Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 114 Zombie Loli (Thanks to ‘Love Warrior Wilde’)


On the deserted road.

Two brand-new cars were galloping on the road, one behind the other.

The long van behind was driving steadily. Since it was a multi-functional sports car, it didn't feel bumpy inside the car when running on the gravel road.

In the carriage.

Rebecca felt really bored. She lowered the backrest of her seat, put her hands behind her head, and chewed bubble gum in her mouth.


Another big bubble popped.

"Big Beard, when can we open it? This bad land is too desolate, there is not even a soul."

Rebecca straightened her fat legs, changed their position and folded them together, making the cuffs of her hot pants tighter.

Falco said with good temper: "I don't know, after all, the sun hasn't set yet. If you feel bored, I don't mind humming."

Rebecca said angrily: "Who wants to listen to a bearded man singing? You might as well shut up."

Qi Wei was holding the notebook and operating it, and said, "It's almost there, but this commission is a bit troublesome."

Rebecca regained her energy and asked quickly: "What kind of job do you have to travel such a long way?"

Qiwei stared at the screen and replied: "Go to the Badland Wanderer Tribe to investigate the cause of the infectious disease."

Rebecca's curiosity, which had just been ignited, was extinguished again.


Qiwei continued: "People in the tribe have been infected with infectious diseases and died one after another. Then the bodies disappeared inexplicably, and the guards also died mysteriously. It's not as boring as you said."

Rebecca became interested again and quickly looked at Qiwei and asked: "It sounds interesting. This is the first time I have received this kind of job. It feels a bit mind-consuming. I can do it with a lot of effort, but my brain is not very good."

Qiwei analyzed carefully: "Mann has already said that this matter may be related to the company, so we still need to be prepared for battle."

Rebecca wanted to keep clicking and agreed: "That's right, but in the end it has to be solved with a gun."

After saying that, she turned over and sat up, took out the newly modified submachine gun, and began to check it.

Falco continued driving until the sun gradually set and night enveloped the desolate bad land.

Falco said to the two people behind him: "Mann sent a message from the front, saying that the destination is coming soon."

Rebecca quickly leaned toward the car window and looked forward, and sure enough she saw traces of tribal activities in the distance.

By the pond, various simple tents were set up, surrounded by a simple defensive zone. It looked like a camp that had just been set up not long ago.

The two vehicles approached the tribe one after another and were immediately stopped by tribal guards who asked them to pull over.

After Mann and Dolio took protective measures, they got out of the car first, walked up to communicate with the other guard, and confirmed that their identities were correct before letting them go.

Dolio waved to the vehicle behind her, indicating that Rebecca and Qiwei could get out of the car.

Falco is the team's full-time driver. He is only responsible for taking care of the car and generally does not participate in other matters, so he continues to sit in the car.

Since his last mission, he had bought a new, more comfortable long van, and his driving experience was even better.

Mann, Dolio, Rebecca and hacker Qiwei, four of them came on this mission.


The elder in the cowboy hat walked out of the tribal camp and came to greet Mann and others. He said apologetically: "Sorry to trouble you, please take safety precautions until the cause of the infection is found out."

Mann nodded. Gloria had informed them before coming here that they could only speculate that there was a high probability that D was in the food. Other routes could not be completely ruled out. While taking precautions, they should try to avoid contact as much as possible, especially eating in the tribe was strictly prohibited.

Mann followed the elder in the cowboy hat into the tribe and began to look at the surrounding layout and environment.

He could see that all the tribesmen frowned, and a heavy atmosphere permeated the entire tribe.

It should be that infectious diseases have taken away the lives of their tribesmen one after another, causing great psychological pressure on every tribesman.

The elder in the cowboy hat led Mann and others to a fenced camp and took the initiative to explain: "The infected people who died in the tribe have been carried to far away places. The tribesmen who are now infected , gathered here for treatment and recuperation.”

With solemn expressions, Mann and others followed the elder in the cowboy hat into the infected camp. The scene inside was horrifying.

Dozens of people were lying on straw mats, moaning in pain. Their bodies were covered with dense sores, and the sores oozed sticky pus and blood, which was unpleasant to smell.

But they were still scratching at the wound, and the bloody scar that had just formed was scratched again and again, causing unbearable itching and pain.

There was almost no good skin on the face, arms, and thighs, which was extremely terrifying.

Dolio frowned and asked, "When did they start having attacks?"

The elder in the cowboy hat said sadly: "The last week has been almost a month early, and those who can't survive have been sent elsewhere."

Mann didn't know what kind of disease this was, so he also asked: "Then you sent the person to the overnight city to see a doctor?"

