Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 194 The Three Giants of Night City

"Afterlife bar?"

V wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a little strange about the invitation message sent by Tang Yu.

She was practicing boxing in the boxing ring downstairs of her home, and she hit the boxing robot in front of her so hard that the neck almost broke, which made Coach Fred next to her very upset.

It's really cheap to charge this little money.

It's just that he made a mistake and didn't expect that the girl with iron hands in front of him was the new street boxing champion who was in the spotlight.

After receiving the news from Tang Yu, V left the ring, picked up the towel hanging on the crossbar, wiped his slightly red face, and told Coach Fred.

"Please change to a more practical robot next time. It's really annoying. It's hard to get any repeat customers with your high charges."


V picked up the water glass and walked away, leaving the Mediterranean uncle standing there, dumbfounded.

She took the dilapidated public elevator back to her room, tidied up again, and prepared to go to the Afterlife Bar for her appointment.

She is still very positive about the way of survival arranged by her creditor. After all, she is debt-free. If she pays off the debt as soon as possible, she can start her own business.

It didn't take long.

V tidied himself up neatly, changed his clothes, went out and went straight to his destination - the Afterlife Bar.

On the way.

She drove a stylish convertible with a sheet metal car up and down the narrow streets, and she was injured several times in just a few trips.

Rubbing the front of the car was really normal for her, and the car was too long and the control was not very good.

V is okay with it, since it's a car he won by boxing, so he can scratch it as much as he wants without feeling any distress at all.

Unlike a certain car that left her with a lot of debt, it had to be kept in the garage for maintenance, and she would never drive it out unless she had to. Even if she went out, she had to be cautious and walk on thin ice, otherwise the debt bill would not be paid off for who knows how many years.


She arrived at the Afterlife Bar in a sheet-metal sports car, and the shiny gold paint quickly attracted many people's malicious looks.

V glared at the two idle gangsters standing on the street and said fiercely: "You two are called Bucky and Rocky, right? I remember your names. Keep an eye on the car. If something goes wrong, , be careful with your heads."


V got out of the car, threw the car keys to the two gangsters, and walked towards the Afterlife Bar.

The gangster held the key he had just thrown over in his hand and looked at V's leaving figure with a confused look on his face.

"Who is riding the horse? Are you so awesome?"

"Silver arms, long black hair, is this V who was famous for boxing a while ago? She swept through the black boxing market in one day, and even the razor was knocked down by her."

"Fuck, are you so fierce? Then this car."

"Nonsense, what are you thinking about? We already know our identities. Just keep an eye on the car."

V walked into the bar and went downstairs, arriving at the basement bar surrounded by green light. The dim ambient lights and faint music accentuated the atmosphere of a raw bar.

This was her first time at the Afterlife Bar, but she had already heard of the name "Afterlife".

When she reached the iron gate, the big guard stopped her.

The guard opened the prosthetic eye scan and found that the visitor was a newcomer, and asked in a deep voice: "What are you doing here?"

V felt that his question was a bit confusing and replied: "Drinking."

The doorman was still blocking the door: "People who come here usually do more than just drink."

V patiently explained that she had made an appointment with someone in the bar, his name was Tang Yu, and asked the doorman to check it out.

After confirming that this was the case, the guard stepped aside and the gate automatically slid open.

V loosened his clenched iron fist and walked into the bar without following the common sense of a doorkeeper.

When we arrived at the bar, the sound of music immediately surrounded our ears, and the noisy rock music was filled with hearty roars.

She heard the origin of this song. It was a song by the Samurai Band, a super classic old song.

V looked around. The bar booths and corridors were full of people, bustling with people. Everyone gathered together in twos and threes, talking about things.

Some were chatting, some were exchanging intelligence, and some were exchanging secrets. In short, everyone seemed to have a story to tell.


V spotted Tang Yu sitting at the bar, but there was a woman in a yellow sweatshirt sitting next to him, with wavy blond hair draped over her shoulders, looking full of aura.

She walked to the bar, sat down on the other side of Tang Yu, and asked, "What are we talking about?"

Tang Yu looked sideways when he heard the sound and saw it was V, so he took the initiative to introduce her: "This is the Queen of the Afterlife Bar - Rogge."

Then he introduced V to Rogge: "V is the best mercenary in Night City, and of course he is also a well-known street boxing champion."

After listening to Tang Yu's identity introduction, Rogge looked at V with interest: "Little sister, it seems that you are indeed very different."

