Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 147 For Sisters

Night City, the entire city is immersed in the world of icy rain and cold nights.

Thick water droplets fall from the sky and shuttle between the colorful neon lights, like flowing lights and flying fireflies.

Tang Yu was in front of the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows on the 33rd floor of Arasaka Tower, his deep pupils reflected the light and rain of the night.

He held a half-cup of warm water in his hand, with steam rising from the rim of the cup.


It's a critical moment for the Mox Gang.

Whether it can continue to occupy a place in Night City or become a thing of the past will be decided on this night.

After so many years, the Mox Gang has never expanded its membership on a large scale due to the restrictions of Suzy Q, so that the official membership has only remained at about two hundred people.

The Mox Gang is fundamentally different from other gangs. They are more like a group of girls who unite to protect themselves in order to live a safer life in Night City.

In the Night City, where the weak prey on the strong, in the eyes of gang members and powerful people, these girls are more like prey, resources, or commodities.

The bigger the mox grow, the less prey they can enjoy.

This is why the Tiger Claw Gang must curb the rise of the Mox Gang. If girls want to become independent, they must first ask whether they will agree, whether the customers will agree, and whether those high-level elites will agree.

They can tolerate the existence of the Mox Gang, but they cannot sit back and watch their growth.

If Mox wants to win independence and living space, he can ultimately rely on himself.


Tonight is also a critical moment for Gloria.

Tang Yu has cleared the final obstacle for her, and she will be able to perform on the next stage.

The top spot in Lizzy Bar is indeed available, but to get it you need to have the ability and achievements to convince the public.

The outcome of this battle tonight is crucial to Gloria.

If the Mox Gang wins, then Gloria will undoubtedly become the biggest contributor and will be qualified to take the top spot in Lizzy.

But it is not easy for her to win this battle with the Tiger Claw Gang.

The Tiger Claw Gang is far superior to the Mox Gang in terms of numbers and combat effectiveness.

If the Mox Gang really wanted to win, there was only one way.

Unite all the forces that can be united and use the Tiger Claw Gang's tactics to fight against the crowds.

Only when more and more girls join Mox can Mox become truly powerful against the Tiger Claw Gang.

The powerful and courageous Mox Gang is the Mox Tang Yu wants.

He didn't tell Gloria too thoroughly. This was not only a trust in her, but also a test for her.

It tests whether she can arouse the bloody spirit of the Mox Gang, and whether she can lead Mox to have a fierce battle with the Tiger Claw Gang, so that Mox can truly be reborn in blood.

Suzy Q has been running the Lizzie Bar for so many years, and she has worn down Mox. Even Judy, who has always firmly resisted the Tiger Claw Gang, has become hesitant, which shows the attitude of the other girls in the Lizzie Bar.

For the sake of better business and more money, they chose to swallow their anger, not knowing that they were drinking poison to quench their thirst.

True peace is never achieved by begging the enemy, but by a strong fist.

Only by winning this battle can Mox truly be at the negotiating table and wrestle with the Tiger Claw Gang.

at this time.

Outside the minister's office, the access control showed that a staff member requested to meet for a report.

Harry, the leader of the Investigation Section, was waiting outside the door, undergoing a blue light scan check, and after confirming that it was correct, he walked into the minister's office.

He came straight to his desk and saw Tang Yu standing in front of the panoramic floor-to-ceiling window, with his back to him, looking out at the rain.

Harry, the leader of the investigation section, immediately reported respectfully.

"Mr. Tang, the Tiger Claw Gang has been dispatched."

"They carried a coffin and a funeral procession with hundreds of people, braving the rainy night and heading for the Lizzy Bar."

"In order to avoid causing a counterattack like last time, the Tiger Claw Gang's funeral procession of hundreds of people did not carry thermal weapons."

Tang Yu remained indifferent: "You still have some brains, what about other aspects?"

Harry, the leader of the investigation section, continued to report: "Arasaka and other major media companies have received the news and are sending live broadcast teams to the scene to conduct the broadcast."

"NCPD has received the information and currently has no preparations to stop this riot."

Tang Yu took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Everyone wants to watch a good show. Everyone likes girls, but they don't want them to become strong."

