Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 193 Strange Buzzing

Arasaka Tower.

Exclusive director's office.

Little Michiko sat at her desk, rubbing her brows with two fingers, looking a little tired.

These days, she has been dealing with various matters at Arasaka Tower, and even her rest time is very tight.

Seeing a bunch of urgent reports in front of her, she felt that Mercury had gone retrograde recently. Not only was Night City uneasy, but bad news from other parts of North America was also pouring in, as if she was rushing to get there.

Little Michiko was in a irritable mood, so she casually took out a cigar, cut off the cap, lit it, and took two puffs.

The spicy smoky smell calmed her down a little.

She leaned back on her seat, pinched her cigar, and began to think about all the recent events.

The directors, as if they had agreed upon it, were shifting the blame at this juncture, and each had an attitude of saying it was up to you.

Little Michiko knew that this must be inseparable from the influence of Arasaka Yorinobu. Since he came to Night City, the direction of the situation has completely changed overnight.

This time, she really felt the powerful influence of the Arasaka heir.

But she was unwilling to do so.

It was obvious that her father, Takashi Arasaka, was the former legitimate heir, and the Night City Arasaka Tower embodies all of her father's efforts.

If it hadn't been for the nuclear explosion, her career at Arasaka Company shouldn't have been so miserable.

Michiko is not a person who likes to dwell on the sad past. After the reconstruction, the Arasaka Tower of Night City began to restore its former glory through her efforts.

But this hard-won achievement is now being handed over to her uncle Arasaka Yorinobu, a guy who doesn't appreciate the hard work of the Arasaka family at all.

She knows better than anyone else that Arasaka Yorinobu's purpose of seeking power is that he and the Arasaka family are not of the same mind at all.

The only thing Arasaka Yorinobu has in common with his family is the same last name.

Sometimes little Michiko really doesn't understand why her grandfather Saburo insists on making Arasaka Yorinobu his successor and tolerates his disobedience and mistakes again and again.

on the contrary.

Others did not dare to go against Master Saburo's wishes at all. Little Michiko was sure that if she did what Yorinobu did, she would be disliked like a dog.

The storm has arrived.

In the smoke, little Michiko's eyes were calm, and she couldn't help but think of Tang Yu's tactful words to persuade her that night.

Learn to be patient and avoid its sharp edges.

It's not that she doesn't understand this truth, what really scares her is that if she puts down the weapon in her hand and Arasaka Yorinobu still wants to kill her, then she really has no room to turn around.

Little Michiko realizes that a change in power is inevitable, and what she has to do now is to gain more say before that day comes.

While she was thinking hard, the private secretary outside the door asked to meet.

She silently acquiesced.

The private secretary walked into the office and reported the situation to Michiko with a serious expression. On the outskirts of the city, the Arasaka transport convoy was robbed again. This time the damage was considerable. According to the footage sent back from the scene, it can be concluded that it was the same group of people who attacked before.

After hearing the news, little Michiko's mood that had just calmed down became angry again.

She put out the cigar she had just finished smoking on the table and said coldly: "It seems like it's not over."

Michiko asked her dedicated secretary to call up all the principals in charge of the special operations department, counterintelligence department, transportation department, and security department.

She wanted to reprimand them one by one today. Anyway, it would not be a good life for everyone, and everyone would be in peace.

These guys who enjoyed the high salary, benefits and status of Arasaka Company did not do their jobs seriously, but instead tried to take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit. This made Michiko feel very angry.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they all have their own agendas and are delaying the matter again and again. As long as the blame is ultimately placed on military technology, everyone can shirk responsibility and speak out unanimously.

Now, not only are the board members encircling themselves and carving up various departments and factions in Arasaka Tower, but even the middle and senior management below are acting according to the upper management's intentions.


She really wanted to do a big cleaning and throw all these wine bags and rice bags into the sea to feed the fish.

I have to admit that Arasaka Yorinobu's influence in Night City is really strong. Whether it is the company or the streets, intelligence and news about him are circulating.

And she, the person who devoted all her efforts to rebuilding Arasaka Tower, didn't have much sense of presence, and now there were even fewer people who were worthy of her trust and dependability.

In the office, the department heads named by Michiko stood in a row in front of them, expressionless.

Seeing that this group of company department executives might not be as capable as Tang Yu alone, she sneered in her heart.

Watson, small Chinatown, in a high-end apartment.

Tang Yu was on the phone, and Gloria on the other end of the phone was reporting on the work situation.

Previously, Tang Yu arranged for her to inquire about some situations and use the intelligence network she ran to secretly collect information about the recent movements of major gangs, focusing on those near the suburbs.

Tang Yu had to first confirm whether the person who did it was disguised as a gang in the city, but it was probably unlikely.

On the phone, Gloria explained the snooping situation in detail.

"The girls have been in various streets and alleys, and have inquired from different customer groups. There are no gangs in the city that have secret activities in the suburbs recently."

"Generally, there are not many people who dare to take this job. Because the Savage King was seriously injured, the Animal Gang has been shrinking down to manage their three-acre land in Taiping Prefecture, fighting against the remaining forces in Haiti. Compared with before, the frequency of activities is lower. a lot of."

