After seeing Yamamoto off, Rocky continued the interview.

The remaining people all had their own skills, none of them were simple.

After Rocky asked them to sign the employment contract, everyone was connected to the system of Ascension Technology.

As a result, under Lissandra's hacking, each of them showed their prototypes.

Military technology, biotechnology, trauma team, none of these were left behind, and there were also people from other companies.

In short, everyone is a talent.

However, although there are not many normal people in the company now, there are also advantages to using undercover agents.

These guys are much more motivated than ordinary employees, and there is no burden at all to use them. If there are more tiring work, just direct them to do it.

After completing the interview, Ascension Technology is now fully on track. It will only take a few days for the first batch of medicines to be fully produced and put on the market.

Sitting in the office, Rocky called up the terminal monitor.

Turn on the news channel.

"News 54 reports for you.

Arasaka recently announced that it will hold a press conference in Night City in three days.

According to sources, the content of the press conference is to announce the official cooperation with a company called Ascension Technology.

I believe everyone is very unfamiliar with Ascension Technology. According to investigations, the company is a new company that was just established in Night City.

There is no more information about the company for the time being. As for why Arasaka chose to establish a cooperative relationship with such a company, I believe everything will be revealed in three days.

If you want to know more about the follow-up content of this press conference, please pay attention to News 54."

The host on the screen is reporting on the latest news of Arasaka's press conference.

The news of holding a press conference was announced by Arasaka not long ago, and it has now been spread on the Internet in Night City.

This press conference is also one of the contents of the cooperation between Rocky and Arasaka. Clearly declaring the cooperative relationship will have great benefits for the sales of subsequent products.

This is also the first time Rocky has read reports about Ascension Technology. When he was reading with great interest, Lao Wei called.

"L, I saw that report, News 54. Are you going to appear at this press conference too?"

The call was connected, and Lao Wei's voice came from the other side, asking about Rocky's situation.

"Of course, after Arasaka announces the cooperation, I will hold a product press conference immediately." Rocky answered Lao Wei.

He will definitely take advantage of Arasaka's popularity. If he chooses a time to hold a product press conference, it will definitely not be as popular as Arasaka's press conference.

For this product press conference, Rocky plans to promote the second type of stimulant. As for the serum, he currently has to meet the orders from Arasaka first, and he can't sell it.

"Then you have to prepare well."

"It's just a press conference, there's nothing to prepare. My people will help me take care of it. Don't forget Lao Wei, I'm not the only one now."

Rocky responded to Lao Wei's concern with a smile.

"That's true."

"By the way, Lao Wei, remember to attend the press conference that day, after all, you are now a director of Ascension Technology."

Rocky invited Lao Wei.

For Lao Wei and other people who are the most trustworthy, Locky naturally gave them the status of directors of Ascension Technology without hesitation.

Although it is basically just a title, and the dividends are not much, it also means that they have the highest authority in Ascension Technology Company except Locky.

Not only can they command Lissandra to handle various matters, but they can also check all the internal information of Ascension Technology.

For them, Locky naturally has no secrets to hide.

"Okay, I'll go when the time comes."

After responding to Locky's invitation, Lao Wei did not choose to disturb them too much and hung up the phone.

As soon as the call with Lao Wei ended, Lucy pushed the door and walked in.

In addition to a nominal director position, Lucy is also helping Rocky handle the work of the intelligence department.

Unlike the marketing department, which requires a large number of people and is not good at Lissandra.

Rocky did not choose to recruit outsiders for the intelligence department of Ascension Technology.

First, the confidentiality of intelligence work, and second, with the existence of Lissandra, no other manpower is needed at all, and Lucy alone is enough.

Even Lucy is just controlling the direction and decision-making, and basically all the work is done by Lissandra.

"Lucy, what's the matter?" Rocky

Qi asked when he saw Lucy coming in.

Lucy shook her head.

"Nothing, just came to see you. There's nothing for me to do in the intelligence department, and it's a bit boring to stay in the company. You should have finished the interview here."


Rocky responded to Lucy and was about to continue talking when Lissandra came out to give a reminder.

"Master, the incident you are concerned about has made progress. It's about David Martinez."

Lissandra's voice sounded, and a video screen was played in Rocky's system.

It was a picture of a car accident.

In the picture, a raging fire was burning on the road, and a red-haired woman could be seen lying in the middle of the road, seemingly unconscious.

And in the overturned vehicle on one side, a person could be vaguely seen trapped in it, constantly trying to shout.

"Just now, on the bridge to Santo Domingo, the Animal Gang attacked Arasaka's vehicle. And caused a car accident.

The victim trapped in the car accident is the target of the master's attention, David Martinez."

Lissandra explained the video of what happened in the video.

Rocky has been paying attention to David's situation, and after Lissandra appeared, Rocky gave her this task.

In Rocky's opinion, David is indeed very talented, otherwise Arasaka would not have targeted him and wanted to use him for experiments.

Although he died in the hands of Adam Hammer in the end, it is very rare for an ordinary person.

If David is under his command and has his help, I believe he will become countless times stronger than before, and perhaps he can become Rocky's capable general.

However, although Rocky has always wanted to recruit David, he did not act too early.

Rocky needs an opportunity.

Before David experienced the car accident, although he often watched Black Mewtwo and dreamed of becoming a cyberpunk.

But he is still a little brat after all, his mind has not changed, and he still lives without thoughts every day for his mother's dream.

Such a David has no way to meet Rocky's requirements.

And now is the best time to recruit David.

After learning about the incident, Rocky naturally did not intend to miss this opportunity.

"Lucy, aren't you bored now? Come on, I'll take you to find someone."


"A little brat, a future legend."

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