Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 146 Tooth for Tooth

Rainy night.

Lizzy Bar was immersed in rain and fog, and the square in front of the door was deserted and not as lively as before.

The bar door was closed, only the curved signboard was still on, but it was uncharacteristically not open for business.

In the inner hall of Lizzy Bar, the girls from Mox gathered together, either smoking cigarettes or sitting at the bar drinking wine, without saying a word, and the atmosphere seemed very heavy.

Gloria and Sasha sat in front of the bar, watching quietly and keeping silent.

A special Night City program was playing on the wall-mounted TV.

On the TV, the host, dressed in golden attire, was greeting everyone warmly.

"Good evening, Night City viewers!"

"This is a chat with Zig Q tonight."

"This is a rainy night with a story. Let's welcome tonight's special guest Mr. Sato!"


A man with a Japanese bun and a burgundy suit walked into the studio and sat on the sofa next to the host.

Sieg Q took the initiative to wave to him, acting exaggeratedly.

"Hello Mr. Sato."

"Hello, host." Sato nodded slightly.

Zig Q smiled at the camera and said: "I believe that all viewers are still unfamiliar with Mr. Sato, but as soon as I mention another name, you will know it."

"Tiger Claw Gang."

"That's right, Mr. Sato is the main person in charge of the Tiger Claw Gang." Sieg Q looked at the guests again and joked: "Heh, maybe I should call you the leader of the Gang more appropriately."

Sato was serious and unsmiling, and explained: "Actually, there is no such thing as a gang leader in the Tiger Claw Gang. We are several senior leaders who jointly manage gang affairs, and each of us has a different division of labor."

Zig Q laughed and joked: "It seems that the Tiger Claw Gang not only abides by tradition, but also keeps up with the times and implements a better management system, which is quite interesting."

"But what the audience is more curious about is the recent love-hate relationship between the Tiger Claws and the Mox Gang."

"About ten years ago, you suffered a big loss from those beautiful girls. Why are you having conflicts now?"

Sato explained seriously: "This time is not considered a conflict. The Tiger Claw Gang does not want to have any conflict with the Mox Gang. However, a senior member of our Tiger Claw Gang was persecuted by the Mox Gang."

"We in the Tiger Claw Gang have always valued unity and mutual assistance, and we will never tolerate our brothers dying in vain."

Sieg Q: "The high-ranking person you are talking about should be Jotaro Shobo, but as far as I know, his reputation is not very good."

Sato's words were serious: "No one is perfect. Zhengfa Jotaro does have many shortcomings, but this must not be the reason why he was killed by Mox."

Zig Q continued to ask: "Recently, major news has reported on this matter. The girls from the Mox Gang did not abide by the business rules, took advantage of the money and killed Shobo Jotaro, and also attacked the people of the Tiger Claw Gang. I really can't Imagine that a group of defenseless girls could do such crazy things, could there be some hidden agenda?"

Sato refuted: "Mox's people are by no means as simple as you think. The puppet behavior chip can not only be used for business, but can also be adapted into a combat behavior chip. Its lethality cannot be underestimated."

"The Tiger Claws don't use violence, but Mox has to give an explanation."

Zig Q nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that a good show is about to begin tonight. So in front of the TV, do you support the Tiger Claw Gang to seek justice, or do you support the beautiful girl Li Zi? You can send SMS arrived”

Lizzy's sisters were also filled with anger when they saw the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang confusing right and wrong on a TV show.

Little Miss Mox even yelled angrily: "What a rubbish show, stupid host, that well-dressed beast from the Tiger Claw Gang is full of lies, will anyone believe this?"

There was a bald black girl next to her. She said with a worried expression: "These media programs are all owned by Arasaka. They are the same as the Tiger Claw Gang. Naturally, they are talking for the Tiger Claw Gang. No one will pay attention to our opinions."

