Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

End of paper, month-end summary + achievement report + personal reflections

La la la.

It’s time for a happy summary report again.

The book has been published for more than two months, with nearly 600,000 words, and it has not been updated for a day!

It’s the first time I’ve written a book for so long, so it’s worth a quick moment of self-indulgence.

Six six six six, six! six! six!

Performance report: The current average order is 2,500, which is still half a step away from being a high-quality product. I just finished the second round of the editor-in-chief’s recommendation. In the future, it may increase by one to two hundred.

In December, the average subscription rose by about 500, and the increase slowed down a lot. After two updates in the past few days, the average subscription still dropped a bit.

I hope it will be fine before the Chinese New Year in January.


December summary:

Mainly I want to talk about the relationship between subscription and plot.

When this book first came on the shelves, the first order was 1,300, and the follow-up order was 1,200, which was stable for more than a week.

I thought it was the beginning of take-off, but I didn't expect that the number of follow-up orders soon dropped to 800.

Just search on a certain degree.


It's full of several pages of pirated copies.

Don't know whether to be happy or sad.

However, as the popularity of instant noodles increased, the number of orders quickly returned to around 1,000, which basically stabilized the basic market.

But slowly, as December entered, there were twists and turns in the follow-up orders.

Mainly for two reasons.

One is that the number of updated words has not exceeded 10,000, and some of them have been raised by Yanzu.

The second is that there are certain problems with the plot, which makes some readers not like it.


The minimum follow-up order has dropped to just over 700.

But when I wrote about the Madam line, the 24-hour follow-up order brought back another thousand.

It has to be a lady!


Instant noodles, by the way, I want to cry. For those who are interested in reading, please read the first volume first. You can read it from beginning to end.


Summary of Volume One:

First of all, the Gloria line has come to a perfect ending according to the character line. I don’t know if Yanzu is satisfied with it, but Instant Noodles is very satisfied.

As the first secondary character, it basically conforms to the original character design, while adding new characteristics and subsequent life.

Putting Gloria on the line of middleman to grow up not only enriches her own role, but also better integrates into the main line of Tang Yu's career, which can be said to complement each other.


In Instant Noodles' mind, he always imagined Gloria as a red fruit (a certain peach).

It requires careful cultivation until the moment the fruit matures, which is the best time to pick it.

And after writing a whole volume of 600,000 words, this fruit is finally ripe.

Maybe this process of instant noodles cannot be perfected, and the characters promote the plot, which is basically done.

The other is the Sasha line, which makes up for the regrets in the MV.

Because of her appearance time and story background, it is difficult to fill 600,000 words like Gloria.

However, instant noodles still leave some foreshadowing, such as the native consciousness in Sasha's mind, which will also determine the final ending of Sasha's line.

What I am most satisfied with is the part about Kerry's concert and the burning of the biotechnology building.

Listening to the rock music of Samurai Band, I felt really good when writing those songs.

What I was most dissatisfied with was that the part about the Mox Gang was too straightforward, and it was reduced to a stepping stone for Gloria to move up the ladder, without burning.

at last.

This volume begins with Tang Yu as an employee of the company, with the car accident between David and his son as the starting point, and continues until he is promoted to deputy minister, completely changing the fate of David and his son, entering the 2077 story line, and successfully completing the previous chapter. halftime.

I feel a few regrets about instant noodles.

One is that the opening chapters are not rounded enough.

The original intention of Instant Noodles is to cut into the opening point of the animation, use life simulation cheats to restore part of the animation plot, continue the tone of "It's hard to calm down", and complete a rescue reversal.

However, I can’t help but feel a little regretful when I read some comments saying that they copied the original plot, the protagonist Shen Yin, etc., and completely ignored the intention of instant noodles.

In order to write those thousands of words, Instant Noodles copied the first few episodes in slow motion several times.

In order to restore the character, tone, action and demeanor, and to smooth out the connection between animation and games, I watched the entire anime back and forth no less than ten times.

In those few weeks, I was almost suffering from PTSD.

Every time before I start writing, I have to stay in the house several times to adjust my mood to just right before I can start writing.

This situation didn't get better until the end of the plot of Military Grade Sianweistan. After all, I no longer had to watch animations and be tortured.

But soon it’s time for the most popular character scenes in this book, so it’s probably inevitable to read it two or three times again.

The hardships involved are beyond words.


The second regret is about Lucy.

In Speeding Life, in order to write the racing scene, Instant Noodles really laid a lot of groundwork.

Whether it was Tang Yu running on the beach to relax or shouting the second grade slogan, Lucy heard him.

Still being robbed by the scavenger, and finally being 'helped' by Lucy, every link reflects the careful arrangement.

In terms of instant noodles.

Lucy was absolutely wary of Tang Yu's identity as a senior executive at the beginning, and that's why she thought he was dangerous.

Under this understanding, it is impossible for Lucy to have any intersection with Tang Yu. Even with the help of the train, Lucy's hatred and fear of Arasaka cannot be changed.

Therefore, Tang Yu ran with a gun at night and shouted the "Zhong Er" slogan, not only to release the long-standing depression in his heart, but also to show his frank side.

Only after Lucy saw this scene did she break her guard and laugh, and had a new perspective on Tang Yu's impression.

Ever since.

Lucy would use an almost crazy way to 'save' Tang Yu when he was in danger.


Based on this, the two gradually began to have new intersections.


An Arasaka high-level executive and a street cyberpunk girl are both incompetent, and forcing them together will only cause the character to collapse and explode.

Instant Noodles resisted the urge to write, preferring to gradually warm up and choose the right opportunity to write, rather than ruining the character.

Therefore, in the next volume, I will work hard to write the two most important characters in the book carefully.

In the next chapter, V sub will appear in a familiar way, and the Lucy line will be opened.

Personal thoughts:

For the first time in my life, I wrote an article and reached almost 600,000 words.

It seems it hasn't collapsed yet.

Damn it.

Really scared to death.

Fortunately, it's stable.

Try to keep it stable until the book is finished.

The original goal that Instant Noodles set for itself was to complete a masterpiece with a million words.

Judging from the current momentum, it should not be a big problem.

You can raise the requirements a little bit.

Write a masterpiece with a million words that wraps up the story line.

According to the outline, the biggest highlight of the book is at the end of the second volume, when all the character lines come together and finally explode.

This operation is not easy for the gilt to ride a bicycle, it is even more difficult.

Instant noodles can only rise to the challenge!

I'm taking half a day off today to do the outline and detailed outline.

There is an update of one chapter, so try to get two chapters.

Finally, Baofeng cries and begs all the handsome people who raise books to take a look and experience the joy of high speed.

Young guys who are prostitutes for free have no chance, after all, the best part is in the comment section.

In order to increase subscriptions, I’m afraid I’ll have to do more small theaters in the future.

Try to fill in the top 99 Yanzu.

Just sauce!

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