Harry, the leader of the Investigation Section, immediately added: "The Mox Gang also made new moves. They sent a notification letter to All Night City."

"The book calls on the girls in Night City to unite and join the fight against the Tiger Claw Gang, and promises that all girls who participate in the counterattack will be accepted into the Mox Gang."

Tang Yu thinks this notice is good, and it is most likely written by Gloria.

Most of the two hundred girls before the Mox Gang were brought out by Suzy Q.

Expanding the recruitment of members now will not only quickly increase its strength, but also dilute the remaining influence of Suzy Q.

Joining the Mox means you will receive gang protection, which really makes many girls working on the streets excited.

When Detective Kehari saw that Tang Yu didn't speak, he continued to report the report seriously.

"In addition, the notice also revealed in detail what Jotaro had done, including the black Mewtwo he recorded, kidnapping innocent girls on the street, and using dirty methods to bully Mox, and relying on the power of the Tiger Claw Gang to do whatever he wanted. "

"Finally, Mox officially announced that he would no longer compromise with the Tiger Claw Gang, and called on all persecuted girls to unite and declare war on the Tiger Claw Gang."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, and after Detective Kehari finished his report, he asked him to leave the notice and leave the office.

The evidence about Jotaro's heinous crimes was all mined from his mind by hackers from the Mox Gang.

Zhengfa Jotaro likes to activate the implant and record the shooting scenes of Black Mewtwo, so there are a large number of image records in the memory chip.

He will also produce these records into supporting series, such as "Torture Collection Series: Production Secrets", which is exclusively for the enjoyment of certain senior executives with special fetishes.

Notice in the book.

Not only the recording process of Black Mewtwo was announced in detail, but also the bloody deeds of Zhengfa Jotaro on the second floor of the Phoenix Club were revealed.

He first made a cruel recording of Black Mewtwo on the kidnapped girl.

After electrocution, fire, violence, torture, and even connecting the pain nerves of two people, they made them hurt each other.

After the brutal filming of Black Mewtwo, the others were dragged to the operating table and dismembered on the spot, and the usable organs and implants were sold to scavengers.

All the evil deeds are horrific.

The most chilling thing is that during the entire recording process, Jotaro Shoho didn't even blink his eyes, and truly achieved the first-person perspective without stopping throughout the whole process.

This notice from the Mox Gang did not receive any public broadcast or support.

There are too many high-level people involved in the interest chain of Zhengfa Jotaro and Black Mewtwo to count. If they were to be traced, the implications would be far-reaching.

Tang Yu felt that one thing about this notice was worthy of recognition, that is, it only focused on Zhengfa Jotaro and the Tiger Claw Gang behind him, and did not involve a wider range of participating forces.

This way.

Everyone who sees this notice will focus their anger on Jotaro and the Tiger Claw Gang.

This notice will turn into a spark, igniting the anger of the girls in the entire Night City, and completely crushing the Tiger Claw Gang's conspiracy.

Tang Yu knew that it was time for him to take action.

Immediately, orders were given for the special service teams of the Counterintelligence Department and the Special Operations Department to pack up and prepare for departure.

at this time.

Watson, a rainy night street in Kabukicho.

A blue-haired street dancer finished her last cigarette and flicked the cigarette butt into the rain.

She looked at the few people on the street and couldn't help but sigh that it was another bleak day and she couldn't get a single business.

But the girl who was standing guard with her a few days ago has completely disappeared for several days.

She saw with her own eyes that the other party and a man walked into a dark alley that was not illuminated by street lights and never came out again.

This made her become cautious when working for several days, especially on rainy nights like this, when not even a few people could be seen on the street, which was inexplicably scary.

She crossed her arms in front of her body to resist the cold rain. Just when she was hunching her shoulders and preparing to leave, she suddenly received a message forwarded by a friend who was also a street girl.

"Mox Notice?"

She quickly scanned the content and found that Mox was going to fight the Tiger Claw Gang to the death, calling on all the girls to unite.

She had long been unhappy with the Tiger Claw Gang. Those vulgar and reckless men never treated them as human beings.

"The disappearance was also the fault of the Tiger Claw Gang?"

