Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 148 A bloody battle to the end

“Hello everyone, I’m Arif Iqbal and you’re watching WNS News.”

"Now a local news break for you."

"A new riot caused by the Mox Gang is taking place in the Watson Kabukicho district."

As the host announced, live photos and videos of the chaos on the crossroads appeared on the background board.

You can clearly see the girls from the Mox Gang and the bad guys from the Tiger Claw gang, killing each other crazily.

"It is reported that the cause of this incident was that a senior member of the Tiger Claw Gang, Jotaro Shobo, was kidnapped and killed by the Mox Gang."

"The Tiger Claw Gang went to the Lizzie Bar to demand an explanation, but were ambushed and intercepted by the Mox Gang on the way."

"Currently, the melee is still going on."

At this time, the Arasaka Company is not alone in focusing on the forces at the Kabukicho intersection.

Over the melee scene, drones from different media companies rushed to the scene immediately to record first-hand materials on the scene.

"Good evening, everyone, and welcome to News 54, I'm Jillian Jordan. Here's a quick update on the latest breaking news."

"A conflict involving thousands of people is taking place in Kabukicho, Watson District. The Tiger Claw Gang and the Mox Gang are on the cross street, each holding a cold weapon to kill. The conflict continues to escalate."

"It is accurately understood through various channels that the conflict was caused by the death of Jotaro Shobo, a senior member of the Tiger Claw Gang."

"The Tiger Claw gang is spreading the word that the Mox Gang did not abide by business rules and persecuted Jotaro Shoho to death, demanding that the Mox Gang hand over the murderer and severely punish him."

"However, according to the relevant information collected by this station, in the Mox Gang's notice, they admitted that they kidnapped and killed Jotaro, but they criticized and refuted the claim that the Mox did not abide by business rules in detail. "

"The Mox Gang firmly believes that the death of Jotaro Shoho was brought upon himself. It is not that the Mox Gang did not abide by business rules, but that what they did was extremely cruel, persecuting innocent street workers and bullying Mox Gang members. The Mox Gang can only declare its opposition to the atrocities of the Tiger Claw Gang."

"The Mox Gang also released a clip of the process of Jotaro recording Black Mewtwo, showing his cruel methods in detail. Compared with the empty words of the Tiger Claw Gang, the conclusive evidence produced by the Mox Gang is more convincing. .”

"It can also be seen from the front line at the scene that more and more girls have joined the fighting team of the Mox Gang."

"Tonight, the Tiger Claw Gang sent hundreds of elite thugs dressed as a funeral procession to the Lizzie Bar in the name of asking for an explanation. Their true purpose needs further investigation."

Two mainstream news media, Arasaka and Military Technology, each took action in response to the riot.

The street melee, which was already attracting attention, immediately set off a heated discussion in Night City.

Various online subnet forums and offline bar booths and counters are all discussing this matter.

Afterlife Bar.

Roger sat at the bar and ordered a cocktail. He saw the news on the wall-mounted TV and murmured.

"Night City hasn't been this lively in a long time."

She was still wearing the fluorescent yellow punk long-sleeved sweater, her shoulder-length hair was pulled to one side, and she looked like a queen while sitting at the bar.

Claire put a glass of cocktail on the table and couldn't help but smile when she heard the boss's sigh.

"you do not say."

"It's the Samurai Band's nostalgic concert again, the biotechnology company building is burned down, and the Mox Gang girls rise up against the Tiger Claw Gang again."

"It has indeed been a long time since Night City saw such a bloody story."

Rogge looked deeply and murmured: "There are shadows behind these things. After tonight, Lizzy Bar will change owners. Remember to send a gift when the time comes. I really like Mox now." .”

Claire said that she had taken note of it, and then suddenly mentioned something: "Last time, there was a handsome young man in a suit who said that he was an old acquaintance of you. I don't know where he got the news. When talking about silver hands, he actually did the same thing. Set."

Rogge nodded slightly, and couldn't help but think of what Tang Yu conveyed to her that day, a date at an outdoor movie screen.

This was the romance she had always buried deep in her heart. It belonged to Johnny alone, but it was unexpectedly brought out by a complete stranger.

This made her usually calm and sophisticated heart stir up waves.

Moreover, Rogge also investigated that Tang Yu had used Arasaka Company resources to help Kerry solve the record company problem and contributed a lot to the Samurai Band's nostalgic concert.

Why Tang Yu, a young company executive, would be familiar with Johnny's former younger brother really aroused her interest.

Rogge drank the 'Johnny Silverhand' in one gulp. It still had the same spicy and sour taste, and then stood up and walked to the exclusive box.

at this time.

Kabukicho Cross Street.

The two torrents of people finally converged at the center of the intersection and collided with each other in the cold rainy night.

Shadows of both sides intertwined, swords flashed, and a life-and-death battle officially began.

Dozens of people in the front row of the Tiger Claw Gang held samurai swords and howled before charging forward, hoping to break into Mox's position.

Dozens of short axes were seen coming through the air, and the rotating ax blades struck directly on their heads, knocking them to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, wave after wave of axes hit the Tiger Claw Gang from above, hitting many targets one after another and being disemboweled by sharp short axes.

The Tiger Claw gang thugs ignored the flying axes above their heads and chose to fight the Mox Gang in close combat.

The troops from both sides blended into the enemy's positions and started the massacre.

However, the Mox Gang had a large number of people, and there was a steady stream of girls coming to support them. The dozens of people from the Tiger Claw Gang who had just entered the position were chopped down to the ground by an ax and a hammer. His life was lost in an instant.