Another purple-haired girl put away her backpack and said bluntly without caring about everyone's feelings: "We can't defeat the Tiger Claw Gang. Susie doesn't know where she has gone. Even if she comes back, she will only go to the Tiger Claw Gang." The Tiger Claw Gang has surrendered, if you don’t want to be bullied by the Tiger Claw Gang, you might as well leave early.”

Many girls present were moved. After all, they came to work at Lizzy to make a better living, rather than being controlled by the Tiger Claw Gang.

At the beginning, some girls from Mox chose to stay in Genting and work under the management of the Tiger Claw Gang. Life was simply unbearable at that time.

Not only do I have to take orders every day, but I also have to be treated as playthings by those disgusting things from the Tiger Claw Gang in my free time. Even if I am sick, I can't be idle.

In addition, they will be forced to undergo modifications to their privacy implants. If they are damaged, they will have to go to Twist Street to find an unreliable prosthetic doctor for repairs.

If you are unlucky, you may even be taken away by the Tiger Claw Gang and never heard from again.


The girls in Lizzy are not willing to work under the control of the Tiger Claw Gang, and would rather find a small shop to earn some hard money.

Seeing someone suggesting that the group break up, a group of girls began to quarrel with each other.

"What's the rush? I really can't wait until the boss comes back before making a decision!"

"What's the use of waiting for her to come back? The Tiger Claw Gang is coming to seek justice. Is she willing to take the blame?"

"If someone hadn't been meddlesome and kidnapped Jotaro Shoho, how could things have ended up like this? You don't regret taking the medicine now, do you?"

The little baseball girl yelled angrily: "What are you talking about? Have you forgotten how Li Zi got up in the first place? Everyone got an advantage and behaved well. Those who are afraid of death, get out of here!"

Judy was sitting in front of the bar, with her elbows on the table and her fingers in her short hair. Seeing the speeches on TV and the quarrels among the people, her whole mind became distressed.

They had no choice but to watch the Arasaka Company's various media bombarding them, and the Tiger Claw Gang seemed to have the upper hand.

Although not many people would believe the lies of the Tiger Claw Gang, they did confuse the public.

Without people's support, Mox would definitely not be as powerful as the Tiger Claw Gang.


There are also huge differences within Lizzy. If a group of people wants to make peace with the Tiger Claw Gang, someone has to take the blame. A group of people want to join forces with the Tiger Claw Gang, and Li Zi will inevitably be torn apart and in danger of being destroyed.

She shouted with a painful look on her face: "Stop arguing!"

The originally noisy inner hall suddenly became quiet, and all eyes turned to Judy.

The little sister walked up to Judy, patted her on the back, and said comfortingly: "Judy, it's okay. Sister Lizzy will not give up the fight, and we will all support you."

"Struggle? Haha, why are you fighting with the Tiger Claw Gang? Now the Tiger Claw Gang is rushing to the Lizzy Bar. What are you using to resist others and ask for an explanation." A black-haired girl interjected in a sinister tone.

The little girl scolded angrily: "No one asked you to stay here. If you want to leave, leave as soon as possible to avoid regretting staying here later."

"Why should I leave? If you want to leave, you must leave. Susie is the owner of Lizzy Bar, not you!" The black-haired girl choked with all her strength.

Judy has fallen into endless entanglement and distress. She did not expect that kidnapping and killing the scumbag Jotaro would lead to such serious consequences.

TV sets and projections in the streets of Night City are everywhere shouting out his death.

An out-and-out scumbag, shouldn’t he die?

Just when she didn't know what to do, she suddenly received a communication request from Evelin.

Judy hesitated for a moment and chose to answer the call.

On the other end of the phone, Evelin's voice was quite urgent.

"Judy, are you still at the Lizzie Bar? Hurry up and pack your things and leave. The Tiger Claw Gang is mobilizing its forces to go to the Lizzie Bar."

"They have found out that you are looking for someone to investigate Jotaro Shoho. Susie sold everything. She is also heading to the Lizzie Bar."

Judy was silent.

