Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 103 The only god in Arasaka (Thanks to me for choosing a nice name, leader)

Arasaka Tower.

Special assistant?

As soon as Tang Yu walked into Michiko's spacious office, he took the initiative to say hello and briefly introduced himself.

He guessed that the other person was Xiao Michiko's personal assistant, and didn't pay much attention to it, but he felt that her words and deeds seemed a little weird.

Sasha politely folded her hands in front of her belly, her beautiful pink eyes and blue eyes shining with neon texture.

A set of pure white uniform short skirt covers the whole body appropriately, and black long-leg leather boots outline the slender waist curve.

The short black hair is wrapped like cat ears, and the black collar neckband adds a bit of a playful cat girl look.

The reason Tang Yu felt strange was not because of Sasha's beautiful appearance, but because her way of speaking and body language seemed a bit stiff and uncoordinated.

He didn't think too much, maybe it was the black technology developed by Arasaka, such as cybernetic humans.

Over the years, Arasaka Company has been deeply involved in various aspects of research including cloning, bionics, consciousness replication, cybernetics, etc.

After the big network crash, a lot of once-high-precision research data was lost outside the black wall.

Many research and development projects in Arasaka have also been forced to stop. If you want to restart those secret research, you have to send hackers to dive deep into cyberspace to 'mine'.

It's just that Tang Yu has not been in charge of related projects, so he doesn't know much about it.

He saw that in the huge office, there was only one set of directors' desks exclusively for Michiko, so he got up and walked over, sat on the office chair, and had a little experience of Arasaka's director's office experience.

"I can only say it's so-so."

The empty office floor demonstrates Michiko’s minimalist style.

The special assistant also slowly followed up, standing quietly aside with a graceful look, as if waiting for instructions.

A slightly mechanical pace, a slightly stiff dialogue, delicate porcelain doll-like makeup, and a simple and capable dress.

It's really surprising.

Tang Yu held up the black frame and scanned her. No abnormalities were found, and all human biological signs were available.

He asked the little Michiko's special assistant next to him.

"Sasha Yakovleva, how did Director Michiko arrange to participate in the meeting remotely?"

Sasha's eyes flickered, as if she was processing the received message, and then politely replied: "Director Michiko, please do everything on your own. The remote connection program has been prepared as required, and you can choose to turn it on at any time."

Tang Yu tapped the silver desk surface with his fingertips to turn on the office holographic projection. Under the interweaving of several beams of light, a clear three-dimensional picture was suspended in the air, connecting to the jungle conference room in real time.

The directors of Arasaka Tower have already begun to take their seats, preparing to wait for today's senior directors' meeting.

Tang Yu actually didn't care much about the content of the board of directors. He wanted to know what Michiko would talk to him about after the meeting.

If there is another way to survive, it will be a bit annoying. After all, he is the deputy director of the Counterintelligence Department and not Michiko's personal assistant. If he keeps doing illegal work like this, he is really a tool.

Now it is equivalent to Tang Yu working at Arasaka Company, where one person has to do three jobs.

Arthur Jenkins is on a business trip, and the Counterintelligence Department has a lot of work waiting for him.

The real boss of the Special Operations Department, Susan Abernathy, is on leave and the entire department has no backbone.

There is also Director Arasaka waiting here, and I don’t know if he will have to arrange private work next.

No matter how skilled Tang Yu was, he still had to work hard to drive three carriages.

Tang Yu rubbed his brows and couldn't help feeling that it was better to work in the field. He could not only get wages and bonuses, but also find opportunities to fish outside.

Sasha next to him seemed a little depressed when he saw Tang Yu. He leaned forward slightly and asked politely: "Mr. Tang, Sasha noticed that you are in a state of mental fatigue. Do you want to activate Sasha's service mode?"

What service model?

Tang Yu looked up at Sasha and found that her facial expression was smiling naturally, and she seemed not to think there was anything wrong with what she just said.


But he had just scanned the other person, and his biological signs were normal, fully possessing all the characteristics of a human being. Even though his appearance was a little distorted, it was obviously maintained through special means, and he could not distinguish even this detail.

