Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 113 Panan, the soul of Night City (Thanks to ‘~only·one~’)


As the most popular bar among middlemen and mercenaries, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the heart of Night City.

Gloria never expected that her first commission in life would start here.

Accepting the commission to investigate bad soil infectious diseases at the Afterlife Bar is a new milestone in her life journey.

And all of this is inseparable from one person.

Tang Yu.

In the box.

The client from the Badland Wanderer Tribe left after leaving a deposit of 30,000 yuan. The two parties agreed to set off in the afternoon and drive to the Badlands Tribe in the evening.

After Gloria accepted the commission, she felt that the burden on her shoulders was much heavier. The safety of the thousands of homeless tribesmen, the safety of the mercenary operations, and the hope of successfully completing the commission were all in her hands. .

She realized that as an intermediary, if she wanted to make a name for herself in Night City, she had to be thoughtful and take into account all aspects. If there were any flaws in the middle links, the mercenaries would be hindered in their actions, and in the end, the sponsor's commission would end in disappointment. .

Gloria has a very full understanding of her position. From the beginning, she did not intend to just be an information dealer and earn some middlemen's price difference.

So she would definitely not do it regardless of the reason, just take a cut of the size. She would hand over any entrustment to the mercenaries. This is not what a reliable middleman should do.

She already had some confidence in this commission from the Badlands Wanderer Tribe.

Gloria looked at Tang Yu with a different look, wanting to take the initiative to explain her views on this commission.

But Tang Yu stopped what she wanted to say in advance: "You continue to make arrangements. The other party is quite sincere and the reward is quite large. It is a big commission."

He has already seen that even now, Gloria still has a strong sense of dependence.

When encountering problems and making decisions, I hope to get his approval or support.

Tang Yu can understand her current complex mentality, and it is inevitable that novices will feel uneasy when starting out.

After hearing Tang Yu's statement, Gloria seemed to take reassurance and said no more words.

She nodded, turned her prosthetic eyes, and began to contact Mann and the others.

But actually.

Gloria always seeks Tang Yu's opinion on everything, because she has her own little thoughts in it.

If she really makes up her mind on everything independently, then she will have much fewer opportunities to deal with Tang Yu.

Just like this commission, she could meet with the entrusting party first, and after clearly discussing the content of the commission, she could directly relay it to Tang Yu over the phone and ask him to make a decision.

But Gloria did not choose to do this. For some reason, what she wanted was not a report on the phone.

Maybe she just wanted to meet, and besides talking about work, listen to Tang Yu's own words about interesting people and things, interesting stories like stupid monkeys.

While she was waiting at the Afterlife Bar today, she saw a beautiful girl next to Tang Yu, and she felt indescribable emotions in her heart.

But when she discovered that Sasha was just standing behind Tang Yu, she seemed to realize something.

Two glasses of wine, one for her and one for Tang Yu.

Gloria drank chili tequila, almost suppressing the pungent smell of chili, and drank it all in one gulp. It was indeed very addictive as Tang Yu said.

Spirits, principles, stories, and life, she gradually began to enjoy these novel experiences.

Sasha was sitting aside and waiting quietly. When she had nothing to do, she asked, "Mr. Tang, are you going to Badland today?"

She knew that the request made by the client was to conduct an investigation into the Badlands tribe.

Sasha hasn't been to the Badlands yet, but she knows from the information that it is very dangerous there. If she really wants to go, she wants to make some preparations in advance.

Tang Yu nodded slightly: "I should go to the Badlands tribe this time. The commission fee is quite high, which is considered a good job."

Tang Yu had no reason to refuse the fat job he got.

Sasha said with concern: "Sasha wants to make some preparations in advance and prepare enough guns and ammunition. The bad land is too dangerous. Sasha must protect your safety."

Of course Tang Yu knew that the bad land was dangerous, but he had already made a plan. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have someone in the bad land. It's right to go to the bad land to find her."

He had no intention of contacting Panan in person. With his current status as a company dog, Panan might just say a few words after answering the phone.

"Who are you, what a stupid *company*, get out of here!"

Knowing that Tang Yu had made arrangements, Sasha suddenly felt a little discouraged. She had not been able to help at all, which almost made it impossible for her to realize the desire in her mind and have a vigorous defense battle.

