The moon is shining brightly.

"How is it? How is the scenery here?"

"Great, this is the first time I see Night City from this angle, the moon is so beautiful."

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most beautiful night view of Night City that Rocky has seen since he came to Night City, and he also expressed his sincere admiration.

"Yeah, you also think the moon is beautiful, right? Every night when there are no clouds blocking the sky, you can see the moon here."

Lucy smiled on her beautiful face.

She seemed to be happy to share her secret base, and happy for Rocky's recognition of her.

Under the moonlight, Lucy's beautiful face was set off more attractively, and that faint smile was deeply imprinted in Rocky's heart.

"So Lucy likes the moon?"

"Yes, that's the place I yearn for the most."

Lucy sat on the ground, and Rocky followed her and sat down.

"Longing for the moon? To be honest, I also long for the moon."

"Hmm?" Lucy, who was looking up at the sky with her hands behind her back, turned her head to look at Rocky, and seemed a little curious.

Noticing Lucy's gaze, Rocky smiled and explained.

"I once played a game, controlling the character, driving a spaceship, and exploring one planet after another in the unmanned deep space.

Although it was lonely, the vast and mysterious universe and the unique and beautiful planets also fascinated me. Since then, I have always longed to take a space trip."

"I see." Hearing Rocky's explanation, Lucy nodded.

"By the way, Lucy, how about we travel to the moon together in the future? Not only the moon, but also many other planets. When I have a spaceship, we will travel."

"Puchi, what are you talking about? What is a spaceship? Are you serious?"

After hearing Rocky's serious talk about driving a spaceship to travel to the moon with her, Lucy was stunned for a while, and then laughed.

She suddenly felt that the man in front of her was a little inexplicably cute, and his words were always weird and unrealistic. Before, he said that he would rush to Arasaka Tower for her, and now he said that he would travel with him on a spaceship.

Although Lucy didn't take his words seriously, she looked at his serious look and felt a little excited. What would it be like if what he said really came true?

Space travel? That must be very interesting. If there really was a spaceship that could take her to different planets, would she be able to escape from Arasaka forever?

But this might just be a fantasy.

"Lucy, I'm serious. This is my promise. I will take you to the moon, but I still need some time." Seeing that Lucy didn't take his words seriously, Rocky said again in an affirmative tone.

Rocky was of course serious, but he couldn't do it now, but in the future, when he had enough capital, space travel would not be impossible.

The module gave Rocky unlimited possibilities. Looking at the various spaceship modules from the No Man's Sky game in the module mall, Rocky became more determined in his thoughts.

It's just the moon, even if Lucy wants to go to another galaxy, Rocky can take her there.

"Haha, you're so cute. Come, I'll show you something."

Speaking of flying to the moon, Lucy suddenly showed a hint of excitement, as if she remembered something happy, stood up and pulled Rocky's arm, motioning him to follow her.

Rocky also stood up immediately and was pulled by Lucy all the way to her apartment.

Lucy opened the door of the apartment and beckoned Rocky to go in.

After taking a look at the layout of Lucy's room, although he already knew the general appearance, Rocky couldn't help but sigh that the layout of this level of apartment in Night City is almost the same.

"Is this... Mewtwo?"

"Yes, come on, put it on."

Lucy picked up a Mewtwo headband at the head of the bed, and before Rocky reached out to take it, she leaned forward to help Rocky put it on.

Seeing Lucy's eager look, Rocky could only let her fiddle with it.

Soon, both of them put on the Mewtwo headband and lay on Lucy's bed.

As the Mewtwo device was activated, after a burst of white light, the scene in Mewtwo appeared in front of them.

In Mewtwo, Rocky and Lucy both wore space suits and stood on the surface of the moon. The real experience of Mewtwo made the two people feel like they were really on the moon.

"How is it? This is my treasured Mewtwo, a super real moon experience." Lucy's voice came to Rocky's ears through the communication device in the space suit.

"So strong, this is the first time I have such a real and wonderful space experience."

After feeling the real gravity environment in Mewtwo, Rocky felt the feeling of flying with a light jump, which he had never experienced before.

Although he had lived in Cyberpunk for so long and had experienced the more realistic Mewtwo, his previous experiences were not in the right way. This was his first time to have a serious space experience.

"Haha, I thought you had played so many space games and were used to it." Lucy laughed at Rocky who was jumping around.

"No, the games I played were all two-dimensional, and I haven't played this kind of immersive space experience."

The game Rocky was talking about was naturally the one he played before coming to Night City. He hadn't played this kind of game since he came to Night City.

"I see. Then I'll take you to experience it."

Lucy jumped lightly, jumped in front of Rocky, grabbed Rocky's hand, and pulled him to start a wanton tour on the moon.

Along the way, Lucy enthusiastically introduced everything they saw to Rocky.

Like a base station standing on the moon, a collection vehicle, astronauts, and a spectacular crater.

It was as if she had been here countless times and was already familiar with everything in Mewtwo.

After introducing the interesting things, Lucy turned around and looked at Rocky.

Lucy had a bright smile on her face. Through the glass of the space suit helmet, the scorching sun shone on her face, as if all the beauty was gathered here.

Rocky was stunned for the first time. This was the first time he saw such a smile on Lucy's face.

He could sense that Lucy was really happy. Here she seemed to have put down all her worries, no longer had to worry about Arasaka, and just happily enjoyed the wonderful journey on the moon.

And Lucy also felt unprecedented happiness at this time, not only brought to her by the moon Mewtwo, but also brought by Rocky.

This was the first time she brought people here. This was her real secret base. This place was like her heart, and no one had ever set foot here before.

But today was an exception. For the first time, she could tell others about her joy and share her dream with others, and she was recognized.

Lucy had experienced this super dream countless times, but perhaps this time was the happiest time for her.

After walking around, the two of them soon came to a huge meteorite crater.

Lucy stopped and did not move forward.

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