The elder in the cowboy hat nodded: "I sent it, but no doctor knew what the disease was, and those large public medical institutions simply don't accept people like us without identity."

"The drug dealers in the city told us that there is a new antibiotic that can cure this disease. We bought some, but found that it had no effect."

He took out the bottle of antibiotics from his ragged pocket and handed it to Mann.

Mann took the medicine bottle, which was only marked with the production date and the antibiotic's ability to treat multi-drug-resistant bacteria.

Furthermore, there are no other instructions.

He handed the medicine bottle in his hand to Dolio and Qiwei, letting them both take a look.

Qiwei quickly searched and found no exact entries or records about the antibiotic, only some related content.

But this antibiotic dares to be labeled as specifically targeting ‘superbugs’?

Multidrug-resistant bacteria, also known as ‘superbugs’.

It has always been a pain point for humans. Anyone infected with this bacteria is basically dead.

Such biochemical offensive weapons actually appear more often on battlefields and are a sequelae of technological progress.

The evolution of bacterial resistance and lethality is far beyond imagination.

Mann asked Dolio to put away the medicine bottle, then turned his prosthetic eyes to record the infiltrative scene he saw, and continued to ask: "Then have there been any new patients since you moved here?"

The elder in the cowboy hat led a few people out of the camp, and then continued to reply: "It's gone these days. In order to avoid reinfection, we didn't go out to scavenge or trade food for several days in a row. All we ate was before the infectious disease appeared." of food storage."

Mann nodded thoughtfully. It seemed that the tribe was also aware of the infection problem, either from the water source or the food source.

But if you want to really find out, you need to know what they ate, and it is best to have stomach samples from infected people.

Then, the group went to check the materials left behind by the infected people. Most of them had been burned by the tribe, and only different types of samples were retained.

There were worn clothes, eaten cans, and some daily necessities, and there was nothing wrong with them at all.

Dolio took out a sorting box and put some samples of different food and drinks into it.

Mann proposed to visit the dead infected people and get some samples from their bodies.

But the elder in the cowboy hat told him that the corpses had disappeared a while ago, and now only the infected people who were still alive in the camp were left.

The elder asked the tribe members to take tissue and disease samples from the sores of the infected people, sealed them and gave them to Dolio.

After Mann basically understood the situation, he found an open space and communicated with Gloria about the tribe's on-site situation.

The basic samples have been obtained and can be taken back for testing.

If you want to continue the investigation, you need to find out how the body disappeared.

Gloria told them that it was not enough to detect pathogenic bacteria. They had to find out the truth behind the disappearance of the body in order to figure out who was behind it.

Mann also understood that if the real initiator could not be found out, the tribe's disaster might not be quelled.

After the two communicated, Mann summoned Dolio and others to discuss countermeasures.

The elder in the cowboy hat led the four of them to an empty fire and asked them to sit and warm themselves up. In the autumn wilderness, the temperature was relatively low at night.

The four of them sat around the campfire. Mann, Dolio, and Qiwei discussed matters. Rebecca sat alone holding her fat legs, squatting aside.

The firelight reflected on Rebecca's face. She stretched out her little hand towards the bonfire and stared at the crackling fire. From time to time, sparks flew in front of her eyes and disappeared immediately.

She wasn't good at discussing plans or anything like that. As long as Mann and the others gave her a result, she could do whatever they asked her to do.

In fact, although she has a carefree personality, she always plays the role of brick in the team. She doesn't choose any work. She just wants to complete the mission smoothly with everyone. If she can have a chance to shoot and kill, naturally Even better.

There was a flash of fire in her eyes. Seeing that there was not enough firewood, she picked up two chopped logs next to her and threw them into the fire.


The elder in the cowboy hat hurried over and told Mann and others the heavy news that two more people in the tribe had just passed away.

Qiwei suddenly thought of an idea and said, "Mann, maybe we can go fishing."

Mann and Dolio suddenly realized that after removing the pathogen, they could pile the corpses in the same place and find out how the corpses disappeared. If it was artificial, they could track them at a fixed point.

The four people's plan has been decided.

Mann immediately passed the plan to Gloria, and he was going to start a fishing operation tonight. It was necessary to find out whether it was a human or a ghost.

at this time.

Tang Yu was driving the Tingwei to his destination, and several people were chatting in the car.

After Gloria answered the phone, she immediately reported to Tang Yuhui.

"There is news from Mann. They are planning to take action tonight to find out the real reason why the body is missing."