Moreover, he also discovered that Sasha not only possesses hacking skills, but also has obvious traces of combat-implanted prosthetics on his body.

It's just that the way a living person behaves and speaks, it's like a cybernetic human that just left the factory.

Tang Yu looked directly into Sasha's colorful pupils, trying to find a clue in her eyes.

The eyes are as bright as gems and as deep as cat eyes, seeming to hide the deepest emotions in the heart.

When Sasha saw Tang Yu staring straight at her, she gradually showed a puzzled expression and confirmed again: "Sasha noticed that your eyes are hot and intense. Do you have any needs? You can turn on Sasha's service mode."

Tang Yu: "."

He withdrew his slightly embarrassed gaze, thinking why it was so intense and hot. The key point was that Sasha kept recommending service models. This 'bionic man' could handle it.

Before figuring out the true story of Sasha, Tang Yu could only classify her as a 'bionic person', with human characteristics but acting like a newborn AI.

Tang Yu guessed that it might be some kind of terrifying black technology developed by Arasaka Company, and there were countless bloody and sinful stories behind it.

However, this is Michiko's special assistant and has little to do with him, so he doesn't pay much attention to whether Sasha is a real person or an android.

Think about this.

Tang Yu took over her words and asked, "Tell me, what services do you provide?"

When these words blurted out, Tang Yu felt as if he was talking to non-human beings, which was weird.

It's like an artificial intelligence AI that occupies a human body and tries to identify itself as a human, and then wants to understand the thoughts and needs of real humans.

Sasha behaved naturally, with a flash of light in her eyes, and began to introduce: "You can choose to activate Sasha's multiple service modes, including but not limited to the following modes, intimate service mode, family service mode, and work service mode."

"If you feel that the above service models cannot meet your needs, you can also set an autonomous mode. Sasha will provide more than the following services based on your personalized needs. Intimacy mode plus maid service, and combat mode plus "Hacking"


Tang Yu felt more and more dizzy after hearing her talk a lot. This little Michiko's special assistant was really special, even the intimate mode maid service was set up.

By the way, shouldn’t this kind of special assistant be brought home? I don't know what Michiko thought about getting the company to come.

Tang Yu quickly waved his hand, signaling Sasha to stop the introduction, and then said helplessly: "Okay, okay, please pour me a cup of hot water."

Sasha immediately stopped talking, and after receiving Tang Yu's instructions, he replied seriously: "Okay, based on your biological signs, Sasha recommends that you take two hundred milliliters of water this time and the water temperature is fifty-four degrees Celsius."

Tang Yu suddenly didn't know what else to say, so he could only nod and follow her suggestion.

While Sasha went to pour water, Tang Yu watched the live broadcast of the board of directors.

Jungle meeting room.

As the name of the conference room indicates, it is themed with jungle green ecology.

The large silver platform is surrounded by green plants and trees, and in the middle of the platform is a large conference table.

Arasaka's senior bodyguards were stationed around, keeping an eye on the surroundings to ensure that the meeting was carried out safely.

All members of the board of directors of Night City Arasaka Tower have entered the conference room and sat down in their respective seats. The atmosphere of the meeting gradually became serious.

Tang Yu found that it was similar to the last time he watched the board of directors remotely online, except that the bright prosthetics and luxurious clothes of the board members were different from before, becoming more high-end and refined.

The members of Arasaka's board of directors are already at the top of Night City's food chain. They have access to all the latest and most cutting-edge technologies, and the replacement of prosthetics is no different than eating.

The board of directors members are all here, and the next step is to wait for Michiko Arasaka to appear.

It didn't take long.

Ta, ta, ta.

As the sound of high heels clicking on the floor came, little Michiko slowly walked into the jungle conference room surrounded by a group of private security guards.

She came to the conference table and stared at the audience. She wore a blue uniform short skirt and blue crystal high heels. Like a blue enchantress, she instantly became the focus of the audience.

Little Michiko looked around at the board members and found that everyone was present before she began to preside over the board meeting.

There were many main contents and decision-making matters of the meeting, not just the big exposure handled by Tang Yu.

