The operation was very successful, but she is still in a coma and has not regained consciousness. We will arrange for her to be hospitalized for observation for a few days." Santo Domingo. Coronado Farm. In a clinic, a shirtless doctor wearing a suspender apron was reporting the situation to David who was sitting in front of him. After the car accident, no one cared about David and Gloria. The trauma team ignored them after finding out that the two were not users. David had no choice but to bring his unconscious mother to this clinic. At this time, David's Arasaka Academy uniform was covered with dust, and several scratches destroyed his exquisiteness. With a bandage on his head and a band-aid on his nose, David looked a little dusty and asked after hearing what the doctor said.

"Can't I see her?"

"Sorry, the cheapest package does not include the visit service." The doctor rejected David's request.

In Night City, everything depends on money, and most services depend on how much money you pay.

Even when you go to the hospital for treatment, the cheap and expensive packages are often very different.

As a native cyberpunk, David did not feel strange about this, he was used to it.

This situation is normal in any hospital.

But in this hospital, the dim and simple environment, the shirtless muscular doctor.

Any experienced person will think that there is something wrong with this hospital, but David is not clear.

"Here is the bill, please sign for it. I also brought your mother's belongings.

Please pay the bill within three days."

The doctor put a black bag in David's hand and left.

David looked at the bag in his hand, stunned for a moment, and looked at the bill sent by the doctor.

Although it was the cheapest package, it was still a huge amount of money for him now.

Just when David was still thinking about how to solve the problem of medical expenses, a smell of cigarettes suddenly rushed into his nose.


The sudden smoke choked David, and he didn't like the smell of cigarettes.

David was a little confused, why would someone smoke in the hospital.

Turning his head, he found that two people came to him at some point.

David looked at the two people in front of him, a man and a woman. The man was wearing a delicate suit, which seemed out of place in the environment of this hospital.

The woman had neon pastel hair, and the choking smell of cigarettes just came from the cigarette in her hand.

These two people were naturally Rocky and Lucy.

While David was looking at them, Lucy also looked at David with interest.

She didn't expect Rocky to run all the way to a remote clinic in Santo Domingo just to find this kid.

Seeing David wearing the uniform of Arasaka Academy, this guy is still a student, Lucy now has some doubts about Rocky's claim that he is a future legend.

However, out of trust and respect for Rocky, Lucy did not say anything, but just quietly watched what Rocky was going to do.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

David looked at Rocky and asked.

There are so many places in the hospital corridor, but they just walked next to him. David suspected that they came for him.

"I came to do something. I'm just a little curious, why would a student of Arasaka Academy come to such a place."

Rocky nodded and asked knowingly.

"Uh, I just had a car accident on the road, and my mother was in a coma, so I brought her here.

I think you misunderstood, I am not a child from a wealthy family, and I can go to Arasaka Academy because my mother works hard.

The medical expenses of a good hospital are too expensive, I can't afford it, so I can only come here." David explained when Rocky asked.

Although the two people in front of him appeared a little suddenly, looking at the exquisite suit of this man, David felt that maybe he had some relationship with Arasaka Academy, so he was curious about him.

"It sounds very touching, but does your mother have red hair?"

"Huh? How do you know, do you know my mother?"

David was a little surprised to see that Rocky knew what his mother looked like. Could it be that he saw her when he came to the hospital just now, or did the man in front of him know his mother?

But Rocky smiled and shook his head.

"I guessed. I just like you, so I gave you a gift."

After Rocky finished speaking, he let Lissandra hack into David's


Then a surveillance video played in front of David.

In the video, a red-haired woman was lying on the operating table, but the environment around the operating table was obviously not in a hospital.

Various surgical tools stained with blood, strange graffiti on the wall, and coagulated black blood in the corners all indicated that this was not an ordinary hospital at all.

At this time, even if David was stupid, he should have reacted.


David exclaimed, the woman in the video was his mother Gloria.

Looking at the video in the surveillance, he finally realized that he had brought his mother to hell with his own hands.

Although David's brain was a little stupid, he didn't find any problems in such an obvious black clinic, but at least he had some understanding of the scavenger who watched the black dream every day.

The scene in the surveillance was obviously the scavenger's den.

At this time, David held his head with both hands, his eyes were full of fear, and his right leg began to shake wildly.

He didn't expect things to turn out like this. If he hadn't had the surveillance footage in front of him, he might not have known what happened until his mother was completely decomposed.

He might even have foolishly thought that his mother really died because of ineffective rescue.

'What should I do, what should I do, what should I do to save my mother. '

David fell into fear and confusion. Although he often experienced the battles in the black super dream, he had never experienced these in reality.

Looking at the several fully armed scavengers in the surveillance, David swallowed his saliva and wondered what he should do to save his mother from these guys.

At this time, David suddenly turned his eyes to Rocky.

"Can you help me? Save my mother. Are you a hacker, a cyberpunk, or an agent?

Anyway, can you please help me, I can give you a reward."

David placed his hope on Rocky. Rocky could hack into the network here to intercept the surveillance footage, so he would definitely be able to help him save people.

What made David despair was that Rocky shook his head.

"I won't help you save people. You should bear the consequences of your own actions."

Rocky's cold words rang in David's ears, and the flame of hope in David's heart was extinguished in an instant.

Just when David thought there was no hope, he saw Rocky move again.

Rocky took out a pistol from nowhere, pulled the safety and loaded it, and threw it to David.

"Don't you want to save your mother? Then go and save her. The weapon is ready for you. Let me see your skills."

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