V didn't know what Rogge was referring to, and said politely: "The queen of the next life is also very different."

Rogge smiled and said goodbye: "Since the person you are waiting for has arrived, I won't interrupt your chat. I'll go handle something."

"Claire, I'm covering their drinks."

Claire was mixing the drinks and replied with a smile: "No problem, just like last time."


Rogge stood up and left the bar, heading towards her exclusive box.

Seeing Rogge walking away, V looked away, looked at Tang Yu and asked: "Were you talking about me just now? Don't put a high hat on me, I can't bear it."

Tang Yu did chat with Rogge for a while before V arrived.

Rogge had long wanted to get to know Tang Yu. Seeing Tang Yu sitting alone at the bar, he took the initiative to say hello.

Tang Yu knew the Rogge family very well, and naturally he felt no unfamiliarity with it. The two chatted nonsense and mentioned V by the way.

Tang Yu knew that Rogge actually wanted to know about Johnny, because he talked about the open-air screen last time.

This was a romance that belonged exclusively to Rogge. Suddenly being pointed out by an outsider must have made her a little surprised and curious.

Tang Yu looked at V, who had the same temper as always, and said with a smile: "I still need to publicize your name. No one on the street knows how powerful your fists are."

V just hummed, not bothering to quarrel with him.

Tang Yu asked with concern: "How are you feeling recently? Do you still have a headache or see double images?"

V shook his head: "It's much better now. Maybe it's because the things in my head are settled, so I won't mess around."

As long as the blue eyes don't cause trouble, the Poseidon in V's mind won't have much impact for the time being.

Tang Yu is still waiting for a suitable time to take it out for her, but has not yet found a matching carrier and method.

V waved his hands and said impatiently: "Don't mention this. If you have any business with me today, don't try to trick me again."

Tang Yu teased: "Oh, I didn't realize that my Miss V is quite busy. Is she preparing to debut in Night City?"

V rolled his eyes at Tang Yu angrily: "If I hadn't owed you a whole debt, maybe I could have taken on a big deal, and I would have had enough food and clothing for the rest of my life, and I could have made a name for myself."

Tang Yu nodded thoughtfully: "Well, it seems that our famous V also dreams of becoming a legend in Night City."

V felt like his teeth were itching, and he wished he could give him a bite on the spot to release his pent-up breath.

Tang Yu smiled calmly and said: "Don't be angry, it's just a joke. I also have a big order on hand. I'll find out when Jack comes over."

V: "You'd better have a big order."

The two of them sat in front of the bar and waited for a while, then noticed the cheerful sound coming from behind them.

Jack walked to the bar, rubbed his broad palms together, and said with a smile, "What should I order today?"

Tang Yu asked him not to just focus on the wine, but to sit down and talk first.

Jack sat on the other side of Tang Yu and took the initiative to say hello to V.

"Hi chica."

"Hi, Jack."

Jack suddenly noticed that the table between the two of them was empty, and asked curiously: "Have you ordered any drinks yet?"

"In this case, I won't be polite."

Claire happened to be free, so she walked up and asked, "Would you like anything?"

Before Jack could speak, Tang Yu spoke first: "Three glasses of old-fashioned tequila, plus some beer and chili."

Claire smiled and nodded: "Three glasses of 'Johnny Silverhand', here you go."

Jack was speechless when he spoke. He looked at Tang Yu with a sad expression and asked, "Brother, don't steal my lines. I finally had a chance to show off. Now, it's all gone."

V looked at them looking very knowledgeable, and inexplicably connected wine with Johnny Silverhand, and asked curiously: "What slang are you talking about?"

Jack smiled and explained: "The old rule of 'Afterlife' is that the names of the drinks are the names of the regulars here. Everyone who comes here to drink knows it."

V somewhat understood: "So Johnny Silverhand used to come here often to drink. Did he leave the recipe for this drink?"

Claire took the wine glass and replied: "Yes, 'Afterlife' has been open for a long time, so long that I can't remember the specific year. In short, I can guarantee that Johnny Silverhand did sit at this bar and drink."

Tang Yu thought to himself, not only had he drank, but he had also had sex on the stage.

V thinks it's quite interesting. The Afterlife Bar has this background that other places don't have. This is also its charm.

"Then how can I have a glass of wine of my own?"

Jack quickly raised his hand to stop Claire, and took the initiative to answer: "Chica, I can answer this question for you, first of all, you have to die, and you have to die in a very exciting way. It is best to die in the middle. The whole city is talking about your story. , like a legend.”

