into his body,

Lao Wei habitually raised concerns. After all, normal drugs need to go through countless experiments to ensure that they can be used safely on the human body.

"Absolutely safe, trust me, Lao Wei." With the formula of the alchemy table and the double guarantee of the workbench analyzer, Rocky naturally determined that there would be no safety issues.


After connecting various testing equipment to Rocky lying on the operating chair, adjusting various parameters, and confirming that there were no problems, Lao Wei took the blue serum and came to Rocky.

"Are you ready?"

"Come on."

As the needle was inserted into Rocky's body, the blue serum was pushed in little by little under Lao Wei's control.

A dose of serum is not much, and the injection was completed quickly.

Rocky, lying in the operating room, was concentrating on feeling the changes in his body.

'My body is so hot and itchy. So sleepy...' Rocky closed his eyes uncontrollably.

When Rocky opened his eyes again, he saw the scene of Lao Wei sitting next to him, which scared him so much that he thought he had traveled through time again.

"How long have I been lying there?" Rocky asked Lao Wei.

"Only two hours. How do you feel now?"

"I feel very good. My thinking and reaction seem to have become more sensitive. I have endless energy."

Sitting up, Rocky felt the state of his body. It was better than ever before. His perception became clearer and his body contained explosive power.

He looked down at his body and found that his body shape had not changed much, but his muscles looked tighter and more solid.

"Your data is recorded on the terminal. Take a look for yourself." Lao Wei's tone was obviously a bit incredible. It seemed that the data shocked him.

Rocky came to the terminal to check the data. As a prosthetic doctor, Rocky could naturally understand the data.

According to the recorded data, Rocky's body functions, including metabolic levels, have indeed been improved as described, and the weaker the previous areas, the greater and more obvious the improvement, which is equivalent to transforming him from a strength-biased warrior to an all-round warrior.

At the same time, this enhancement also includes the strengthening of the brain. It can be said that Rocky is now a hexagonal warrior. To exaggerate, he can now be considered a superhuman.

It is worthy of the inventor of the super soldier serum to describe it as "the next step in human evolution."

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