The Tiger Claw gang thugs who were trapped in Mox's crowd didn't care about fighting from all sides. They started fighting and implanted their prosthetic bodies, howling and slashing with their swords.

But it was soon overwhelmed by the ax and chopped into a pulp.

In the first confrontation between the two sides, Mox stabilized his position and began to launch a more fierce offensive against the Tiger Claw Gang.

Hundreds of people began to circle around the street and chop them randomly. Heads, arms, and prosthetic limbs were flying around. It was impossible to tell whether they were implants or native limbs.

All the girls in Mox had their eyes red with anger, regardless of their own safety.

The first one was cut in half by the Tiger Claw Gang, and the latter one stepped in and killed the opponent with an axe.

Mox's fearless chopping skills left hundreds of Tiger Claw gang's elite thugs unable to fight back, and they could only trade their lives for their lives.

The bald villain of the Tiger Claw Gang activated his prosthetic arms and punched out his fists, smashing their heads into two people.

He fought hard to kill many girls from the Mox Gang, but found that the more they killed, the more they killed, and the more they killed, the more brave they became.

However, there were fewer and fewer Tiger Claw gang thugs around him. All his associates who followed him into the Mox Gang crowd were all dead in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on, horse rider?" the bald evil man couldn't help but yell.

There are indeed more than 5,000 official members of the Tiger Claw Gang, but not all of them are thugs, and not many can master the katana without relying on smart weapons.

Previously, considering that the Mox Gang only had 200 people, in order to avoid being criticized, the funeral procession formed was not large in size, and they used cold weapons.

Now it seems that there are many people coming from all directions to support Mox, and the situation is no longer right.

The bald villain doesn't care about saving face. He must severely punish the Mox Gang and let them see the power of the Tiger Claw Gang.

He immediately activated the full-body combat implant, pulled out a samurai sword from a girl's corpse, and charged into the crowd crazily.

Many girls who came to support were killed instantly, and almost no one could survive a round under its blade.

The bald villain's whole body is covered with high-end precision combat implants developed by Arasaka Company. Equipped with a full operating system, his power cannot be underestimated.

In contrast.

The girls who work on the streets have low-end and crude prosthetics and can only rely on their own strength to fight against the Tiger Claw Gang. As long as they receive a knife, they will be dismembered on the spot.

The bald villain was chopping melons and vegetables behind Mox, killing everything in sight.

Little Miss Mox turned around and discovered the situation behind her. When she saw her sister being attacked and killed by a bald villain, she couldn't help but feel furious.

After she whipped away the Tiger Claw Gang thugs who were killing her with a stick, she started running towards the back to kill the bald villain.

The cold rain slid down the simulated skin on her body. The combat implants in both arms were activated at their strongest. She directly raised the baseball bat and jumped forward, flying towards the bald villain.


The bald evil man was alert to the fact that someone was coming from behind him. He had just stabbed two people in the stomach to death. He wanted to withdraw the blade and kill them, but found that the blade was stuck.

He was surprised to find that the samurai sword blade in his hand was tightly grasped by the two girls with belly piercings, refusing to let go at all.

The bald evil man was furious, and he quickly used horizontal force to cut off the two opponents at the waist and hands, preparing to attack the little girl behind him.

Just as he turned back to swing the knife, a hard baseball bat came from the air and hit the bald villain hard on the head.

His whole body seemed to have lost power, and he stood motionless in place. He could only stare wide-eyed, full of disbelief.

His skull has been specially strengthened, even to the point of being bulletproof.

But the force of Xiao Taimei's stick directly penetrated his brain and electronic components, directly causing crushing intracranial trauma to him.

A crack appeared on the top of the bald man's head, and then blood flowed from his seven orifices, and he fell straight to the ground.

A group of girls from Mox surrounded him with anger in their eyes and started slashing wildly.

in a blink.

The bald villain was chopped into a puddle of mud, which flowed little by little into the sewer next to him along with the rain.

Little Miss Mox raised her baseball bat, roared loudly, and turned back to kill the Tiger Claw gang members again.

at this time.

The scum behind Mox has been cleared away, and everyone can attack the Tiger Claw Gang from the front without restraint.

Sasha has already rushed into the enemy camp alone and started killing them.

She had confirmed the safety of Gloria and Judy at the rear. The two girls were too weak to fight and had little sense of participation in this battle.

Especially Gloria, whose cybernetic transformation was so low that she couldn't even keep up with the people next to her when charging and running, and she quickly fell from the first echelon of charges to the back.

Sasha has a pair of diamond claws, frantically harvesting the lives of Tiger Claw gang thugs.


When she first started, it was more to complete the tasks assigned by Tang Yu, not to mention how much she hated the Tiger Claw Gang.

But after learning what the Tiger Claw Gang had done, anger aroused inexplicably in his heart.

There are many bad people in Night City, and she cannot eliminate them all.

But now these thugs must be sent on their way, one at a time.

Sasha is equipped with advanced combat implants and powerful hacking technology. As if entering an uninhabited land, Sasha rushes left and right behind the Tiger Claw Gang, completely disrupting the opponent's position.

The charge team suffered all casualties and failed in the frontal attack, which directly determined the entire battlefield situation. The defeat of the Tiger Claw Gang was a foregone conclusion.

There will be another chapter later.

In the future, it may be adjusted to two chapters of updates. It would be too late to wait until they are published together.

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