Jack became excited as he spoke and sighed: "Ah ha, I even want to get one for myself."

V also echoed: "That's right. If you can become famous in Night City, it doesn't matter if you die."

Jack became interested and asked Claire: "My name is Jack Wells. How about leaving a copy of my recipe? Trust me, I have received a big order now and will soon become famous in Night City."

Claire agreed loudly.

Without hesitation, Jack blurted out: "One shot of vodka on the rocks, lime juice, and ginger beer."

"Oh, and most importantly. Some more love."

V burst out in joy and shouted: "I want it too, I want to keep a glass of wine too, my name is V"

Tang Yu saw these two guys planting flags again, so he picked up his wine glass and interrupted: "Okay, okay, at least you have to live as a legend first."

Claire smiled: "That makes sense. When you become a legend, it won't be too late to leave your name."

V suddenly felt bored: "Okay, okay, who asked me to owe you a debt?"

Jack Lang smiled and raised his glass: "Want one?"

Tang Yu returned to this familiar scene again and suddenly felt a little dazed. Jack and V beside him were still alive and kicking, looking forward to breaking into a new world in the Night City.

He also picked up the wine glass and drank.

"Here's to 'do it'."

The three of them drank the strong wine in the glass.

V drank the wine in one gulp and felt a burning sensation in his abdomen, which was extremely pleasant.

"'Johnny Silverhand', this recipe is really simple and delicious."

When she saw Tang Yu and Jack leaving the bar, she quickly put down her cup, said goodbye to Claire, got up and followed them.

The three of them came to a hidden box and began to discuss the content of this operation.

The content of the action is not complicated, and the destination is an Arasaka transportation station located on the outskirts of the city.

The three of them only need to select a point in advance, stay in ambush, and wait for the target team to appear to attack the stronghold, while a mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

V was a little confused after hearing this: "That's it?"

This time the plan seems to be much simpler than last time, neither complicated nor roundabout.

Tang Yu nodded, confirming V's doubts.

Jack was a little surprised: "Who is going to attack the Arasaka company site after eating enough to hold on? Tang, since we have the attack information, why didn't we ask people from the company to contribute? It's because they are unreliable."

"Yes, there is an insider in the company who is unreliable, and the people who attacked this stronghold may have been instigated by people in the company."

Both Jack and V said that the tricks played by the company dog ​​were really incomprehensible and that dog-eat-dog scenes were probably happening every day.

Tang Yu's main basis for this action still comes from Meredith.

Based on the information she gave, Tang Yu confirmed which points were manipulated by military technology and which ones were operated by behind-the-scenes forces.

Moreover, Meredith also provided some advice and reference. Military Technology had always wanted to build a transportation hub, but because she was about to be promoted and didn't want to cause any trouble, she put it on hold for the time being.

She felt that that force was very likely to take action, and it was just in the past few days.

Military technology has long been grasped by forces that are plotting to frame it up to arouse hostility between the two giant companies and intensify the smell of gunpowder.

It's just that military technology doesn't care much about this, and Arasaka Company doesn't dare to take the initiative to start a war at this time.

If a world war starts again, it will not be so easy for Arasaka Company to regain control of Night City.

Night City is located on the New America territory and has more advantages in terms of logistics and fire coverage.

With the help of Aunt Mei's intelligence, Tang Yu knew what to do next.

So I made an appointment with V and Jack and prepared to do it myself.

The strength of that group of unknown armed forces should not be underestimated. Even with Arasaka Company's continuous strengthening of security, they dared to risk a sneak attack and still escape unscathed.

Not only does it show that there are people working as internal agents, but it also shows that they are very capable and can win in fierce melee confrontations.

Tang Yu was uneasy about simply entrusting this matter. Once it was done wrong, there would be no second chance to do it again.

The three people communicated in detail the operational details of the entire mission.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Tang Yu will give Jack and V the identities of Arasaka Company and pretend to be Arasaka security personnel for temporary reinforcements.

This does not arouse anyone's alarm. Recently, various strongholds in the suburbs of Arasaka have been sending additional manpower to prevent accidents. It is normal operation to send new people to increase defense.

After entering the stronghold, they can just wait for the enemy to attack.

Tang Yu will stay further away to provide long-range support.

The three of them decided on a plan and began to make preparations. When they returned home, they were ready to set off.

No more updates today. I had some work to wrap up a year ago and was a bit busy.

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