Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 158 Goodbye Saburo (End of this volume)

At the banquet.

Hanako Arasaka knelt down in front of Tang Yu and said Saburo Arasaka's invitation directly in front of everyone.

As soon as these words were spoken, little Michiko and the entire inner hall looked over, staring at the two of them.

The surprise in their eyes was no less than that of seeing something shocking and strange.

Being able to be named by Saburo Arasaka to meet alone is enough to illustrate Tang Yu's weight.

There were so many elites from all over the world of Arasaka Company present, many of whom even worked at the Arasaka headquarters in Kyoto, but they had never received a single audience with Saburo Arasaka.

For a while.

Countless glances contained indescribable envy or jealousy.

Maybe everyone present, except Tang Yu, can't wait to get such an opportunity, an opportunity to meet Sanlang's rapid rise.

As long as you have been personally summoned by Lord Saburo, you are not lucky enough to be able to break into the Arasaka family, but this honor is enough to make people at all levels in Arasaka look at you in a different light, which often means that the career path in the future will be smooth.

Tang Yu felt a little strange when he learned that Saburo Arasaka wanted to invite him to meet alone, but his expression remained calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

Not as happy as everyone here expected.

He has already made mental assumptions about such a result.

Even though he didn't know why Saburo Arasaka wanted to see him by name, Tang Yu was fully prepared.

What we are going to talk about next will most likely be inseparable from Night City.

There is nothing special about Tang Yu's identity. Even if he performs well, looking at the entire Arasaka company, he is not actually very good.

In addition, the two deputy ministers are just ordinary high-level employees, and they are actually no different from wage earners.

The only thing that really differentiates him from the surrounding Arasaka elites is that he comes from Night City.

Therefore, he estimated that the things Saburo Arasaka wanted to talk about would be inseparable from Night City.

Tang Yu stood up following Hanako Arasaka. Before leaving, he specifically looked back at Michiko and found that her eyes were also filled with surprise, as if she was unaware of Saburo Arasaka's sudden summons.

Little Michiko hesitated to speak, but due to the occasion, she had to keep silent. There was only a faint worry in her eyes. Maybe she didn't know what Arasaka Saburo's intention was, and she was a little worried that Tang Yu would not be able to cope with it in front of Arasaka Saburo.

Tang Yu followed Hanako Arasaka to the back hall of the main hall, bypassed the screen, and walked into a corridor.

After twisting and turning around several corners, I finally came to a door.

Hanako Arasaka took the first step forward, bowed his head and shouted outside the door.

"Father, Mr. Tang has already arrived."

The words just fell.

The wooden door slowly opened from the middle to both sides, and two maids could be seen kneeling beside the door, holding the edge of the door frame with their hands.

Tang Yu discovered that Saburo Arasaka's residence was almost entirely made of wooden structures. There were very few traces of steel electronics, and even security scans were very concealed.

Just when he passed through the corridor, Tang Yu was keenly aware that he had been captured by the probe and carried out various security scans.

After the wooden door opened, Hanako Arasaka stepped aside and made an invitation gesture to Tang Yu to let him in.

Tang Yu collected his thoughts for a moment, walked over the steps of the wooden house, and walked into the fasting room.

He just entered the house and quickly had a general understanding of the furnishings in the house.

The structural layout of the entire house is very simple. Pens, inks, paper and inkstones are placed on the table. There are several paintings hanging in niches on the surrounding walls. It seems that this should be Saburo Arasaka's study.

at this time.

The real helmsman of Arasaka Company, Saburo Arasaka, is facing away from Tang Yu, with his hands behind his back, standing steadily in front of a portrait.

The crutch he was leaning on before was placed next to the desk.

Tang Yu did not speak first, but turned his attention to the portrait. The pen and ink was an ancient meticulous painting of the figure. From the appearance of his clothes, he could roughly tell that he was a warrior general.

Tokugawa Ieyasu?

Seeing the name of the person at the top of the portrait, Tang Yu was not unfamiliar with this name.

The first shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu, had a proud record of unifying the island nation.

Being able to let Saburo Arasaka hang it in his study shows its status in his mind.

Tang Yu thought for a moment. To a certain extent, Tokugawa Ieyasu really had some taste for Saburo Arasaka.

The reason why Tokugawa Ieyasu was able to unify the island country must be mentioned because of his longevity, which almost outlasted several other opponents of his generation.