But the exposure of experimental military technology prosthetics is definitely the highlight of this board meeting.

Michiko Xiao first met with the board members to discuss matters of all sizes at Arasaka Tower, including diplomacy, trade, intelligence, special operations, etc., and even the development and expansion plan of the Arasaka Seaside Industrial Park. The meeting was obviously very solid.

These discussion items made Tang Yu feel a little dozed off. After all, they were all unnutritious and clichéd things.

It is nothing more than using various means to bring down others, such as using Arasaka's powerful media matrix, legal team, financial technology, and armed special operations, including not only assassination, kidnapping, extortion, but also bribery, etc.

As long as they can seek the best interests of the company, the board of directors will unanimously agree. After all, the performance of Night City Arasaka Tower is directly linked to their salary and bonus packages.

Tang Yu was even more disgusted and disgusted by Arasaka Tower's senses from head to toe.

Starting from the core of Arasaka Company, the Arasaka family, to the company directors, management, and even lower-level employees, they have become the screws of the giant beast of Arasaka, constantly delivering nutrition and blood to it.

At this time, Sasha came forward with warm water and carefully placed it on the table. Then he stood obediently behind Tang Yu, folding his hands in front of his belly and saying nothing.

Tang Yu took a sip of warm water and felt that the temperature was suitable, so he thanked him.

Sasha replied softly: "Mr. Tang, you're welcome, are you feeling tired?"

Tang Yu realized that she might be selling strange services again, so he changed the subject and asked: "Sasha, how long have you been working at Arasaka?"

He didn't want to sit on the sidelines of any board of directors anyway, so he might as well take a look at Sasha Yakovleva's origins.

Sasha's eyes flashed slightly, as if he was thinking about it, or retrieving relevant information, and finally replied: "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry, Sasha can't answer this question for you. From the moment Sasha opened his eyes, It’s in this office.”

Tang Yu nodded slightly and felt that there was nothing wrong with her statement. As Xiao Michiko's special assistant, Sasha probably stayed here to serve, otherwise there would be so many weird service models.

I don’t know what Sasha’s background is. If he is really a cybernetic human, it would be okay to stay working in this flat floor that is half the size of a football field. Everything is set up by mechanical programs.

But Sasha, who has a human body, may not be completely a cybernetic. Tang Yu even speculated that this almost perfect body may have been wiped out of consciousness by Arasaka, and that she may be controlled by an artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence Maybe you are still learning and growing.

Seeing that Sasha was not very smart, Tang Yu felt that the latter possibility was more likely. Arasaka had seen no matter how dark the means were, and turning a living person into a cybernetic human was nothing new.

In addition, Tang Yu knew that there was another exception, which was AI brainwashing, but he ruled it out directly.

This is the top level of Arasaka Tower. If he were the top level of Ye Company, Tang Yu would be the first choice for AI brainwashing.

Therefore, Tang Yu believes that the secret behind Sasha may be unusual.

Arasaka used some special method to erase his consciousness, and then instilled it into the AI ​​program, working and living like a puppet.

Tang Yu looked at this large office flat floor and suddenly felt that half a football field was not that spacious.

He then asked: "Remember when you were a hacker yourself?"

Sasha's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was stunned for a while, then replied: "Sasha can turn on the combat mode, and you can choose the hacking function, including not only electronic intrusion, but also prosthetic overheating."

Tang Yu saw that her answer was still so programmed, which showed that Sasha's artificial intelligence level still needs to be improved.

Think about it.

Tang Yu turned his chair to face Sasha, then stood up, lowered his head slightly and stared at her neon pupils, and said solemnly every word: "Sasha, don't worry about those who serve or not, and those garbage models, you have to feel yourself , say what you really want to say, do you understand?"

These words cannot be understood by programmed AI, and only learning artificial intelligence can understand them. But what Tang Yu really wants to test is whether the human consciousness deep in Sasha's heart still exists.

Tang Yu's sharp eyes carefully observed the changes in Sasha's micro-expressions. Whether it was the reaction of the corner of the mouth, the twitching of the eyelids, or the subtle changes in the pupils, nothing could escape his notice.