But when she heard that Tang Yu also had people in the bad land, she was immediately impressed. Tang Yu's wide network of contacts was evident.

And she also discovered an interesting phenomenon. Tang Yu would take her to meet different people almost every time he came out.

The first was Arasaka Tower, where I met Tang Yu’s immediate superior, Arasaka Michiko.

Then we went to the divination house and met Brother Tang Yu’s fiancée, Misty.

There was also a prosthetic clinic, where I met Tang Yu’s good friend, the prosthetic doctor, Lao Wei.

Now in the Afterlife Bar, I met Tang Yu's middleman, the red-haired beauty Gloria.

Going to Badland to meet his new friends soon, Sasha felt that she was integrating into Tang Yu's life little by little, becoming more and more like a follow-up assistant, although she didn't help at all.

But Sasha quickly thought about it. The special assistant naturally included taking care of Mr. Tang's daily life.

Serving Mr. Tang well as an exclusive maid with peace of mind is also the main responsibility she wants to do well.

Gloria quickly completed the communication. On the phone, she informed the Mann team of the commission content in detail and made a reasonable analysis and prediction.

After hearing this, Mann readily accepted the commission and expressed his trust in Gloria.


After experiencing the big exposure together, Gloria and the Mann team have established a basis for cooperation.

Gloria hung up the phone and turned to relay the situation to Tang Yu.

The tribe is located in the bad land on the outskirts of Night City. The Mann team will take the guys and rush to the destination before evening.

She wanted to know Tang Yu's plan and asked softly: "Mr. Tang, are we acting together with the Mann team?"

Tang Yu had already made other arrangements and recommended another person to Gloria, a senior and authentic bad land expert.

"You try to contact her. Her name is Panan. She is from the Adecado family of the wandering tribe. Although she is not a serious mercenary, she will also accept some commissions from the urban area."

"With her, our trip to the bad land can be regarded as a gathering of talents."

"In addition, Panan has a fiery personality. If she asks anything, tell her the content of the commission. She likes people who speak directly."

Tang Yu is familiar with Panan's personality and doesn't like dealing with middlemen in the city, but she still cares about the homeless tribe.

After all, she has a sharp tongue and a soft heart, and she doesn't want to see the Wandering tribe being put into such a miserable state.

Gloria received a business card push from Tang Yu and was quite surprised that he spoke so highly of Panan. He must be a great bad-land wanderer.

She calmed down and dialed Panan's contact information. She didn't know how hot the other party's temper was, and it was worthy of Tang Yu's special warning.

It didn't take long.

Communication is connected.

Gloria heard a question coming from the other end of the phone, revealing her extreme displeasure.

"Who are you?"

Gloria thought that the other person seemed really difficult to get along with, so she replied politely.

"Is this Ms. Parnen? Hello, I'm Gloria."

Panan was still unhappy and asked continuously: "Gloria? What do you do? How did you get this phone number?"

Facing Panan's indiscriminate bombardment, Gloria couldn't help but look up at Tang Yu, her eyes slightly helpless.

She thought for a while, came up with an idea, and replied with a smile.

"It was an old acquaintance of Panan who recommended Panan to me, saying that Panan is an expert on the Badlands. I have a commission regarding the Badlands tribe and I want to find Panan."

"What, are you Panan?"

Gloria deliberately went around in a circle. While explaining her purpose, she also praised Panan so that she could calm down her anger.

Although Panan was still unhappy with being harassed by strangers, he was obviously no longer as aggressive as before.

"It's true that I am Panan, but the acquaintance you are talking about is Rogge? That old cousin who retired from the army and had nothing to do has become troublesome again."

Gloria didn't expect Panan to guess what Rogge was doing, so she just smiled and continued talking without clarifying.

"I don't want to get involved in the grudge between you and Rogge. I just want to know if you can take us on a tour of the bad land."

Panan asked doubtfully: "It's as simple as just walking around?"

Gloria explained patiently: "There are consecutive deaths in a homeless tribe. The reason is temporarily unknown."

"I have arranged for someone to investigate this matter. To be on the safe side, I would like to ask you to be my guide."

"After all, I have never been to Badlands. I have to find a Badlands expert with a good reputation to ensure that I can come back alive."

