Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 195 Preparation to welcome the new world

Champy Building.

Top floor luxury suite.

Arasaka Yorinobu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the entire city.

He had just woken up, wearing a dark gold nightgown, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, slowly sipping it.

On the big bed behind her, under the messy quilt and pillowcase, a voluptuous beauty was sleeping soundly. Her fair arms and long legs were draped over the edge of the bed, as if she was still immersed in sleep due to overwork.

The entire suite is very large, and the luxurious flat floor is composed of panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides.

A giant screen divides the living room and bedroom. Electronic devices and smart home appliances are displayed around it. There is even a chameleon hanging motionless on a dead branch.

This suite was built specifically for the Arasaka family in the Kanbi Building. It is basically vacant at ordinary times and is only used by Arasaka family members when they need it.

It's just that Arasaka Saburo and Arasaka Hanako have never stayed in the Overnight City Kanbi Building. Arasaka Hanako owns his own manor, so only Arasaka Yorinobu lives in this suite.

When he comes to Night City, he usually stays in this room and enjoys his happiness here.

Arasaka Yoshiki turned his eyes and answered an encrypted call. A mysterious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yori Nobu, the operation has begun, get your people ready."

Yorinobu looked solemn and replied seriously: "Arasaka Tower will hold a board meeting today. As long as the action is successful, she will never be able to secure that position again."

The mysterious voice continued: "Actually, you could have been tougher. The more frequently our people move, the more likely they are to make mistakes. She has been alerted and has sent more reinforcements to the stronghold. It is said that multiple departments have joined in. Investigation into the attack.”

"She has been running the Arasaka Tower in Night City for many years. Some things don't have to be done too harshly. All I want is to take away from that damn guy something that doesn't belong to him." Yorinobu sounded a little angry.

There was always only one person he hated, and no others were involved. If he wanted to save the whole world from his father, Saburo Arasaka, he could only remove all obstacles step by step.

For Michiko Arasaka, who was in charge of Night City, he chose a softer approach, otherwise the teams that attacked the Arasaka stronghold would appear next time in Michiko Arasaka's villa.

Yorinobu doesn't want to become a cruel and tyrannical guy like his father Saburo Arasaka, and he will never do anything like killing siblings.

"Reinforcement is a routine operation of the company. Those department heads are basically following the wind and will not really make efforts to investigate this matter. In fact, there is only one person I am worried about."

The mysterious voice asked: "Are you talking about Tang Yu from the Counter-Intelligence Department?"

Before Arasaka Yorinobu arrived in Night City, they had already figured out a lot of information in advance, focusing on Tang Yu.

"Yes, Tang Yu got a private meeting with him at Arasaka Manor in Kyoto, and took a private mission back to Arasaka Tower in Night City."

"He planned to take down the Voodoo Gang in Taiping Prefecture and tried to steal the Poseidon subnet, but was intercepted by Adam Heavy Hammer."

"But things are not as simple as they appear. I suspect that Tang Yu has other back-ups, and the matter of Ye's company's matrix space may have something to do with him."

"The Counter-Intelligence Department got involved in this matter, but there is no intelligence to show any major actions. Judging from the manor banquet, I feel that this person is not loyal to Arasaka, but I am not sure about his position."

The mysterious voice was silent for a moment and explained: "He does have some means to climb to the top of the relationship in such a short period of time, but after all, he is just an ordinary person. If he guesses some internal reasons and keeps silent, forget it. If he dares to stop us , that will only shut him up forever."

Arasaka Yorinobu had no objection. He was not from the same group, so there was no need to worry about anything.

The mysterious voice asked again: "Have the Ye family contacted you? They should be very interested in what we have."

Arasaka Yorinobu looked disdainful and said coldly: "These companies are simply unreliable. I have already contacted the network monitors to see if they are willing to cooperate."

"After taking down the Arasaka Tower in Night City, follow-up matters should also be put on the agenda. We must obtain the technology to destroy the Soul Killer in order to stop his ridiculous plan and ambition from the root."

