Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 104 Is your special assistant (thanks to isPasserby)

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

David Martinez is immersed in sorting out some information. These tasks were assigned to him by Harry, the leader of the Investigation Section. The task is not too difficult, but it is a bit cumbersome. He has to watch the picture frame by frame, listen to the recording, and then find the details to piece together. clue.

It's a bit like being a paparazzi, staring at different people every day, checking their whereabouts, who they meet, and what they talk to.

David stared at the large electronic screen with his eyes blankly. He couldn't help but yawned. He felt a little hungry, so he checked the time and saw that it was already lunch time.

He got up and went to the bathroom. When he left the office area, he looked specifically at the office where Tang Yu was located, but there was no movement.

“I didn’t expect the board of directors to be in session for so long.”

"Just wait a little longer."

David had no choice but to turn around and walk towards the bathroom. When passing by the public elevator, the elevator door happened to open.

He inadvertently looked sideways and was suddenly shocked.

Tanaka Katsuo?

David was stunned on the spot, looking at him a little at a loss, with ten thousand thoughts running through his mind in an instant.

How come you met Tanaka Katsuo in the Counterintelligence Department?

After all, he came to the company for internship from Arasaka Academy. Do you want to say hello to him?

David was stunned, and Tanaka Katsuo in the elevator was also stunned.

David Martinez?

Tanaka Katsuo's expression was astonished, even worse than David's.

Why is this guy in the Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor?

Did he also join Arasaka Company as an intern?

This is absolutely impossible!

Tanaka Katsuo thought he had made a mistake and accidentally pressed the Arasaka Academy floor. He quickly turned his head and looked at the elevator display for the floor.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

Tanaka Katsuo confirmed that he was on the right floor, frowned and looked away, his expression gradually becoming weird.

He put his hands in his pockets and clenched his fists tightly. He realized that David might have also entered Arasaka Company as an intern, and the dissatisfaction and unknown fire deep in his heart gradually arose.

Why did David Martinez join Arasaka Company as an intern? !

Tanaka Katsuo was slapped in the small auditorium that day, and he was embarrassed by the entire college. When he returned home, he was scolded by his father, who taught him that he must know that there is a hierarchy of superiority and inferiority in the company.

He felt extremely wronged. He was obviously hurt by a slap and had lost face in front of his classmates and school officials, but no one cared to protect him.

As for asking his father to arrange two internship places for his young followers to join the Arasaka Company, he even dared not mention it.

I thought that day was the day when my life took off, but I didn't expect that I would stumble upon it. This made Tanaka Katsuro feel so humiliated that he even wanted to go back to his hometown in Kyoto.

Fortunately, Tanaka Katsuo endured everything silently. He vowed to remember these humiliations and avenge his shame one day!

Tanaka Katsuo's gaze returned to arrogance, he looked at David coldly, and walked out of the elevator, his expression showing displeasure.

Seeing that Tanaka Katsuo seemed to be still angry, David thought that the intensity of Tang Yu's slap had not passed yet, and he didn't want to expose his shortcomings. He was about to leave, but he heard a cold snort from behind.

"David Martinez, although I don't know how you got into the Counterintelligence Department, I have recorded this account."

David looked back and found that Tanaka Katsuo was still glaring at him, and his eyes seemed to contain a hint of unwillingness. He felt baffled, thinking that this was Tang Yu's territory, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he replied.

"I don't know what you want to do, but now that you are no longer in the academy, there is no need for you to target me anymore."

Tanaka Katsuo sneered: "Against you? David Martinez, what do you have that deserves me to target you? It's obviously you who doesn't deserve it."

Before he finished speaking, David didn't want to continue listening to his trash talk. This was the Counterintelligence Department, and Masuda Naka Katsuo didn't dare to do anything unless he wanted to get slapped again.

When Tanaka Katsuo saw David turning away, he didn't take him seriously at all. The veins on his forehead suddenly popped up, and the combat implant on his body began to be unable to bear it again.

He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and thought of his father's words and instructions.

"The company must be your top priority in everything. You have offended Tang Yu, the company's top executive, and you must apologize to him. It's not because of your poor moral sense, but because you have leverage in his hands. If you want to survive in the company, you must learn to be forbearing."

That's why Tanaka Katsuo came to the Counterintelligence Department, ready to find an opportunity to apologize to Tang Yu.