What Evelin said was all true. In order to settle Judy's matter, she went to the senior officials of the Tiger Claw Gang and the company's high-level clients.

But no one is willing to help her. The Tiger Claw Gang is determined to take down the Lizzie Bar this time.

Evelin told Judy all the information she had found out. Seeing that she didn't say a word, she immediately added an explanation.

"Judy, don't hesitate any longer. I asked my acquaintances in the city hall to mobilize the NCPD. They will protect the Lizzie Bar for a period of time and can arrange a vehicle to escort you to escape secretly."

"With your Mewtwo skills, you can definitely find a position in any entertainment company. I can introduce you to a better place. Don't stick to Lizzy Bar, Judy!"

Hearing Evelin's words, Judy had tears in her eyes and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Ai, you still don't understand. That's it, just leave me alone."


Judy hung up the phone cruelly, and there was no turning back. She had to stand up and do something, otherwise everyone present would suffer along with her.

at this time.

Gloria, who was watching the situation quietly, suddenly received a message from Tang Yu.

The content is that Suzy Q, the owner of Lizzie Bar, died in a car accident while rushing in the rain. A short video is attached.

in video.

A truck crashed onto the side of the road, blazing with flames. Seeing this, the scattered pedestrians just took a detour to avoid it.

What caught her attention the most was that a woman wearing a pink jacket fell in the rainy night. Half of her body was crushed to pieces by a car, leaving a long blood stain, which was immediately diluted by the rain.

Suzy Q is dead?

Gloria felt frightened, receiving this news from Tang Yu, the meaning behind it was very deep.

Could it be arranged by Mr. Tang?

This was the first thought that popped into her mind.

As long as Susie Q doesn't die, the position of owner of Lizzy Bar will not be available, and naturally there will be no chance of taking the position.

Moreover, there are still many people in the bar who support Susie Q. They hope that they can successfully mediate with the Tiger Claw Gang and resolve this crisis.

But with Susie Q's death, all that was impossible.

There are only two outcomes left for the Mox Gang, either to be annexed by the Tiger Claw Gang, or to rebel with Judy. There is no puppet boss to mediate in the middle.

Gloria immediately understood Tang Yu's intention and informed Regina Jones of the location of Susie Q's car accident.

I believe News 54 will not reject this fresh news.

She then stood up, walked to Judy and said.

"Judy, the people of the Tiger Claw Gang are not invincible, and Arasaka is not the only company in Night City."

Judy immediately wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked up at Gloria, and asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"You mean, we still have a glimmer of hope?"

Gloria nodded seriously: "No matter whether there is hope or not, this battle with the Tiger Claw Gang must be fought."

The black-haired girl from before teased again: "Who are you? Fighting? To put it lightly, people who are not Mox need not worry."

Gloria faced the Lizzie sisters and said frankly: "Although I am not a Moxian, I personally handled Jotaro Zhengfa. This kind of scum does not deserve to stay in this world."

"He dared to put his hands on the girls around Lizi today, and he will dare to put his hands on you in the future. Does he have to wait until a big disaster befalls him before he remembers to resist?"

"As a woman, I also know that it is hard enough to survive in this city, but we still have to be bullied by the scum of the Tiger Claw Gang. If we don't unite, there will be endless oppression waiting for us."

"I left Lizzy today, but what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?"

"How can we guarantee that the Tiger Claw Gang will not target you one day in the future?"

After hearing Gloria's question, everyone in the bar was silent.

It's impossible for them not to understand such a simple truth.

You can escape for a while, but you can't escape for a lifetime.

But facing the powerful Tiger Claw Gang, some people were still timid and asked: "Then how can you ensure that Sister Lizzy will no longer be threatened by the Tiger Claw Gang? It will be difficult to survive tonight, let alone the future. .”

Gloria emphasized angrily: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

"If they dare to bully one of our girls, we will pay them back tenfold."

"If they dare to play with fire, we will play with our lives with the Tiger Claw Gang."