Tang Yu also agreed with this approach. After running so far, if he just took some samples back for testing, it would be difficult to find any clues.

"Then what are their plans?"

Gloria continued to explain: "Now there are two infected corpses in the tribe. They are going to let Rebecca pretend to be corpses and put them in the old place where the corpses were disposed of. Others are lurking around, waiting to be baited."

Rebecca plays a corpse?

It is true that only she is willing to do this kind of prank work. The fat-legged lolita will become a zombie lolita this time.

Tang Yu said bluntly: "We can give it a try first and ask Mann to send the location. We can also go and see if it is a human or a ghost. We have to see clearly."

It's getting darker.

From the Badlands Wanderer Tribe, a funeral procession set off. The wizard from the tribe walked at the front, and the crowd behind them carried three stretchers. The mournful music and wails resounded across the wasteland sky, and the atmosphere was heavy and sad.

Rebecca was lying on a stretcher, with cries ringing in her ears, and looking at the dark sky with her big eyes open. It was her first time playing a corpse, and it felt quite fun.

Qiwei specially put on make-up for her, and now she looked more or less like a rotten corpse, with abscesses covering her fat thighs.

She thought that after the task was completed, she must take a good shower before going back, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable and sticky to have the pus-like substance on her face and thighs.

The four people carrying the stretcher were so shaky that she couldn't help but yawn.

The purpose of making noise in the funeral procession is to make people know that someone in their tribe has died, so as to attract fish to the bait.

Mann and the others drove to their destination in advance, selected a suitable ambush point, and observed the situation.

The funeral procession walked like that, making quite a commotion. After walking for nearly two hours, they arrived at the place where the bodies had been disposed of.

There are some hills and slopes scattered around, and wooden sheds and fences are scattered here and there in the temporary camps.

Rebecca and the other two corpses were carried to the camp. After being put down, the wizard prayed and blessed the three 'corpses'.

After they were done, they put them in body bags, and then everyone left the camp one after another.

In order to make the play more realistic, four tribe members were left to guard the place.

Mann hid behind a small slope not far away and contacted Rebecca wirelessly to inquire about the situation.

"Rebecca, how are you feeling?"

Rebecca unzipped the body bag and answered very simply, saying directly: "Don't talk to me, I'm a corpse now!"

Mann smiled helplessly and contacted Dolio. She hid behind a container near the camp so that she could rescue people in time in case of special situations.

Holding an assault rifle in hand, Dolio smiled and replied: "Everything is normal for me!"

Mann asked team hacker Qiwei again. She was sitting in Falco's car, responsible for monitoring surrounding movements and providing technical support: "Qiwei, how are you doing there?"

Qi Wei replied calmly: "All the available surveillance probes around have been successfully invaded, the detection radar has been turned on, and no abnormalities have been found."

Mann then contacted Gloria and asked her about the situation there. He learned that she had arrived at the scene and was ready, and the two parties exchanged location information.

at this time.

Not far from the dilapidated camp, the Tingwei stopped beside a bush on a hillside after turning off the engine.

Tang Yu sat in the car, and the four people in the car looked at the dilapidated camp, waiting for the target to appear.

The atmosphere inside the car is somewhat solid.

Tang Yu felt that it was a good experience to be in the silent wilderness at this moment.

Unfortunately, the four people in the car with four different identities somewhat limited his performance.

He broke the silence first and asked Panan: "How is business lately?"

Panan said angrily: "It's not like that. I don't accept all bad jobs. After doing so many jobs, I might as well rob the company's transport truck and get all the books back."

Tang Yu continued to ask: "What, is it because the family disagrees with your idea? Or is Tingwei's firepower insufficient? Why not install a turret in the back seat and connect it to the biological nerve slot, so that it can bombard madly."

Panan choked him back: "It's none of your football business. If you ask so many questions, I've never gotten along with him. That guy Sol has to cooperate with some company, and he will be eaten until there is no bone left." But give up!"

However, Panan changed the topic and said: "But the idea of ​​adding a turret is a good one. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I didn't expect you to see it. It's not simple. What, you have also done modifications?"

Tang Yu: "I know a little bit."

With Panan's fiery temper, no one would have imagined that she was still a very young woman before they established a good relationship with her.

Just like a strong horse, only a hero can conquer it. From now on, I will not hesitate to accompany you to the ends of the world. Perhaps this is the charm of a wild girl.

While the two were chatting, there was suddenly some movement in the darkness in the distance.

Streams of light like will-o'-the-wisps appeared one after another, gradually approaching the camp.

Tang Yu and others quickly quieted down and looked into the distance with concentration.