"I hope everything goes well." The other end of the phone hung up.

Arasaka Yorinobu heard movement behind him and closed his eyes.

At this time, two white hands hooked his shoulders from behind, and his tone was extremely gentle.

"Did you sleep well? You woke up so early. Let me make you some breakfast."

Lai Xuan smiled slightly and transferred a huge tip to the naked woman behind him.

Just as she was preparing to serve the big customer again, she received a message reminding her that someone was visiting.

"No, I have something to do now. You should go back first." Arasaka Yorinobu rejected the woman's initiative, got up and walked towards the living room.

The woman didn't care after getting the money, she was changing clothes behind the screen with a proud smile.

After she was fully dressed and blew a kiss to Arasaka Yorinobu, she stepped on her high heels and walked to the elevator.

The elevator door opened automatically, and the woman was stunned.

She saw a tall black mechanical warrior standing in front of her, its cold-blooded prosthetic eyes flashing red, scanning her unceremoniously.

The woman stood there, not daring to move, and could only wait for the other person to get out of the elevator and pass her by.

"It's just a rotten piece of meat being played with."

When the woman heard what the other party said, her heart trembled and she didn't dare to stay any longer. She hurriedly stepped into the elevator and left.

Arasaka Yorinobu saw Adam Hammer coming and gave his orders bluntly.

"You go to this point on the outskirts of the city later and keep an eye on it to make sure it's clean after the raid."

On the outskirts of the city, Arasaka is a transportation hub.

V and Jack were wearing Arasaka Company security uniforms and followed the team to be scanned at the entrance to the stronghold.

After confirming that everything was correct, they entered the stronghold smoothly.

This Arasaka Company armed team is stationed at the stronghold as a reinforcement force to assist in strengthening the security of the stronghold.

After the team dispersed, Jack and V met up, found a high ground, and exchanged information while pretending to look out.

Jack was fully armed, with a bulletproof vest and cassette loaded with ammunition, and a heavy machine gun on his back.

"We don't know when the other party will make a surprise attack. You need to be more careful. Don't worry, Tang Tuo, I will protect you. If you really need something, just let me come."

V is dressed similarly to Jack, with standard security clothing and weapons. The only difference is that she carries a long knife on her shoulder, hidden in a black scabbard.

"Then you underestimate me too much. I won't know who will kill more people later. There are at least thirty people in this stronghold. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to deal with them."

The Arasaka soldiers stationed at the stronghold have undergone rigorous training. Although they are not as good as the Arasaka Tower special service team and elite squad, their military quality is definitely not low.

Jack shrugged helplessly: "Who knows, maybe the other party has some way to attack by surprise, so you have to take it easy."

In order to avoid being noticed by the attacking forces, they suspended communication with Tang Yu.

According to the advance plan, Tang Yu was already squatting at the spot, waiting for the opportunity to act.

According to Tang Yu's previous inference, this attack is very likely to be stuck at a critical point in time.

The board of directors will be held today, and many board members will surely mention this matter and take the opportunity to challenge military technology.

If Michiko is undecided and wants to continue to suppress this matter, then this larger-scale attack on the stronghold will become the final critical blow.

By then.

Little Michiko is difficult to distinguish. Not only will she be held accountable by the Kyoto headquarters, she will also be labeled as weak and unfavorable in dealing with external affairs.

However, it is not advisable to attack military technology. Not all attacks are carried out by military technology. Arasaka's reckless attack may provoke greater conflicts.

Military technology is not a soft persimmon, and it is not weak in the face of Arasaka.

There is only one way for little Michiko to get out of this predicament, which is to catch the real culprit.

This is Tang Yu's plan. As long as the real perpetrator is caught and it is proven that someone is instigating conflicts between the two companies, these problems will naturally be solved.

Little Michiko can not only communicate with Saburo Arasaka, but also control the board of directors.

It's just that this time the situation is more complicated. According to Tang Yu's analysis, this well-trained raid team is most likely Yori Xuan's people.

If after successfully arresting people, evidence is found from their memory storage chips, it will be difficult for Yori Nobu.