"We will fight them for as long as they want, until they get scared, get intimidated, and become honest!"

When little sister Mox heard this, she immediately raised her baseball bat and cheered.

"I couldn't agree more with Ta Ma. I have long disliked those scum!"

Many girls who supported the resistance against the Tiger Claw Gang also cheered up and supported Gloria's call.

Even Judy couldn't help but look at Gloria. Seeing her passionate expression, she felt inspired as never before.

But someone soon asked: "The Tiger Claw Gang has more than 5,000 official gang members alone, while the Mox Gang only has 200 members in total. How can we fight with them?"

"Yeah, this time it's not like nine years ago. There are countless people supporting us and working with Mox to fight against the Tiger Claw Gang. Our own strength is not enough!"

These problems are a hurdle in front of Mox. Without solving the problem of being weak and seeking foreign aid, it will be impossible to compete with the Tiger Claw Gang.

Gloria was extremely determined and said forcefully: "Mox doesn't have enough manpower, so expand the manpower. There are thousands of girls in Night City, and they can all become Lizzy sisters."

"No one supports us, so we will make our own voice heard and let the people in Night City see it."

"We have a lot of evidence of the cruel things Jotaro did to Miss Mox, and we are not afraid of the Tiger Claw Gang confusing right and wrong!"

Someone asked: "The owner of Lizzie's Bar is Susie, and we don't care. She only wants to reconcile with the Tiger Claw Gang. What can we do?"

at this time.

News Channel 54 on the wall-mounted TV suddenly broadcast a live news item.

In the live broadcast screen.

The host was wearing a raincoat and stood at the scene of the car accident, with a burning truck behind him.

"A serious traffic accident just happened behind me, and the deceased was a woman."

"According to the biometric information, the deceased's name was Susie Q, and she was the owner of Lizzy Bar during her lifetime."

In the inner hall of Lizzy Bar, everyone couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard the news of Susie's death. They didn't expect that Susie Q would die in a car accident like this.

Suddenly, someone spoke up and broke the silence. Little Sister Mox was the first to curse angrily: "The damn Tiger Claw Gang must have done something good. They are determined to swallow Mox."

"Could it be that Susie failed to seek peace and was killed by someone arranged by the Tiger Claw Gang?"

"It's very possible. It seems that the Tiger Claw Gang really doesn't want to have peace talks this time."

"Does this happen to all owners of Lizzie Bar?"

"Even Suzy can't escape the clutches of the Tiger Claw Gang, so what should we do?"

Judy also looked at the TV with a blank look on her face, in disbelief.

She originally hoped that Susie could mediate with the Tiger Claw Gang and get a compromise peace result.

Even if she was betrayed by Susie, Judy had no intention of pursuing the matter. As long as Lizzie survived and Mox continued to unite, everything could still be discussed.

Why did Suzy Q die?

Was he really killed by the Tiger Claw Gang?

Judy felt that her brain could no longer analyze it and was in a mess.

Seeing that the time had come, Gloria walked to Judy again and whispered softly: "Judy, only you can lead Mox out of the predicament now."

at this time.

Rainy night outside Lizzy Bar.

The fine rain curtain swayed with the cold wind, shrouding the neon city like a layer of translucent fog.

There are rows of high-rise buildings, and the mottled and gorgeous neon light shines through the raindrops, adding an ethereal atmosphere to the city.

In the middle of the road.

The funeral procession was very eye-catching.

They each wear white stripes on their heads, are bare-chested, and have arms full of dragons and tigers, emitting colorful fluorescent lights in the rainy night.

A team of hundreds of people, carrying a coffin, moved slowly towards the Lizzy Bar.

Pedestrians in twos and threes on the street wrapped their coats tightly and kept walking forward with their heads hunched, and had no time to appreciate this unique neon light in the rain.

The funeral procession of hundreds of people from the Tiger Claw Gang carried the coffin in the cold rain with great momentum.

I have been too busy recently and have sheep at home. Please remember to take good care of your health!

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