The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Barfield hated Arasaka, and the scattered armed soldiers in the truck were his masterpiece.

But that was just his powerless venting of anger.

After sorting out his thoughts, Barfield looked at the group of mercenaries who were fleeing in a hurry, and casually raised his hand to crush them into meat patties with a gravity field.

Under the influence of the gravity field, even the ground was pressed into a terrible huge pit.

But this gravity field does not only affect the outside world.

While Barfield was using the gravity field, his head also produced a slight tingling that made his mind more chaotic.

It also made his thinking more violent.

After solving this group of inconspicuous thieves, Barfield turned his attention to the armed forces surrounding him from a distance.

"Military technology... Is this what Arasaka is for? Let me fight these armies."

The armed forces were getting closer and closer, and the missiles on the missile vehicles were ready to go.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bafil actually didn't want to do what Arasaka wanted.

What he wanted to do now was to rush up to Arasaka Tower with this prosthetic body.

Kill all those guys who turned him into this ghost.

But at this time, the memories in his mind made him calm down again.

"Experimental subject Bafil, the military technology army is your target, let me see what you can do.

Don't think about doing anything small, you should know our methods best.

As long as you deal with the military technology troops, your daughter will not have to work hard for the rest of her life. She will get the best life and the best education.

But if you don't do this, I don't need to say more about the consequences, I don't want to repeat these words a second time.

Your life was saved by Arasaka, a fair trade, it should be so. Not to mention that you can bring a new life to your daughter, this is also your last remaining heat, isn't it?"

"What a high-sounding bullshit." Bafil, suppressing his anger, spitted and cursed fiercely.

Taking advantage of the weak spot to threaten, a despicable but easy-to-use method.

Even an iron-blooded soldier like Bafil can only obey such a threat.

Before Bafil continued to sink in his memories.

The military technology troops were getting closer and closer, and the missiles on the missile vehicle all gushed out in an instant.

The violent firepower coverage came, and Bafil also activated the Sian Westin in an instant, avoiding the dense missile rain.

As an elite in the army, Bafil naturally installed Sian Westin, and even a high-intensity military model.

Otherwise, he would not be targeted by Arasaka.

The installation of the cyborg does not affect the performance of Sian Westin. On the contrary, the two complement each other to form a terrifying combat power.

After avoiding a round of missile rain, the mental load brought by the activation of Sian Westin made Bafil, who was originally calm, inexplicably manic.

If there were still living people in the truck compartment at this time, they would see that the progress of personality collapse displayed on the terminal panel suddenly increased by several percentage points.

Bafil, floating in the air with the propulsion device of the hovercraft, looked at the military technology troops on the ground, and his eyes showed a bloodthirsty and fierce light.

"Military technology is the same as Arasaka. These corporate dogs deserve to die. Since I can't kill Arasaka's people, I'll kill you. Anyway, you are all damned."

While speaking, Bafil activated the gravity controller towards Military Technology.

As Arasaka wished, Bafil, the first generation experimental subject, finally officially fought with Military Technology.

In an instant, gunshots, missile explosions, and gravity compression explosions.

Just like the roar of a war demon, it began to continue to play on the evil land.


And on the other side.

On a boulder platform not far away.

The ground seems to be empty, but if you look closely, you can find that there seems to be a slightly distorted film in the air.

In this film, Rocky is observing the battlefield ahead.

For the first appearance of the cyborg, Rocky naturally wants to find the best viewing position to appreciate it.

In order to come to the scene to see what this cyborg is like, Rocky also exchanged for the invisible force field generator from No Man's Sky.

Unlike ordinary stealth devices, optical camouflage is achieved through optical coating.

The stealth device in No Man's Sky achieves the effect of optical camouflage by distorting the surrounding gravity field.

It can be said that the gravity control device has achieved the precise application of a scalpel.


Of course, you can also choose to create a large-scale invisible gravity field that is not so accurate.

In this invisible position, Rocky sat on the roof of De Rosso, with Rebecca and Lucy on his left and right.

The three of them held a bottle of drink each, as if they were on vacation in this bad land.

"It's amazing, Arasaka actually has this level of weapon, this is the so-called Cyborg."

Rebecca said vaguely while drinking the drink.

At this moment, the surrounding invisible position suddenly shook and a figure flashed in.

It was David driving the Sian Westin.

At this time, David had just run back from the Arasaka truck.

This was naturally arranged by Rocky, so that David used the data knife to assist Lissandra to invade the Cyborg installation vehicle.

David was equipped with Sian Westin, and with the invisible device, he was naturally the most suitable for this task.

With Lissandra's intervention, the experimental data of Cyborg could be obtained by himself at that time.

Although it is useless for Ascension Technology, it can be used as a bargaining chip, so Rocky will certainly not let it go.

Seeing David coming back, Rocky threw him a bottle of iced drink.

"Well done, come on, let's see what this Cyborg can do."

David was not polite, took the drink and drank it.

Although he now has a physique like Captain America, it would be a lie to say that he is not tired driving the Sian Westin in such a harsh environment as the Badlands.

David, who completed the task, also began to join the spectator team at this time.

The battle on the other side began to enter a white-hot stage, but it looked more like a unilateral massacre by Cyborg.

With the help of Sian Westin, it was difficult for the military technology team to encounter Cyborg.

However, the huge power of Cyborg could easily lift their armored vehicles.

The gravity generator carried by it could pose a huge threat to military technology.

But such a powerful combat power is not without cost.

Every time he used Sianwestin and Cybertron, the nerves connected to Barfield would corrode his brain.

These erosions continued to accumulate, making Barfield's brain more chaotic and violent.

Originally killing out of hatred and revenge, it slowly turned into an instinct, an instinct of unruly destruction and destruction.

Barfield's personality was gradually disintegrating.

And this was exactly what Arasaka wanted to see, they wanted to know the limit that Cybertron could reach.

For Arasaka, Barfield was just a disposable experiment from beginning to end.

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