Tang Yu did not tell V and Jack these plans for the time being, they just needed to hold off the attacker.

Jack and V communicated on the high ground for a while, and then received a defense change notification, so they each found the corresponding point and guarded it with guns.

Time passed by, and Jack stood a little bored. He couldn't help but yawned, and raised his hands to move his shoulders.


A thin, silent bullet streaked through the air, directly piercing an Arasaka security guard high up in the stronghold, and he immediately fell down.

Jack suddenly became alert and immediately concentrated his attention. He found the bunker and pulled the gun safety, looked around vigilantly, and then heard V to remind him.

"Sister, there is an enemy attack, be careful."

The words just fell.

The four security personnel standing guard at the height of the stronghold lost their strength and turned over and fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

The entire stronghold instantly lit up with a red alarm, indicating an enemy attack.

The intelligent heavy weapons set up were activated immediately, and infrared rays were scanned everywhere to search for traces of the enemy, but nothing was found at all.

Several security guards at the stronghold's access control gate held their breath, walked slowly, held machine guns nervously, and started scanning to look around, trying to defend themselves while uncovering enemies hiding in the dark.

But before they could react, a transparent humanoid figure seemed to be approaching rapidly in the air. A samurai sword with a hot red light suddenly appeared and slashed directly towards them.

An Arasaka soldier subconsciously raised his gun to block, but was still cut by the thermal samurai sword. He and his gun were split in two, and the two pieces rolled to the ground, and there was a squeaking sound at the break.

Everyone in Arasaka was horrified, and they raised their machine guns and fired wildly at invisible invisible targets.

"Stealth, the opponent has optical invisibility!"

Even if they saw through the opponent's methods, it was still to no avail. Many security soldiers were stabbed in two in the chaos and quickly ended their lives.

Jack, who was hiding in the stronghold, saw this horrifying scene. The people at the door were killed by an elusive thermal samurai sword, and they died tragically.

While Jack was relaying the news to V, he picked off two electromagnetic pulse bombs from in front of him with one hand, activated them and threw them out on the spot, trying to block the opponent from entering the stronghold.

boom! Sizzle.

Electronic pulse sparks exploded, and the transparent man's fast-moving figure was seen to be blocked. The electric arc wrapped around a figure, and from time to time certain parts of the body were revealed.


Jack peeked for a while and found that the other party's dress style was very Sakura-style, and his whole body was wrapped tightly, leaving only a slit for his eyes.

As the soldiers at the gate of the stronghold were killed, the attacking team launched a charge. Eight people suddenly came out from several directions and shot wildly at the stronghold.

The forts and heavy gun mounts set up at the stronghold were all destroyed one after another by the opponent, leaving them completely unable to fight back.

Arasaka warriors can only hold smart weapons and hide behind bunkers to fight back at the opponent.

But these people's prosthetics are very sophisticated, and their subcutaneous armor is not afraid of bullets that are tracking around corners.

The transparent man got rid of the electromagnetic pulse, then exited the stronghold door and entered the invisible state again.

Jack didn't dare to be careless and immediately took the time to find V. After reuniting, he passed the situation here to Tang Yu.

After confirming that Tang Yu had received the information, Jack cursed quietly: "You guys, I didn't expect these people to be really good at it. Why are you here to rob this small stronghold if you have the money to install such an expensive combat implant?"

V also realized the seriousness of the problem. The gun could no longer deal with the transparent man, so he could only pull out the long knife on his back.

A bright stainless steel samurai sword shines in the sun.

Jack was dazzled by the flash of the knife and asked curiously: "This knife looks very sharp."

V held the long knife tightly with both hands, tried the feel and replied: "Tang gave it to me and said it is called 'Jue'. You will know when you try it later."

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed a strange movement. A transparent figure attacked the stronghold again, and killed two people instantly with a thermal samurai sword.

The entire stronghold fell into chaos, and the remaining dozen security personnel were unable to organize an effective counterattack.

V Jianji used the tip of the knife to pick up a pool of blood on the ground, and then threw it out in the general direction of the transparent man.