Although Tanaka Katsuo had a hundred objections, Tang Yu was the mentor of the practical judges and the deputy director of the dual department. If he offended him, he would be a kid who wanted to die by bumping into the Yama Palace.

Even with his father protecting him, it is definitely not good news for Arasaka Tower to be resented by a company executive.

Moreover, Tanaka Katsuo also saw that his father did not want to fall out with Tang Yu because of his own affairs.

His father has always put the company's great business first, so he was valued by the Arasaka family in Kyoto and appointed here to be in charge of research and development, which involves a lot of confidential research.

When Tanaka Katsuo saw David Martinez leaving, he withdrew his cold gaze and walked to the front desk of the Counterintelligence Department.

"Hello, I am Tanaka Katsuro. Is Mr. Tang in the office?"

The front desk replied habitually: "Mr. Tang is in a meeting. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait in the waiting room."

Tanaka Katsuo knew that the board of directors was being held today and guessed that the content was related to the Counterintelligence Department, so Tang Yu should be attending the meeting now, so he politely replied.


After speaking, he turned around and sat down in the waiting room, waiting for Tang Yu to come back.

David on the other side quickly walked into the bathroom, quietly looked back to check the situation, and found that Tanaka Katsuo did not follow him, so he exhaled heavily.

“I didn’t expect to meet him here.”

"Fortunately, I didn't follow him. If something happened in the counter-intelligence department, it would be hard to explain to Mr. Tang."

David also saw Tanaka Katsuo's surprise and confusion. He must have been very surprised that he also joined the counterintelligence department as an intern.

And it could be seen from Tanaka Katsuo's expression that he should have transferred all the anger from being slapped onto himself.

David felt helpless.

He obviously didn't do anything, he just wanted to stay away from him and didn't want to cause trouble, but Tanaka Katsuo just liked to target him.

First at the academy, then at the Ember Restaurant, and now at the Arasaka Tower Counterintelligence Department.

David felt a toothache.

Perhaps because he was too nervous just now, David felt even hungrier, and he didn't know how Mr. Tang's meeting was going.

"The board meeting hasn't ended yet. I'm afraid it's because the pressure is quite high."

at this time.

Michiko's exclusive office.

"Mr. Tang, maid service is 30%, how do you feel?"

“The technique is good.”

Tang Yu was sitting on the soft leather sofa, closing his eyes slightly, drinking hot tea, and enjoying the comfortable service. There were several plates of refreshment fruits on the crystal table.

Sasha stood behind Tang Yu, pressed his temples with his fingers, and rubbed them gently with his fingertips.

The two of them turned Michiko's exclusive director's office into a leisure room where Tang Yu enjoyed his noon time.

In fact, this can't really be blamed on Tang Yu. He originally didn't want to eat, drink and enjoy himself in Michiko's office, but this meeting was as smelly and long as an old lady's foot wrap.

Several board members took turns arguing, making Tang Yu inexplicably irritable. If Michiko hadn't forced him to wait here, he would have clocked out and left work long ago.

Among the board members, there are those who support the continued strengthening of counter-military technology, but they are already at odds with each other anyway. Why not take the opportunity to grab the business? Is the combat implant developed by Arasaka Company worse than military technology?

Some board members believed that the countermeasures were inappropriate and emphasized that the person in charge must be dealt with, the major companies should be given an explanation, and then the matter should be settled.

Tang Yu felt that this kind of person was unlucky. It was Tang Yu who co-wrote the work, and it was Tang Yu who took the blame in the end. Working for such a sixth man was not a human being inside and outside, so it was better to imitate Abu and lend him his head.

Little Michiko didn't express her position from beginning to end, and just let everyone debate. The conference was a completely exciting one.

The major factions are their own masters, and they are constantly fighting with each other. They must also understand that holding a board of directors has a superficial purpose, that is, it is just a formality. What will happen in the end is not what the God of Arasaka in Kyoto said. It counts.

As members of the board of directors, they just show off and cannot wait for their master to speak before barking. That would seem too disloyal.

Tang Yu was really not interested in watching them perform. After being bored, he remembered the various service models Sasha mentioned.

Although among the many modes, he was more curious about the intimate mode, this was Michiko's office after all, and it was not good to go too far, so he turned on the Sasha maid service option.