Panan on the other end of the phone was silent for a while. After learning that it was about the Wanderer tribe, he spoke in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll take this job. How many of you are there? When will we set off? Do you want me to prepare a car? Where is the other destination?"

Gloria looked up at Tang Yu and Sasha beside him, and then said to Panan.

"There are three of us here. We will set off in two hours. I will send you the address now. We must reach their tribe before evening. Of course, it would be better if you can prepare a car over there."

Panan was straightforward and replied directly: "If the three of you are fine, then we can meet at the railway station on the edge of the city. I will send you the address. With my Tingwei, you can run any line in Badland, but The back seat is a bit messy, I have to clean it up and meet you in two hours.”

The two agreed on a time and place to meet and hung up the phone.

Gloria immediately informed Tang Yu of the news: "Mr. Tang, Panan has agreed to meet at the edge of the city in two hours."

Tang Yu nodded. Now that everything has been arranged, he can set off to the bad land after lunch.

The three of them got up, left the box, and walked out of the bar.

City-side railway station.

Panam was bending over to organize the items in the trunk. Her jeans were paired with a tactical belt, which hugged her waist tightly and perfectly outlined her mature curves.

She has been working in the badlands for a long time and has wheat-colored skin as healthy as the sun.

There were a lot of things carried in the trunk of the car, and she had to sort them out one by one to make room for seats in the back row.

Weapons, ammunition, medical kits, etc. are all indispensable. The most important thing is of course the kinetic sniper rifle. This is the treasure of Mi Chui, her good brother in the tribe, so she must not break it.

Panan disassembled the sniper into several large parts and put them in a weapons box.

She was busy when she heard someone behind her shouting: "Panang?"

Panan continued to pack the trunk, and just replied: "It's here, but you still have to wait until I pack the trunk, and then check the Tingwei's engine to make sure there is no problem before setting off on the road."

When Gloria found the person, she stopped asking any more questions.

Tang Yu and the other three have arrived at the meeting point. Panan arrived one step ahead of them and is making preparations for the final departure.

Gloria and Sasha waited patiently.

Tang Yu walked to Panan and saw Panan hunched over, packing up the kinetic sniper rifle to 'watch'. He was another familiar old friend.

Thinking of the little moments spent in the wilderness with this wild girl in front of me, I felt so good to be back again.

I just sighed at the familiar feeling again. Panan was indeed the soul of Ye City, and he complimented casually: "Not bad."

Panan glanced at him suspiciously and asked unhappily: "Not bad? What's not bad? What's not bad?"

Tang Yu smiled and said: "The guns are all good."

Panan didn't know the person in front of him at all, so he retorted directly: "Nonsense, you have some sense. How can you survive in a bad land without being ruthless? Don't just stand here stupidly. You guys get in the car first. I'll wait. After checking Tingwei, we will set off soon."

Sure enough, he still had the same explosive temper, but it was much better than when they first met.

Tang Yu turned around and walked to the front of the car, opened the hood of the Tingwei, and then began to check it carefully. He adjusted the oil valve and valve and found that there was no major problem.

"I've seen Tingwei. There's nothing wrong with him. He's very healthy."

Panan responded loudly from the trunk: "Why do you know how to modify cars? Didn't you notice?"

As she spoke, she packed the trunk, slammed the rear door, walked to the front of the car, and checked it carefully again. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong.

"Okay, no problem. Let's get ready to get in the car and set off. I looked at the map and it's still a little far away from us, but if we get there before the sun goes down, there won't be any problem."

Panan closed the front hood of the car and was about to walk to the driver's seat, but was stopped by Tang Yu shouting.

"How about I open one instead?"

Panan turned back in disbelief: "You? Are you driving well? Don't underestimate Tingwei, she is quite heavy!"

Tang Yu thought to himself, Panan, you may have forgotten how I held you in my arms, drove the Tingwei, and fought with the Luan Dao Club and the company's drones.

He continued: "You will know if you try it."

Panan said with some humor: "Okay, if you dare to break Ting Wei, I will break your legs."

After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to walk to the passenger seat, opened the car door, and shouted to the other two girls: "Stop standing there, get in the car, and let's set off to the Badlands!"