"The Uzumaki Gang has also been ruled out. Their behavior is surly and it is impossible to leave no trace at the scene."

"The Sixth Street Gang, which is closely related to military technology, has also been following. They have been busy competing with Valentino for their sphere of influence recently and cannot spare elite troops to attack the Arasaka stronghold."

"As for the Tiger Claw Gang, they have the strength to form this group of elites, but if they are to secretly attack the Arasaka stronghold, unless they are special people, other circumstances are absolutely impossible."

After listening to this, Tang Yu basically concluded that this unknown force did not come from Night City.

Sato from the Tiger Claw Gang treats Arasaka like a god, and he has become much more honest after the last training. Even if Arasaka Yorinobu comes to Night City in person, he will carefully consider the handle he holds in Michiko's hands.

"Well, there's no need for the Tiger Claw Gang to investigate. Let's bury this matter first."

Gloria naturally obeyed Tang Yu's arrangements, and she would never act without authorization, causing the problem of intelligence leakage.

After talking about the business, Gloria tactfully mentioned David's joining Arasaka Company and expressed her gratitude to Tang Yu for his help.

In her opinion, David's successful entry into Arasaka Tower must be due to Tang Yu's arrangement and support.

Otherwise, how could he happen to be assigned to the Special Operations Department and continue to work under Tang Yu.

Tang Yu explained calmly that David followed the prescribed procedures when joining Arasaka Tower. As for being assigned to the Special Operations Department, he did not tell Gloria too much for the time being to avoid her worry.

It seems that he is the deputy director of the Special Operations Department and can be assigned to David's department, but the reality is that this part-time job itself is the product of struggle.

After Susan Abernathy came back, if he intervened in David's affairs, he would harm David.

As a result of this allocation, Tang Yu sensed the atmosphere of conspiracy.

Even if he didn't take special care of David in the company, there were always people with ulterior motives, and it was inevitable that David would be implicated.

This is why it is said that Tang Yu is dangerous, including those who are tainted with his aura.

David is just a young man. In the stormy struggle between the company's top management, he may be seriously affected, and his life may even be in danger.

But for the time being, David is safe.

As long as Tang Yu remains in this position and is reused by Saburo Arasaka, those enemies who are staring at him will have to weigh their importance.

After all, as a lone wolf, Tang Yu would go crazy once he lost control and would have to shed his skin even if he was bitten.

Almost none of those who offended him ended up well.

After ending the call with Gloria, Tang Yu brought up the contact interface again and found Aunt Mei's contact information.

The investigation of the attack on the Arasaka stronghold can only be solved by Aunt Mei.

When the call was dialed, the unique smell of a woman's voice came to my ears.

"Oh, why, you called me just a few days ago. Have you changed your temper?"

Hearing Aunt Mei's teasing, Tang Yu replied seriously: "This is not an urgent matter that I can't solve by myself, so I naturally thought of you."

Aunt Mei chuckled and said: "You thought of me when something was urgent? How urgent is this matter? Tell me, where is the fire?"

Tang Yu didn't hide anything. He and Aunt Mei had cooperated tacitly many times, and both of them knew where the bottom line was.

He briefly stated the recent attacks on the strongholds on the outskirts of Arasaka City and the transport convoys, and wanted to confirm which of them were caused by military technology.

After listening, Aunt Mei smiled maliciously and said: "If you want to know this information, you have crossed the line. Is it okay to use military technology to attack the Arasaka stronghold?"

Meredith changed the topic and said with a smile: "But I'm in a good mood today, so I can tell you. Guess it. If you guess it right, I'll give you some information for free."

A good mood?

Tang Yu followed her thoughts and asked, "Let me guess, is he promoted, and he is also the Director of Public Diplomacy."

On the other end of the phone, Meredith smiled even more happily and joked: "Tsk tsk tsk, you are worthy of being from the Counterintelligence Department. You can even find out the internal personnel information of military technology. The upper management just made a motion today, and you already know the result." , how about you send me some hidden stakes and we can exchange them?"

The reason Tang Yu could guess it was because Aunt Mei was promoted to this position before, but this time the time was much earlier.

Sending hidden stakes was over the line, so Tang Yu naturally smiled and dealt with it.

Meredith thought it was just a joke, and readily agreed to Tang Yu's request, telling him which of the invaded strongholds were manipulated by military technology.

Moreover, in order to reward Tang Yu, Meredith decided to give him another surprise. The items were left at the 'Keep-Talked' motel for him to pick up.

Before hanging up the phone, Meredith complained bitterly: "With no one around, I don't even have a place to share the joy of promotion. I can only give out the reward in the hotel alone."

Tang Yu couldn't deny it. There were probably not many strong women like Aunt Mei who could control her.

call ended.

Tang Yu immediately went out, went to the motel, found the room designated by Aunt Mei and swiped the door lock to enter.

The huge couple's suite, with pink ambient lights, creates an ambiguous atmosphere.

"Buzz buzz"

Tang Yu heard a commotion and found that it was coming from the big red round bunk, hidden under the quilt.

So he approached curiously and lifted the quilt.

Two things.

A black memory chip.

An indescribable instrument was emitting a restless frequency and seemed to be a little wet.

Tang Yu: "."

None tonight!

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