She frowned and noticed that a drop of blood seemed to be hanging in the air, dripping slowly towards the ground.

The whole action looks like swinging a knife and slashing randomly in the air, without any order.

V realized that the opponent's stealth equipment was not only bulletproof but also waterproof and dustproof. He had to seize the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the blood droplet before it completely fell to the ground.

The people in the stronghold fell one after another. Jack could only shoot based on instinct, but the opponent moved too fast and couldn't react at all.


V noticed the drop of blood speeding towards Jack's direction. She immediately turned on Sianwistan, stepped forward and slashed it into the air with her knife.

Between the electric light and flint.

A thermal katana appeared out of thin air in front of Jack and struck him in the head.

Jack looked horrified, but it was too late to resist. He saw another bright long knife slashing out at the same time, slashing into the transparent void.

Just when the thermal samurai sword was about to fall on Jack's head, there was a sound of flesh being cut open, and the two humanoid halves of flesh and blood slid apart.

The long knife held in V's hand had already been chopped off, and the transparent human form showed its true form, split into two halves and fell to the ground.

When Jack saw this astonishing scene, he was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

V killed the transparent man with one knife, and he was also surprised. He didn't expect that the knife was so sharp, and even cut through the opponent's subcutaneous armor with ease.

The whole process of chopping without any hindrance can only be described in two words.

Silky smooth.

She raised the long knife in her hand again and checked it over and over again. The fine steel blade had no curl at all, and there was not even a drop of blood on it. It could break a hair.

With this baby, V instantly knew how to play.

She looked back at Jack, who was stunned, and said bluntly: "Leave the rest to me."


V directly activated the maximum power of the 'Raptor', and dashed out of the stronghold with a quick step, as fast as a gust of wind, leaving only Jack standing there in a daze.

When V had disappeared, Jack quickly ran out of the stronghold with a machine gun to check the situation outside.

I saw the opponent's eight fire points, one after another extinguished. No one could survive the blow of the sword, and they were all cut into two pieces by V.

"Mama Lai Laidi, can this still be classified as human?"

After dealing with the attacker, V dodged back to where he was. Apart from taking a few breaths and feeling a little tired, there was no other abnormality.

Jack asked in a timid voice: "Chica, are you okay with your brain? Do you feel hot, have hallucinations, or want to vomit?"

V was asked something strange. He reached out and touched his forehead with the back of his hand. He had just finished the battle at high speed. He was a little sweaty and hot, but his head was not hot, so he explained calmly.

"No, it's quite normal. It's just a little more tiring than boxing."

Jack: "."

"This is really the King of Hell in broad daylight. If I had known you had this ability, we would have been so panicked, haha, hahahaha." Jack put away his gun and smiled a little reluctantly when he saw the corpses all around him.

V put away the long knife and prepared to check the attacker's situation. Tang Yu drove over in a vehicle not far away.

The fighting at the scene had subsided, and he probably guessed that V had ended the fight early.

When Jack saw Tang Yu coming, as if he had found a savior, he quickly stepped forward with a wry smile and praised V's good skills.

On the way over, Tang Yu used "weak electric control energy" to destroy all the memory storage data in the attacker's brain.

V also came to Tang Yu, feeling a little proud and showing off: "How about this mission? I didn't disappoint you. Remember to get the full reward."

Tang Yu asked: "Well, the reward should be fully paid. Do you want this knife?"

V's smile froze in an instant, and he said calmly: "Come on, love is a business, so let's keep it in the account. If you owe too much, don't worry about it."

Tang Yu got up and walked into the stronghold. When he saw the ninja corpse cut in half, he stepped forward and inspected it carefully.

Just based on their makeup and appearance, you can tell that they are definitely not people with military technology.

Tang Yu collected relevant evidence and prepared to leave the scene and return to Arasaka Tower.

The three of them walked out of the stronghold.

Suddenly, in the sky not far away, an Arasaka armed aerial vehicle was approaching, and it slowly landed after reaching the sky.