Those streams of fire flashed with dazzling brilliance, and gradually enlarged, and when they saw clearly, they realized that they were a group of people.

They rode colorful motorcycles, drove off-road with flashing neon lights, and rushed towards the abandoned camp with a very clear purpose.

Tang Yu was very familiar with this team and recognized it almost at a glance.

The Night Walkers are a notorious wanderer organization in the bad land.

Those who join the Night Walkers are basically perverts among perverts. Their methods are extremely cruel and bloody, and they do not follow any rules at all and act recklessly.

They like to carry out sneak attacks at night, burning, killing and looting everywhere like humans and ghosts.

Sometimes, just for fun, he would kill innocent wanderers.

Their boss also has a special hobby. He peels and collects the skins and makes them into various furniture.

When Tang Yu was in the bad land, he would do something to them every time he encountered them. Unfortunately, there were too many scumbags in the Luan Dao Society, and it wouldn't be long before another group of night wanderers showed up.

Panan, who was sitting next to him, also recognized the team and said quickly: "Night wandering ghosts? It turns out that it's those bastards who are causing trouble!"

Gloria remained silent. She had never seen a night wanderer in the bad land, but she guessed from Panan's tone that the other party was evil and was most likely the culprit of this case.

Sasha immediately searched for information about Night Walker, trying to find out what the opponent's strength was.

at the same time.

Qiwei discovered the traces of the night wandering ghost from the surveillance radar and immediately informed the rest of the team to prepare.

Mann immediately became alert and told Rebecca and Dolio to be careful.

Rebecca quickly zipped up the body bag, hid in it and closed her eyes. She did look a bit like a zombie lolita.

As the convoy gradually approached, the night wandering ghosts screamed "oh oh oh" crazily, imitating the sounds of various wild beasts.

"I'm going to stew the dogs into soup today, let's have a taste, haha!"

"Well, the pot of stew last time smelled like rust, and it smelled like a horse. This time I'm going to cut off the meat and fry it in oil!"

"Those things are as shriveled as rubbish. They taste sour and are so unpalatable. I'm going to throw up when I think about dinner."

Faced with a formation of strange laughter and howls, four guards around the camp tribe discovered the abnormality and fled in panic.

The night wandering ghost yelled: "Don't let those dogs escape, let's stew dog meat tonight!"

But he was immediately stopped by the leading Night Walker, who said coldly: "Get the body first, those company dogs are still waiting for us to deliver the goods."

After hearing the leader's words, the convoy rushed directly to the abandoned camp. After parking, several night wanderers rushed into the camp with submachine guns and saw three body bags lying inside.

They had no scruples, just stepped forward to unzip it, checked it, and took a casual look.

Rebecca was lying in a body bag with a dead look on her face.

The night wanderers found that the corpse in the bag was extremely disgusting. It smelled exactly like the last time. It smelled terrible.

They waved their hands in disgust, pulled up the body bag again, dragged it up and stuffed it into the car.

"Boss, three corpses this time can be exchanged for a lot of money!"

When the night wandering ghost heard that there were only three, he looked slightly dissatisfied. In the past, there were more than a dozen bags of corpses, but today there were only three bags.

"You idiot, why are you so small? Didn't you continue to add D? Those trash guys in the company should just add D to their water sources. Take as many samples as you want."

Rebecca felt herself being thrown into the car, making a dull sound, and then heard the car engine starting and heading back towards the original road.

Panan hurriedly urged: "Quick! Let me drive! You can't turn on the lights to make them aware. I'm better at driving at night than you. You have to catch up with them quickly and don't let those *bastards get away!"

Panan walked out of the car without any explanation, while Tang Yu stepped directly across the console and sat in the passenger seat.

Panan sat back in the driver's seat, started the engine and said, "This is my complete body, watch it!"

V: “What message do you think the financial backer ‘Wilder of Love Wilde’ wants to convey?”

Johnny: "You will understand once you have seen the world like me. You can know many things without looking."

V: “Do you really know, or are you just talking nonsense again?”

Johnny: "People are the same everywhere."

V: "I understand! You are talking nonsense."

Instant Noodles: "You two, stop studying! Thank you to the big sponsor, the leader of 'Warrior Wilde of Love', plus a red envelope for the reward!"

Johnny: "I'll go! Everyone knows the literal meaning of this, right? Have you two read the book? Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask, don't answer me."


PS: No more tonight!

Special thanks to the following funders for their rewards!

Chenyu 1.00

Rama Kai 64.00

Rama Kai 1.89

Nocturne, Qidian Reading iOS 1.00

Energy and Information 5.00

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