"Can I join the Mox Gang to join the counterattack against the Tiger Claw Gang?"

One piece after another of explosive content instantly caught her mind and attracted her attention.

She immediately sent the message to other colleagues.

"Sisters! Super exciting news! Mox is really going to rise!"

"Really? I'll go, really! Can we join Mox too?"

"Mader, I've long been unhappy with those dogs from the Tiger Claw Gang. Let's stop talking about it. Let's support Mox and Lizzy!"

"Count me in!"


The notice spread rapidly in the streets and alleys of Night City.

A crossroad somewhere in Kabukicho.

An NCPD car flashed its warning lights, suddenly braked suddenly, and stopped casually in the middle of the intersection.

A pot-bellied police officer got out of the special car and rushed into the convenience store that he almost missed.

Not a moment.

When he walked out of the glass door of the convenience store, he held two bags of late-night snacks in both hands and rushed to the special car in the cold rain again.

After he ran to the car, he opened the front door, got into the driver's seat, and then closed the door, blocking out the cold rain from the glass.

The sheriff in the passenger seat took the late-night snack from his hand and said with a smile: "Fortunately, you have good eyesight and quick hands, otherwise you will definitely not be able to buy late-night snacks, but the boss just gave us another job, why don't we get it first?" Escaped alive?"

The pot-bellied Sheriff patted the rain on his shoulder and cursed unhappily: "It's so late and we still don't allow peace and quiet. What's the matter with the cold wind and rain? Hurry and eat while it's hot."

The deputy police officer handed over a bag of late-night snacks in his hand, and then said: "The boss means that we are not far from Lizzy Bar, so we can stop by and take a look, and pick someone up if we have a chance."

The pot-bellied Sheriff tore open the package of the late-night snack, ate it while it was still hot, and asked vaguely: "Aren't the Tiger Claw Gang going to Lizzie to ask for an explanation tonight? How can the two of us handle such a big battle?" ?”

The security guard in the passenger seat also started eating midnight snacks, and said with a helpless smile: "Whatever, we're just going to get someone, and the Tiger Claw Gang has to give us two thin noodles, right?"

The pot-bellied Sheriff repeatedly advised: "Don't, don't, don't, those lunatics from the Tiger Claw Gang will never betray us. They only have Daddy Arasaka in their eyes, and it is said that the Tiger Claw Gang will go to Lizi tonight to ask for an explanation." I didn’t bring a gun, I wanted to play cold.”

The sheriff in the passenger seat stopped chewing and asked curiously: "With the sword and the stick, can they be Mox's opponent?"

"Over the years, the Tiger Claw Gang has become accustomed to relying on Arasaka's smart weapons. It may not be Mox's opponent when playing with cold weapons. Back then, Lizzy was a loser who killed three Tiger Claw Gang members with a pair of axes."

The pot-bellied Sheriff shook his head: "You know too little about the Tiger Claw Gang. They can still fight a lot. Even that wooden man in Yunding was a ruthless character before."

"And their boss, who has a bald head and a face full of tattoos, cannot be underestimated."

While he was eating midnight snacks and chatting, he was suddenly attracted by the blurry scene outside the car window.

He quickly put down the food in his hand and wiped the slightly fogged car window. Then he saw clearly outside the window a large group of colorful girls, walking slowly and confidently from the street in the distance.

They were not afraid of the cold wind and night rain. The rain soaked their hair, slid down their necks and between the curves, and soaked their hot clothes and shorts.

They were either carrying baseball iron bars or holding sharp axes with short blades, their bright blades exuding a bit of cold light.


What do they want to do?

The pot-bellied Sheriff didn't expect to see Mox's men dispatched here. It looked like they were going to fight with the Tiger Claw Gang.

He couldn't help but have a question mark in his mind.

What are the Mox Gang going to do to fight the Tiger Claw Gang?

Take your life?

Just when he was stunned, he was pulled hard twice and urged: "Look here, look here!"

The pot-bellied Sheriff turned to look outside the passenger window and saw another group of people, each wearing a white cloth strip on his head, with his arms bare, and a fierce look. He knew they were members of the Tiger Claw Gang at a glance.

