The moon is full of stars, and the moon is full of stars.

"How do you feel after the moon trip?"

"Great, thank you Lucy for taking me to experience such a great Mewtwo. To be honest, I'm already looking forward to the moment when I really step on the moon."

"I'm glad you like it. This is the first time I bring someone here. I used to think I could be very happy on the moon alone, but now I find that it feels really good to have someone with me."

"Then I can always accompany you."

"Haha, thank you."

The two sat on the edge of the crater.

The starry sky on the moon is beautiful, and the huge blue planet occupies a large area of ​​the starry sky, hanging quietly in front of the two.

'Will you always accompany me? '

Lucy just stared at the beautiful earth, imagining how nice it would be for two people to live on the moon and be like this every day.


At this time, Lucy seemed to suddenly remember something.

"By the way, don't you have something to say?"

If she remembered correctly, Rocky had something to say to her at first, but he accidentally changed the topic to the moon.

Rocky, who was standing aside, looked into Lucy's eyes, was silent for a moment, and spoke.

"There is something to say. That is, when you were in the Blue Azure Building, Arasaka's hacker infiltrated you deeply in order to search for information. He said that you were once Arasaka's property.

Only Jack and I know about this now. The hacker died before uploading the information, and his brain was blown up by me. Arasaka doesn't know about this, so you don't have to worry."

Rocky didn't want to ruin the good atmosphere at this time, but in the end he chose to say it like this, at least here Lucy can open her heart more.

When Lucy heard that Arasaka hackers dug out her identity, she showed a shocked expression, but then she relaxed after hearing that Arasaka didn't know about it.

Lucy was actually afraid that this matter would be known by others. She had never revealed this past to anyone else, not even to the members of Mann's team.

The bottom line is that in Night City, the only person you can trust is yourself.

She didn't know if this matter would be sold out to Arasaka one day if other people knew about it.

But now that Rocky and Jack knew about it, she could only choose to accept it. After all, she couldn't kill them to silence them.

Regardless of whether she could do it or not, it was they who rescued her in the Blue Azure Building. Although they didn't spend much time together, she felt that these two people were much more reliable and trustworthy than others.

If Rocky really intended to sell herself out to Arasaka, he wouldn't have said this.

And thinking back to the experience tonight, whether it was Rocky's comfort to her at the beginning, or his promise to her later, and now bringing him to the Moon Mewtwo.

Lucy has already regarded Rocky as someone she can trust, and the only one.

"Well... you know it. That's right, I used to be a hacker under Arasaka, and now I have escaped to Night City.

Didn't you ask me before why I was afraid of Arasaka? This is the reason.

I was trained as a hacker by Arasaka since I was a child. I have no parents, only endless training. There are many children like me who are used as tools by Arasaka.

When we grow up, Arasaka will put us in the old network to find valuable data.

But that place is full of countless malicious programs and defecting AI. Every time someone is attacked, killed, and left there forever.

We don't know when it will be our turn, so we chose to resist, killed them with the technology Arasaka taught us, and escaped.

I have been running all the way, never stopping, just afraid of Arasaka. The sky caught up with me, found me, and locked me up in that place where there is no sunlight forever.

Until I came to Night City, it was in chaos and no one cared about your past. There was no sense of urgency of being chased by Arasaka here, but I was still afraid.

As long as I am still in the place covered by Arasaka, I will be unable to stop the fear, as if they will find me one day.

For me, wherever there is Arasaka, it is hell.

That's why I yearn for the moon. I have always dreamed of landing on the moon so that I can escape from Arasaka forever.

Do you feel shameful and cowardly? But this is my dream. "

Lucy's tone seemed very relieved, as if the big stone that had been pressing on her heart for many years was lifted up. This secret has been sealed in her heart for too long. When she said it out,

And feel a sense of relief.


Rocky shook his head and continued.

"Lucy, I understand your feelings. This is not your fault, but Arasaka's fault. They are too big. If it were anyone else, they would probably have to run away. This is not cowardice, nor is it shameful.

For normal people, Arasaka is like a behemoth. Fighting him is the same as committing suicide.

My words were too heavy before. I'm sorry if they have caused you trouble. Whether it was before coming to Night City or after I drifted to Night City, I have always hated these companies.

I look forward to one day being able to completely break the rule of the company and stand at the highest point of this city and the world. This is my dream.

But this is only my dream after all, not yours. I shouldn't ask you to work hard for my dream."

Rocky's words, spoken in a calm and firm tone, set off waves in Lucy's heart.

"Is this...your dream?"

This was the most unrealistic dream she had ever heard. What kind of person could calmly say that he wanted to stand at the highest point in the world?

She had heard other people's dreams before, such as becoming a legend, becoming a company executive, or leaving the city after making enough money, but this was the first time she heard someone say such a fantastic thing.

"L, you are really crazy."

"Maybe, maybe you think it is unrealistic, but I will continue to work hard for it. Whether it is my dream or your dream, I will make it come true.

Believe me, Lucy, I will take you to the moon, I will become a more powerful existence than Arasaka, step on Arasaka, and make you no longer afraid of him."

A smile appeared on Rocky's face, and he stretched out his hand to Lucy, as if inviting her to witness everything he was going to do.

Lucy was stunned as she watched this scene.

The sun shone from behind Rocky, as if he had walked out of the light to save her from the darkness.

"Why?" Lucy murmured.

She didn't understand. He clearly said that he shouldn't let others work hard for his dream, but he wanted to realize her dream.

Is it because he is really crazy, or because they both hate Arasaka, or because...

"Because I am the same as you, I can understand you. I hope you can live in the sunshine one day, and I hope you can be happy every day like you are now. This is also my dream."

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