Sasha activated the reception area of ​​the office. A large smooth wall in the office rotated and turned into a warm-toned bar table. A set of luxurious leather sofas and a crystal table rose from the floor.

Only then did Tang Yu understand that behind Michiko's minimalism was a strong sense of luxury.

Under Sasha's guidance, there was the scene Tang Yu enjoyed just now.

As for the refreshments and fruits on the crystal table, they were all provided by Michiko's office.

The fruits are all transported to Arasaka Tower through special channels outside the city, and are of high quality and taste.

Michiko is talking about doing everything by yourself, which naturally includes enjoying office-related services.

The two of them were in an office that was half the size of a football field. They couldn't play football or play sports, so they could only sit in the reception area.

At this point, Tang Yu has to give a thumbs up to Michiko, who really doesn't regard himself as an outsider.

Sasha carefully pressed the acupuncture points, and her technique gradually became more skillful and rhythmic, which indeed helped Tang Yu relax a lot.

In fact, Tang Yu is not used to being served by others, but Sasha is now more of a bionic person, and is set up to serve, so there is not much psychological burden.

Little Michiko would choose Sasha as her special assistant, probably not only because of her excellent service ability, but also because of her hacking skills.

Just like when Arasaka learned that Ot Cunningham had invented the soul catching technology, he sent someone to kidnap Johnny's girlfriend in front of him, and poor Johnny was beaten half to death.

Tang Yu estimated that Sasha's experience might be somewhat similar to that of Otto, and he might have taken a fancy to her somewhere, so he tried his best to get the company and carry out ruthless cyber transformation.

After all, I don’t know whose family’s poor child it is.

But Sasha has become what she is now after all, and it is not easy to go back to the past. As little Michiko's special assistant, she has been branded with the Arasaka mark from birth to death, and there is no place to escape.

Just like Lucy, she fled from the ends of the earth to Night City. She thought she could get rid of Arasaka, but she still had to face Arasaka's existence.

Traveling far away is easier said than done.

It's true as Lucy said, she is just luckier. If she is not lucky enough, she may be trapped in such an office space and never see the light of day.

In his free time, Tang Yu can't help but think about things. This can be regarded as his unique way of relaxing.

Suddenly, he received a message from David.

David Martinez: "Hello, Mr. Tang, are you free at noon? I would like to treat you to lunch."

When Tang Yu saw David's words, he felt more and more that this kid was on the right track. He was afraid that after joining the counter-intelligence department as an intern, he would become more and more afraid of him, and even when they had dinner together, he sounded so cautious.

Tang Yu didn't mind having lunch with David. He saw David's performance in the company these days.

David is indeed a down-to-earth and hard-working kid, and he is also smart and sensible, and he knows how to put himself in someone else’s shoes.

Although in Arasaka Tower, where the jungle prevails, such a character can easily be bullied, but this just shows that the shining point of David's life is here.

Today he will swallow his anger for the people around him, but in the future he will become a hero and a legend for the people around him.

It's just that David still needs time to grow and experience. At this time, Tang Yu is willing to wait.

He simply agreed to David's invitation.

"Wait until I end the meeting."

The message is sent.

David on the 33rd floor was waiting nervously. When he received Tang Yu's reply, his eyes flashed with joy, and his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

Sasha noticed that it was meal time, and while pressing her temples, she asked politely: "Mr. Tang, do you need meal service? You can choose the company's hot meal, or you can choose Sasha to prepare it for you."

Tang Yu had already made an appointment with David. Naturally, he would not eat here. It would be too much to eat in someone else's office, so he asked, "Can you cook?"

"Cooking?" Sasha's tone was full of confusion. He didn't quite understand the meaning of this word, and then he quickly started searching and learning.

"If you are referring to preparing hot meals, Sasha has learned 4,340 recipes, covering more than 100 national cuisines around the world. Depending on the ingredients, he can make corresponding dishes. Do you want them? "

"Thank you, no, I just wanted to ask you if you know how to cook oriental cuisine." Tang Yu declined Sasha's promotion and explained the reason for asking her.

Sasha remained enthusiastic and polite, and said with joy in his tone: "Of course! Oriental cuisine is also the focus of Sasha's learning, such as hot pot, Bobo chicken, and lotus root stew."