Even though he was later jokingly called a coward, preserving his strength until the end is another way to win.

Saburo Arasaka, who is now over 150 years old, has been reluctant to pass away, and his wishes may coincide with those of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

The former unified the island nation, while the latter aspired to dominate the whole world and realize the unfinished imperial dream.

Saburo Arasaka stood in front of the portrait, his cloudy eyes motionless, as if he was having some kind of spiritual silent communication with the characters in the portrait.

a long time.

Saburo Arasaka spoke slowly, his old and hoarse voice revealing his inherent majesty and solemnity.

"Have you ever heard of a saying?"

"There is a power to resist Arasaka in Night City."

Defy Arasaka.

Tang Yu's eyes moved slightly. He was very familiar with this sentence. That night at the Lizzie Bar, Evelyn Parker invited him to experience the Crystal Palace Mewtwo, and the mysterious man inside had said this sentence.

Now that it suddenly came out of Saburo Arasaka's mouth, the meaning is worthy of further study.

Tang Yu didn't hesitate at all and said decisively: "There is indeed such a saying in Night City."

Facing this lively old man, you have to be careful about what you say. When you don't know the details, answering truthfully is the best answer.

He estimated that Saburo Arasaka had already noticed Arasaka Yorinobu's plans. The reason why he let it go for the time being was entirely because Saburo had too many cards.

In addition to the digital soul stored in the mikoshi, there is also Hanako Arasaka who is loyal to him, not to mention his terrifying influence on Arasaka Company.

Even as a digital soul, Saburo Arasaka can still instill fear in everyone, forcing them to obey his orders.

The influence brought by the God of Arasaka has already penetrated into the bones of Arasaka Company.

Saburo Arasaka still had his back to Tang Yu, his calm tone did not reveal any joy, anger, sorrow, or joy at all, and then he spoke slowly.

"Talk about that seaport city on the other side of the ocean."

"I once wanted to sing a salute for the sacrifices of the kings who were buried far away, to comfort their spirits in heaven."

"But there are many innocent people living in that seaport city."

"A benevolent person should use compassion to overcome all the hardships in the world."

"Maybe I should use one or two nuclear bombs so they don't have to feel the unnecessary pain."

"how do you feel?"

Nuclear Night City?

When Tang Yu heard Saburo Arasaka say this calmly, he had no doubt that he had really had such an idea, and was even considering this plan now.

Although Arasaka Corporation was defeated in the Fourth Corporate War, it suffered heavy losses.

However, under the strong rule of Saburo Arasaka, Arasaka Company quickly restored its former strength over the past few decades, and even went further, still having unparalleled dominance in the world.

Looking around the world, Arasaka Tower stands proudly, and there is almost no competitor that can match it.

Night City does have the genes and possibilities to resist Arasaka and the company.

This city is the cradle of legends and the birthplace of the anti-corporate wave, with endless possibilities.

The forces here are complex, not only possessing military technology that is comparable to Arasaka Company, but also various internationally renowned large companies.

It also has the most powerful cyber hackers, mercenaries, etc. The man who caused Saburo Arasaka to suffer the greatest failure in his life - Johnny Silverhand, came from Night City.

Even if Arasaka Company is so powerful, it cannot be a banker in Night City.


Nuclear-leveling the Night City is not a big deal for Saburo Arasaka, but it can solve the hidden dangers that threaten Arasaka's rule.

Tang Yu replied calmly: "It is not difficult to erase Night City from the map. The fate of Night City is still in Arasaka's hands."

"But compared to Night City, which can be wiped out by nuclear bombs, places beyond Arasaka's control are more worthy of vigilance."

Saburo Arasaka seemed to be more interested: "Tell me about it."

Tang Yu said bluntly: "Cyberspace."

After hearing these four words, Saburo Arasaka couldn't help but murmured.

"You are right. It reminds me of a child I once had."

"The real threat to Arasaka does not come from any city or company."

"The development of cyber technology has long abandoned power in the traditional sense."

"Arasaka Tower can be built on any land in the world, but it cannot penetrate deeper into cyberspace."

"Although Arasaka Corporation has restarted some plans again and tried to strengthen its exploration of cyberspace, it has achieved little."

"Today, the forces outside the black wall of cyberspace have penetrated into the human material world."

"You can see this, which means I picked the right person."

Tang Yu knew that the little friend Arasaka Saburo was talking about was Ott Cunningham.