The two police officers were also confused. Is this going to start a fight?

Cross street.

Centered on the NCPD car, on the left is the funeral procession of the Tiger Claw Gang, and on the right are the girls of the Mox Gang.


Both sides discovered each other's existence.

The bald villain at the head of the Tiger Claw Gang's funeral procession raised his hand, and the entire funeral procession stopped.

The girls from the Mox Gang also stopped, shouldering their weapons and looking disdainfully at the Tiger Claw Gang opposite.

The two sides stopped together and looked at each other across the intersection.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely quiet, and the rain soaked everyone present.

When the Tiger Claw Gang saw Mox, they came out in full force, with sticks and knives in their hands, and their intentions were already obvious.

Mox chose to fight them to the death.

Tiger Claw helped the funeral procession lower the coffin and then pushed it open, revealing the samurai sword hidden in the coffin.

Now that Mox has shown his hand, they don't bother to hide anything.

The members of the Tiger Claw Gang took out samurai swords from the coffins one after another, and lined up neatly, preparing to charge.

Little Miss Mox glanced at Sasha, who was wearing a cat mask next to her, and joked: "Beauty, how many do you plan to kill this time?"

Sasha heard her question, thought for a while, and said seriously: "Just be happy."

Judy looked at Gloria beside her and said with concern: "This kind of melee is not suitable for you. Remember to protect yourself later."

She saw that Gloria had almost no combat implants or combat chips installed on her body. In such a situation where there were fewer enemies and more enemies, it was easy to be targeted and accidentally injured.

Gloria, however, had firm eyes and said forcefully: "Although I'm not very good at fighting, I also understand that fighting requires not only strength, but also momentum. I won't back down."

Judy's eyes flashed with passion, and she said in agreement: "That's right, we have no retreat."

Sasha said seriously: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

She has received instructions from Tang Yu to protect the personal safety of Gloria and Judy.

Sasha knows why she should protect Gloria, but she doesn't quite understand why she should protect Judy.

Although she didn't understand, it didn't stop her from fully executing Tang Yu's instructions.

Not only Gloria, but all the Mox girls participating in this battle are already determined to die.

Instead of being oppressed to death by the Tiger Claw Gang, it would be better to fight them to the death. Killing one would be enough, and killing a pair would make a profit.

Seeing this situation, the NCPD Sheriff quickly tried to start the engine and escape, quickly leaving the center of the whirlpool.

He didn't even bother to have a midnight snack and started the car. In a panic, he accidentally blew the whistle.

The huge sound instantly resounded throughout the night sky.

The girl from Mox realized that this was the clarion call to charge.

Gloria suppressed her surging heartbeat and participated in the battle of blood and fire for the first time. She had never experienced anything like this before and felt nervous and excited.

At that time, she made a bold decision for the entire Lizzie sisters to use cold weapons when facing the Tiger Claw Gang.

This was the result of Gloria's careful consideration.

She got information that the Tiger Claw gang was using cold weapons.

In order to prevent Mox from falling behind, they can also use an ax to prove Mox's rise.

in addition.

Thermal weapons are the strength of the Tiger Claw Gang. If Mox used the thermal weapon first and was counterattacked by the Tiger Claw Gang later, he would definitely be no match.

When the time comes, they will be seen by thousands of melon-eating people in Night City, and it will be Mox's first hot weapon. It will be harder for them to get support from others.

The Tiger Claw Gang has arrived and they have no way out.

Ax versus katana.

That's enough for Mox.

The four of them stood at the front of the team, looking at each other with encouragement and indignation in their eyes.

Judy looked at Gloria, Little Sister, and Sasha respectively, and nodded, her eyes firm.

The little girl understood the situation, raised her baseball bat high and pointed it at the Tiger Claw Gang opposite, and roared with passion.


"For Mox!"

"For Lizzy!"

"for tomorrow!"


The words just fell.

The girls from the Mox Gang roared like a mountain and a tsunami, and followed the four men to charge towards the Tiger Claw Gang.

"For Lizzy!"

The girls tightly grasped the axes in their hands, ignoring the rain hitting their faces, and their eyes burned with anger.