Tang Yu heard that Sasha also learned cooking skills, so he must have a very complete family working model.

"It's a pity that many ingredients are no longer available in Night City. Industrial synthetic foods occupy most of the market."

Just as the two were chatting, someone suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Mr. Tang, are you satisfied with the service of the special assistant?"

Tang Yu then looked sideways and found that Michiko had finished the board meeting and walked in from the office on blue crystal high heels.

Little Michiko walked to her office on her own, not caring that Tang Yu was enjoying himself on the soft leather sofa in the reception area.

Tang Yu waved his hand slightly, signaling Sasha to stop.

Sasha was stunned for a while, quickly understood the intention, and stood obediently not far behind Tang Yu, keeping silent.

Tang Yu replied: "Director Michiko's special assistant is indeed impressive."

Little Michiko stood at the desk and quickly handled some matters. After finishing the work, she turned off the office system, turned around and walked towards Tang Yu, and asked with a smile: "Do you like it?"

Tang Yu: "."

Without waiting for Tang Yu to answer, little Michiko went straight to the wine cabinet at the bar, pulled out a bottle of high-end red wine, held two goblets, and sat on the main seat of the sofa.

She opened the cork of the red wine with her own hands, filled up half the glass, handed it to Tang Yu, and then filled up half the glass for herself.

As if returning to her own territory, little Michiko seemed free and easy, picking up a cigar, cutting off the butt and lighting it.

She had red wine in one hand and a cigar in the other, folded her long legs, sat comfortably on the sofa, and raised her glass to Tang Yu.


Tang Yu also raised the wine glass and gestured gently, then took a sip. It was a rare red wine with a mellow taste.

He was a little curious as to why little Michiko lit the cigarette and poured the wine with her own hands.

Special assistant Sasha is not waiting nearby, she just needs to say hello.

It can't mean that he values ​​himself. Tang Yu doesn't feel that he is so important yet.

Moreover, Michiko is a married woman. It is said that the couple have the same interests, and their marriage is considered a legend in the industry.

Tang Yu didn't know what her plan was, so he started with Tai Chi.

"Special assistants are pretty special."

After Xiao Michiko took a sip of red wine, she stared directly at Tang Yu again and asked with a smile: "You haven't answered the question just now, do you like it?"

"Ah this."

Tang Yu didn't know for a while what kind of medicine Xiao Michiko was selling in the gourd. Although there were many objections in the board meeting just now, her goal had been achieved. It was another successful board meeting. It didn't look like she was embarrassing herself.

And Sasha is her special assistant, asking me if I like it, which is a bit weird and conspiratorial.

So what if you like it? Is it possible that you want it?

Damn it? !

Tang Yu realized something instantly, and his mind quickly summarized all kinds of information.

I barely managed to get the job done without openly having a large-scale heated conflict with my neighbor, which in turn seriously harmed my neighbor's interests.

Then Michiko also achieved her goal, overwhelming the hard-liners on the board of directors, and no one would say that Michiko was afraid of military technology in the future.

More importantly, she proved to the Arasaka family that she has a firm stance and will not bend her elbows just because she has been in Night City or New America for too long.

Therefore, uncle Arasaka Yorinobu, don't worry about the Arasaka Tower in Night City, and just prepare to inherit the throne in Kyoto.

The signal sent by this question may be to recruit peace.

Tang Yu's thoughts disappeared in a flash. He was as steady as an old man in the workplace and continued to practice Tai Chi without changing his expression.

"Director Michiko, you are just trying to make me happy. Sasha Yakovleva is your special assistant. Even if I like her, I am asking for trouble."

Little Michiko's eyes were bright and she smiled charmingly.

"No, Sasha Yakovleva, she is your special assistant."

Tang Yu: "."

"Bang bang beep clang, bang bang beep clang bang."

"The money bullet of 'isPasserby' has been detected, thank you~ (electronic music)."

"Are you satisfied with the auto-fire feature? Please jump to confirm."

Instant Noodles: "Sijibao, be serious, this is your master's financial boss!"

Sijibao: "Uh, ah, ah, good, cool, no, please, stop, stop, stop~!"


Thank you to the ‘isPasserby’ sponsor for your support and being a good friend in the group chat. I am very touched.

PS: No more tonight.

Thanks to ‘Soda Bird’ Yanzu for the reward of 15.00.

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