Tang Yu saw that the safety level of this aerial vehicle belonged to a member of the Arasaka family. It was neither exclusive to Saburo Arasaka, nor Michiko, who was stored in the warehouse, so this armed aerial vehicle could only belong to Arasaka Yorinobu.

The door of the floating car opened wide, and what came out was not Yorinobu Arasaka, but a tall black mechanical figure, whose red prosthetic eyes scanned the three of them.

When V saw that the person coming was Adam Hammer, his expression immediately became serious, and he couldn't help but clenched his iron fist tightly.

Adam Heavy looked around, walked straight towards the three of them, and said expressionlessly.

"The scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere, I didn't expect it to be a step too late."

Then, Adam Zhonghammer looked at V and Jack behind Tang Yu, with a murderous intent in his plain voice.

"But they are not from Arasaka."

Tang Yu replied calmly: "They are informants arranged by the Counterintelligence Department to assist in the investigation of the attack. This is not within the scope of your responsibilities."

"When working in Arasaka, you must understand your position, Adam Hammer."

Adam Hammer laughed twice and put away his hostility.


"With two bugs."

After saying that, he walked towards the stronghold with heavy mechanical steps.


‘Who said that the one who steps on the horse is an insect? ’

V wished he could kill Adam Heavy Hammer with a knife on the spot. Seeing his arrogant and arrogant look, every pore was angry.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Get in the car first."

The three of them got back into the car and sped away.

In the carriage.

V sat alone in the back seat, looking coldly out of the window and saying nothing.

Jack was sitting in the passenger seat and asked with some palpitations: "That person just now is Adam Hammer. Oh my god, he has only half his brain left after the whole body transformation. Carrying such a big barrel, this is simply a stage." war machine."

Tang Yu explained: "He should have been arranged by someone, but it was just a little late."

Jack noticed V's angry look and asked strangely: "Hey, V, what's wrong? You've been in a bad mood ever since you saw Adam Hammer. He's a living legend. He's the same as Johnny Silverhand and Morgan is a legend who has fought with black hands.”

V snorted coldly: "Don't mention this, let's order him a glass of wine in the 'next life' as soon as possible. A glass of dark black wine, soaked with two red strawberries, it goes well with him."

Jack smiled.

Tang Yu explained for V: "When we were in Taiping Prefecture, Adam dropped his hammer in the air and accidentally broke one of her hands, and the gap was formed."

V retorted angrily: "Okay, okay, it's not like some people who dare not even offend Adam Hammer because of their high status. They are so majestic."

Tang Yu shook his head helplessly.

With V's current strength, if he wanted to challenge Adam Hammer in a duel, the gap in hard power would still be a bit big.

That guy's entire body was made up of Arasaka's most advanced efforts, and he was more than capable of overthrowing an army.

Although V is extremely talented, in terms of implant equipment, he is still a few grades behind Adam's Hammer.

Not to mention thermal weapons, in terms of basic operating systems, Adam Hammer can match everything, and they are all high-end products.

Others may need many shots and chops to kill Adam Hammer, but he may only need one shot to kill others.

Tang Yu didn't want to fall out with Lai Xuan, and there was no need to argue with this kind of killing machine lunatic for the time being.

He now has to rush back to Arasaka Tower and hand over the evidence in his hand to Michiko Arasaka.

Since the attackers were all dead and the memory stores in their minds were burned, there were no evidence clues pointing to Arasaka Yorinobu.

This is all Tang Yu can do. As for the outcome of the Arasaka family's continued internal fighting, he really has no control over it.

Arasaka Yorinobu wants to turn himself into a bomb, destroy Saburo Arasaka's immortality plan, seize power and start the fifth corporate war, so that the world can be reborn from the ashes of war.

Tang Yu once agreed with this idea, but reality told him that if he wanted to achieve this goal, he had to be prepared to sacrifice everything.

And in the longer-term future, Arasaka may fall, but there will still be corporate organizations like Honsaka and Sakurasaka.

Meet a whole new world.

None of them are ready yet.

No tonight.

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