Facing Tang Yu's solemn question and his penetrating gaze, Sasha was stunned as if his computer was shut down. His original natural smile froze, and he suddenly showed a trace of panic.

Tang Yu caught this subtle expression and felt that he already had the answer in his heart.

Sasha recovered quickly, smiled at the corner of her mouth, faced Tang Yu with a little doubt in her eyes, and said softly: "Sasha, I seem to understand a little bit."

This ambiguous answer made Tang Yu feel quite satisfied.

At least it shows that Sasha is learning and growing. Otherwise, if he continues to be stupid like this, what difference will there be between him and those intelligent robots manufactured by Kangtao.

Tang Yu casually touched Sasha's cat head.

"Not bad, I learn quickly."

After saying that, he turned around and sat back in his office, picked up his tea cup and drank water, and continued to watch today's Arasaka board of directors.

Behind him, Sasha's bright eyes flashed with a touch of unnoticeable joy, but it quickly disappeared. She was still standing slim and obediently behind Tang Yu.

As the meeting continued to advance, it soon reached the final key item, discussing countermeasures against military technology.

Little Michiko seems to have a tough back. The last time she was choked by a hawk on the board of directors, and even scolded by her uncle Arasaka Yorinobu who was far away in Kyoto, she wanted to scold her for this.

But she still maintained her past habit of letting board members discuss with each other first, and then she made a final decision only after they found out the details.

The debate among board members gradually became fierce around the issue of countering military technology, and the meeting was full of gunpowder.

One of the board members took the initiative to express his position: "I think it is necessary to counteract military technology, but not in this way. Exposing secret experiments in military technology will inevitably cause backlash."

"I think what Director Jonny said is right. All major companies in Night City have shady things. We all know this. Now that these things are exposed in Night City, if military technology does the same, Arasaka You will also fall into passivity.”

"Indeed, if there is another wave of opposition to Arasaka, things will not be easy to calm down, and the city councilors will be even more passive in their work."

"Today, Mayor Lucius Lane has come to ask what is going on. I want to know if Arasaka is deliberately stirring up trouble so that major companies cannot stand down."

Mayor Lucius Lane has a close relationship with Arasaka Company. Six years ago, he proposed that Arasaka Company re-enter Night City to prevent Night City from being affected by the Metal War, and finally won the honorary title of Free Mayor.

Today, Night City has become an international independent city, unique in the world.

After listening to the speeches of these board members, Michiko looked cold and completely dismissed their speeches.

They were the ones who clamored to fight against military technology with all their strength. Now they feel that there is a problem in countering military technology. It is still them.

There is no doubt that the faction to which these board members belong is none other than Arasaka Yorinobu's hawks.

Little Michiko knew the reason for their repeated jumps. It was simply because she heard through various channels that her uncle Arasaka Yorinobu was coming to Night City.

At that time, the person who will dominate Night City will definitely be Arasaka Yorinobu, and he wants to take this opportunity to embarrass little Michiko and make her retreat.

If Arasaka Yorinobu really comes to Night City, she will definitely not be able to compete with him, but now Arasaka Yorinobu's people are still in Kyoto.

The Arasaka Tower in Night City still has to be decided by her little Michiko.

She had already made a plan in her mind. As long as she caused trouble for military technology, she would show her attitude to her grandfather Saburo Arasaka. She firmly stood with the Arasaka family.

Then the possibility of Arasaka Yorinobu coming to Night City is very low. Without Arasaka Saburo's permission, even if Arasaka Yorinobu came privately, Michiko would not delegate power to him.

In Arasaka Company, her little Michiko will always listen to only one person, and that is the only god in Arasaka.

Mr. Saburo Arasaka.

Johnny: "Instant noodles, I want to give it a nice name. What do you think?"

Instant Noodles: "I think it's a good idea. Your name is Keanu Reeves. If you want to be more powerful, John Wick is also suitable for you."

Johnny: "With this name, I wouldn't have killed Arasaka Tower alone long ago. Where is my DOG?"


Thanks to the operating officer, "I want to choose a nice name". It has been nearly two months since he first published a book to support me. I am very touched!

PS: There will be a chapter later.

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