The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

The fierce sound of gunfire rang out in the open badlands.

The mercenaries aimed their heavy machine guns at the Arasaka convoy and fired.

But their big guys could not cause obvious damage to Arasaka's armed vehicles.

Instead, Arasaka's escort vehicles knocked them out.

Without passive defense or choosing to speed up to get rid of the attack, Arasaka's armed escort team began to actively counter-clear these annoying mercenaries.

Control the armed vehicles to stick to the mercenaries' vehicles, draw guns and shoot them in the head, all in one go.

Soon these mercenaries were all cleared out.

But the crisis of the Arasaka convoy has not been resolved.

After solving this group of mercenaries, there are more mercenaries waiting for them ahead.

Even if it is not difficult for them to deal with these mercenaries.

But this is not without cost.

Facing wave after wave of mercenaries, Arasaka's transport team began to decline slowly.

The number of armed personnel was decreasing little by little.

It became increasingly difficult to deal with these mercenaries.

At this pace, it might be a matter of time before they were captured by these mercenaries.


Arasaka transport convoy.

The large transport truck in the middle is the main target of this transport mission.

In the carriage.

Two fully armed Arasaka soldiers were sitting opposite each other with their guns.

The sound of bullets hitting the outside of the car was blocked by the high-strength protective steel plate, and turned into a subtle muffled sound that echoed in the carriage.

Red dots kept appearing on the tactical panel on the side, and then disappeared.

The blue dots representing their teammates were also slowly disappearing.

At this time, their expressions under the cover of their tactical helmets were a little nervous.

Because they were intercepted all the way in the Bad Land, in the past, Arasaka's reinforcement team should have been on the way.

But now, let alone the reinforcement team, not even a sound was heard.

This also made them smell something different.

Either the enemy was too strong, or there was something wrong with this mission.

Swallowing their saliva, they looked to the other side at the same time.

On one side of the carriage, there was a big guy they had never seen before.

The iconic huge gorilla arm indicated its identity.


And in the middle of the Cyborg, a guy without limbs and unconscious was hanging.

Two armed soldiers looked at the scene, although they didn't know what the Cyborg they were transporting was.

But it didn't prevent them from guessing that this was Arasaka's latest scientific research product.

Such an important product was in danger, but Arasaka was not in a hurry at all.

How could they not know the meaning of this.

It was obvious that they were a bait.

But what's the point of knowing this? It will only make your death more painful.

As a pawn under Arasaka, they don't seem to have the right to choose their own life or death.


With a loud noise and violent bumps, the truck that was originally moving fast suddenly stopped.

And the two armed soldiers also received their last mission.

Start the installation program on the truck terminal.


On the vast bad land.

The driver of the transport truck was still killed by the mercenaries.

The truck that started the braking program shoveled up a large piece of yellow soil, and finally stopped slowly under the overwhelming yellow sand.

This group of mercenaries, who didn't know which wave, looked at the truck in the yellow sand and smiled excitedly.

They didn't notice that there was a gap on the side of the sand.

It was as if someone had broken through the yellow sand barrier at a very fast speed.

The mercenaries came to the door of the truck excitedly.

The hacker in the team began to crack the car door.

But just before the hacker completely unlocked the car door, the ground suddenly shook.

The mercenaries turned their heads and saw a scene that terrified them.

Above the evil land, armed vehicles with the words "military technology" printed on them occupied their vision.

The convoys caused the entire ground to shake slightly, and the raised sand even covered half of the sky.

In addition to ordinary armed vehicles, there were also a large number of armed missile vehicles mixed in.

But what frightened these mercenaries the most was the military technology two-seat air cushion tank flying in the air - the magic lizard.

"Military technology? What size team is this!"

The mercenary leader shouted in fear.

He had never seen such a lineup before.

"Boss, what should we do? Should we run?"

One of the mercenaries asked hurriedly.

This is not a matter of a small armed transport convoy.

Did they see those missile vehicles ready to go? If they were to wash over with a round of missiles, they would all be reduced to scum.

They were just desperate criminals, not really wanting to live.

But just as the boss was hesitant about these military technology troops, another bad situation seemed to have emerged.

A huge muffled sound suddenly came from the originally quiet truck.

And a huge protrusion appeared on the indestructible door.

It was as if a terrible beast was locked inside, awakened at this moment, ready to rush out and eat people.


Seeing this scene, the mercenary captain also hurriedly ordered that if he didn't retreat, he would really die.

But this was originally a commission that meant death anyway, so how could he survive so easily?

The door of the truck made a loud noise for the second time, and the door could no longer withstand the huge force and flew out.

As the truck lost its door, the scene inside the car was revealed.

What caught my eye was a deep red.

It was not the red light of the alarm, but the blood splattered all over.

The two Arasaka soldiers were made into the best paint to paint the car with a new paint.

The cyborg, or the experimental subject Captain Bafil, was out of the cage.

There was no roar like King Kong as imagined, and Bafil's face was unexpectedly indifferent.

At this time, he could feel the terrible power brought to him by this set of cyborgs.

As an iron-blooded soldier, he had never seen such a cyborg.

But at this time, he was not happy about his strength.

Because he knew that he was just a poor experimental subject.

What was the point of the experimental subject being strong?

His existence was to bring a grand performance to Arasaka, and then be thrown into the trash can to slowly rot and die.

He knew what would happen to him after he was injured and passed out on the battlefield and was revived by a mysterious drug. He "voluntarily" participated in Arasaka's experimental plan and knew what would happen to him.

So who should be blamed for this? Should it be him who showed bravery on the battlefield but accidentally lost?

Bafil didn't think so.

Arasaka should be the one to blame.

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