In fact, what can really pose a fatal threat to Arasaka Company, or in other words, pose a fatal threat to the entire human world, is the AI ​​that grows wildly outside the black wall of cyberspace.

Among them, Ott Cunningham, a digital soul, is represented. She has endless knowledge and human personality, and can penetrate into digital networks, electronic prosthetics, and urban infrastructure.

With endless lifespan, never-capped learning ability, and high-intensity artificial intelligence algorithms, Ott Cunningham has become a nearly god-like existence.

This is why Tang Yu preferred to cooperate with Arasaka Yorinobu to start the fifth world war in an attempt to destroy corporate rule.

Nor is he willing to cooperate with Otter Cunningham to destroy the Black Wall and allow it to penetrate into the human world unimpeded.

If the artificial intelligence AI represented by Otter Cunningham is really allowed to enter, then the entire world will fall into mechanical order.

More importantly.

This war between humans and AI has been unfair from the beginning and is almost unilateral.

Humans cannot break through the black wall and control cyberspace, but AI can wait for opportunities to flow into the human world and realize their ideas and algorithms.


Saburo Arasaka possesses relic biochip technology, which is almost something that AI dreams of.

to be honest.

Compared to Saburo Arasaka who died and was transformed into a digital soul, Tang Yu hoped that his real soul would be bound in this withered body.

Saburo Arasaka continued to speak in a deep voice.

"The reason why I asked to see you by name is because you still maintain your original identity."

"In other words, your thoughts and your actions are driven by your will."

"People act from their hearts."

"Because of this terrible world, everyone must undergo cybernetic transformation in order to extend their lives."

"You are suitable to go to Night City to complete a task for me."

"Once it's done, it won't be so troublesome to wipe out Night City with nuclear bombs."

The reason why everyone must accept cybernetic body transformation is mainly due to the large number of limb mutilations caused by frequent wars.

What's more important is that the environmental damage caused by the war, the pollution from the machinery industry, the prevalence of genetically modified foods, etc., have affected the human genetic sequence structure to a certain extent. If a person does not live to be forty years old, his internal organs and limbs will undergo unknown changes. Due to the disease, cyber prosthesis implantation had to be performed.

After Night City's Arasaka Tower was razed, the company plaza was rebuilt on the original site not long after. Nuclear radiation was not considered at all. The liver was replaced with an artificial liver, and the heart and lungs were replaced with heart and lungs.

There are very few people who can still maintain their original identities like Tang Yu. Almost all of them are short-lived and pass away early.

Tang Yu estimated that Saburo Arasaka's mission was related to AI and the like. As a native, it was almost impossible for him to be controlled by AI, so he expressed his willingness to take on the mission and give it a try.

Saburo Arasaka expressed his idea and asked Tang Yu to investigate the hidden forces behind Night City after returning to Night City, what secret means they used to infiltrate into the human world, and how this matter related to military technology and network surveillance.

In the end, Saburo Arasaka also specifically confessed that for Tang Yu's convenience, his office in Arasaka Tower in Night City had opened permissions for Tang Yu to use and contact.

After Tang Yu got the commission and figured out Saburo Arasaka's purpose, he didn't stay in the study for long, got up and left.

When going out.

I found Hanako Arasaka still standing by the door, seemingly waiting for Tang Yu to come out.

She made an invitation gesture again and led Tang Yu to another place.

Under the leadership of Arasaka Hanako, Tang Yu came to a spacious courtyard. An apron was built on the green lawn, and a black high-end aerial vehicle with the Arasaka clan emblem was parked on it.

Hanako Arasaka said solemnly: "This is my father's exclusive car, and it is now handed over to Mr. Tang for use."

After saying that, she turned her prosthetic eyes and transferred the right to use the floating car to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu understood what Sanlang meant and asked him to return immediately to Night City to investigate the mission, and walked over without saying a word.

The floating door slowly opens, and the base extends to the road.

Tang Yu stepped into the car, closed the door, started the engine and took off.

Arasaka Hanako saw the floating car rising far away and then returned to the study, where he saw his father still standing in front of the portrait and looking at it.

Hanako Arasaka lowered his eyebrows and asked: "Father, although this person is the original person and has acceptable abilities, he is not loyal to Arasaka and is suspected of collaborating with the enemy."

Arasaka Saburo then turned around, raised his crutches again, and said quietly.

"No problem."

"Because the things he cares about are in my hands."

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