Pairs of high heels, pairs of leather boots, and pairs of canvas shoes splashed on the ground.

For a while.

The situation is tense.


The bald villain of the Tiger Claw Gang took a step back and raised his hand again.

The entire funeral procession raised their samurai swords and stared coldly at the charging team on the opposite side.

He then waved his hand, and the Tiger Claw gang members screamed, raised their samurai swords, and charged away.

The four girls felt unprecedented joy while running. Even if they were to face the Tiger Claw Gang, they were not afraid.

This is what true freedom feels like.


Just as Mox charged, Gloria suddenly noticed that many people were rushing over from both sides of the crossroads.

They were equally excited, loudly echoing Mox and calling Sister Lizzy.

Gloria couldn't help but feel moved in her heart. It seemed that the notice had worked. Countless girls came to support her one after another.

When the battle was about to begin, they arrived in time!

Judy also noticed the girls who came to support her, and her eye sockets suddenly felt hot, and a warmth rose in her heart.

This grand occasion of help coming from all directions when one side was in trouble, convinced her that her original choice was the right one.

Without the support of other girls, the more than 200 members of the Mox Gang would have almost no chance of defeating the hundreds of thugs from the Tiger Claw Gang.

Even with the help of Gloria and Sasha, there is no guarantee that every girl in Mox will survive.

Judy hates injury and death, but for a better tomorrow for everyone, she must learn to take up arms and resist.

As more and more girls join the battlefield, the Tiger Claw Gang's numerical advantage has disappeared, but the Tiger Claw Gang still does not take them seriously.

In the eyes of the bald villain, these girls are just businessmen. If they really encounter a hard fist, they will know what it means to be cruel.


The two sides are about to engage in close combat.

Sasha knew that there was a real fight and he had to protect the safety of the two people around him, so he chose to take a quick step and play with the Tiger Claws first to disrupt their charging formation.

She popped out her lynx diamond claws and started preheating her whole-body combat implants. Her agile and slender legs splashed with water, instantly turning into a silent stream of light, and she took the lead in charging into the Tiger Claw Gang.

Sasha jumped up, and the moment he landed, two sharp claws flashed with cold light, and he cut the opponent's head in half with a knife, taking the opponent's life.

Immediately afterwards, several bayonets came to kill, but Sasha made a fake move to dodge, and once again harvested the lives of several people.

She is like a ballet dancer in the rain, dancing freely and smoothly harvesting every head that passes by.

Seeing that Sasha was leading the way into the ground, little sister Mox was not to be outdone and rushed forward too, dragging her baseball bat.

She saw a member of the Tiger Claw Gang rushing up. He ducked sideways to avoid the blade, then swung the stick horizontally, denting the opponent's front door and sending him flying backwards.

Little Miss Mox held the baseball bat tightly with both hands and swung it wildly in the crowd, like smashing a watermelon, smashing one after another, and blood red mixed with rain sprinkled everywhere.

The two sides fought together at the crossroads.

After Gloria rushed up, she found that she couldn't touch the enemy at all.

However, each of the girls in Mox was more fierce than the other, and they looked completely different when fighting than when doing business.

She thought there would be a fierce battle, but she didn't expect that she couldn't help much in the end.

Unable to keep up with the rhythm, she was quickly pushed out of the first echelon of charges.

Gloria looked a little helpless. Seeing the blocked intersection, she had no chance to take action.

And I didn’t see the bloody battle I imagined.


She thought that as long as Mox went through a bloody battle and was seen by more people, coupled with the influence of the notice, people would slowly come to support him.

But the current situation is that the support comes too fast and too fiercely.

Due to Mox's ferocity and the fact that there were thousands if not tens of thousands of supporting girls, it was difficult for the Tiger Claw Gang to withstand the power of hundreds of people.

What's more, there are forwards like Sasha and Xiao Taimei, who are wildly harvesting the back row.

It would be difficult for the Tiger Claw Gang to win without using their guns.

Seeing this great situation, Gloria suddenly wanted more.

No more tonight.

It's too late, the typo will be corrected tomorrow.

I deleted and rewritten a thousand words last night, so I wasted time.

There are more and more sheep around, I hope instant noodles can continue to hold up

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