Gloria and Sasha heard the shouting, walked over quickly, and got into the car from the left and right respectively.

Tang Yu skillfully sat in the driver's seat, opened the fire, started the engine, opened the overhead sunroof, and clicked on the electronic screen to activate various equipment, such as ventilation, radar, positioning, radio, etc.

The engine of this camouflaged off-road pickup truck roared like thunder.

Panan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had a look of surprise in his eyes. Seeing Tang Yu operating the Tingwei so skillfully, he couldn't help but wonder if he had stolen his car.

You know, Tingwei was modified by her herself, and many of the electronic systems were additionally installed. It was not the kind of crap that was just opened on the street.

It was obviously the first time for Tang Yu to drive the Thunderbolt, but he was as proficient as an experienced driver, and the starting sequence was exactly the same as his own driving habits.

She was really confused.

Panan asked suspiciously: "Why, have you ever driven a similar car?"

Her power has never left her, so it cannot be stolen away.

Tang Yu couldn't deny it. He remembered that Panan once said that riding on the Tingwei would be her complete body.

"Sit tight."

He directly stepped on the accelerator, and Tingwei galloped out like a wild horse, sprinting towards the road ahead, heading towards the bad land.

Sunset, desert, sand, road, pickup truck, classic bad soil composition.

In the car, Panan asked: "We have been together for so long and I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Panan. Which of you is Gesheya?"

Gloria was sitting in the back row and explained aloud: "I am, Gloria, the Gloria who contacted Panan."

Panan smiled slightly: "Gloria, I remember it, it's a good name. So, what about you, baby girl? Why did you follow me to the bad land?"

Sasha politely replied: "Ms. Panan, my name is Sasha. I am a hacker and I also know some fighting."

Panan turned back and looked at Sasha again, and found that the implant on her body was not cheap, so he joked: "There are not many hackers in the bad land. Even our tribe does not have a few serious hackers. What about you? You look good." He is so handsome and his whole body is cleaner than anyone else."

Sasha and Gloria were a little nervous when they heard Panan ask about Tang Yu. If Panan knew that Tang Yu was from the company or a senior executive, based on Panan's violent temper, it might be hard to tell what would happen next.

Tang Yu avoided the important matter and said lightly: "Tang Yu, you can call me Tang."

Panan nodded. Now everyone knew each other, so he continued: "Tang, you drive well. Until now, I have never seen anyone who can control the Tingwei like this. You are the first one. Look. It looks like we quite like it."

Tang Yu drove as he pleased, and he was the only one driving on the entire road. In addition, the Tingwei had strong off-road capabilities, so it was very suitable for driving on such a deserted road.

"Thank you. The main thing is that the Tingwei is a good car."

Panan smiled and said: "Don't talk to me, tell me, what is your mission this time? Isn't it to investigate infectious diseases? Why did you just walk around and leave?"

Gloria sat in the back row and explained the tribal situation to Panan in detail, telling her that a team of mercenaries had rushed to the tribal site.

They are now mainly responsible for keeping up, preventing unexpected situations, and ensuring the successful completion of investigation tasks.

After hearing this, Panan was very angry: "It must have been done by the bully company again. Who else could come up with such a vicious method except those bastards? I have seen too much of the filthiness of the company, so this job of yours is considered acceptable." Not bad.”


Gloria was silent for a moment. She secretly took a look at Tang Yu's face and found that he looked normal and didn't seem to care about what Panan said. She couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Sasha didn't know why Panan hated the company so much, but seeing that Tang Yu didn't mean to blame her, the murderous intent in his eyes was quickly covered up by a smile. After all, Mr. Tang had said before that Panan was his.

Sasha: "Yes, Ms. Panan."

Instant Noodles: “Now I will sing a song for everyone, ‘You are my only one~~~’. Thank you to the ‘~only one~’ sponsor, the boss, and the helmsman for the reward!”

V: "Ahhh! Instant noodles! Don't leave me again! How can I live without you!"

Johnny: "That's not necessary, it's a bit much."

V: "Hahaha, Ang! I understand, you are jealous, right?"

Johnny: "Jealous? Your fucking brains have been kicked by a donkey!"


PS: There will be another update later!

Special thanks to the sponsor for the reward.

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