Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Achievements report + end-of-paper summary + quality remarks + health-preserving exercises recommend

It's time to report to all the officials.

There is more content to be reported this time, which can be regarded as a summary of the whole book.

The proudest thing about instant noodles is that they have not stopped updating for a day, at least maintaining 4,000 words per day. Even the free leave request note is useless and has now expired.


In terms of performance: The current average order is over 4,000, successfully achieving the high-quality goal. After opening the second volume, the results have been improving rapidly, which shows the strong appeal of Lucy and V. Now there is only one last goal left, which is to successfully complete the book by surpassing one million words. This goal will be completed in the third volume.


Summary of the second volume: The focus of this volume is to write the story lines of the two characters, Viko and Lucy, and then end with the explosion in the company square. It basically follows the trajectory envisioned by the instant noodles, and it is completed in one go, without any sloppiness.

Personally, I feel that the writing quality is higher than the first volume, and it is also more brain-intensive. In order to smoothly gather several lines and explode, I have basically been scratching my head this month.

It’s really difficult!

Personally, I am more satisfied with Lucy's plot. The characters are more delicate, the story's twists are reasonable and unexpected, and it tests my writing skills more.

If I had to find a fault with this volume, it would probably be that it is too short.

Instant Noodles has thought deeply about this problem, mainly because the world view is too flat and the character hierarchy is not clear.

In addition, Tang Yu's status at the beginning is already at a high point, many lines of struggle have advanced to the point where they have to break out, and it is easy to fall into a sluggish rhythm. (It’s definitely not a problem with my writing skills, huh)


There is one more regret.

It's just that Tang Yu's emotions when he broke out were not clear enough, which was also limited by Tang Yu's character image in the mind of instant noodles.

If you describe Tang Yu's inner monologue and explain his thoughts and arrangements in a large space, the paradoxical flavor of life will not be enough.


You might want to mix some of the helplessness of Match Point Punk into your instant noodles.

After all, I promised the Yanzu that it was impossible to cut with a knife.


Remarks on quality products: Instant Noodles never expected that Lai Dian Niang’s first book would achieve the status of quality, and it would still be within one million words.

It’s really super invincible. Thank you for your support of genuine subscriptions to Yanzu. It’s not too much to praise the food and clothing parents.

Thank you very much again.

Thank you!

Instant Noodles feels that the online writing industry is quite like the storytellers in ancient times, telling stories that the readers want to hear.

It would be great if you could add a little bit of sweetness, bitterness, and aftertaste to this story.

Life is not easy, and a story is also a fate.

But everyone has their own stories they want to tell, and instant noodles are no exception. The next book will definitely not be a cyberpunk fanfic.

It's really a pity to see friends who started the cyber genre at the same time choose to end their stories due to various reasons.

In the opinion of Instant Noodles, the cyberpunk fan theme has the potential to be popular, and with the release of the next DLC, if the quality is acceptable, the popularity will rise again. I hope that I will have the opportunity to see a cyberpunk movie that is popular in the future. Fans.

If any Yanzu sees this and wants to write about it, I think it would be a very good choice for the protagonist David to follow the company line and then meet the company's female V.

David returns from a certain other world (such as the Dragon Clan), or David can be soul-pierced with a game panel.

Using the experience of another life to live again, combining animation and game plots, will have very good results.

The most important thing is that this way, you can write long and long words, and have the potential to break the circle. The quality is still good with a million words, and you have the opportunity to order thousands of books.


Finally, let me talk about my creative experience. I believe it will be helpful to Yanzu and some of my author friends.

Recommended health-preserving exercises!

The reason why I recommend health-preserving exercises in the last paragraph is mainly because in the four months of writing the book, I really have the most intuitive feeling about physical health.

Briefly describe the four difficulties in creating instant noodles.

I will start writing a new book in October. Since I spend most of my time typing, I can only find time to review games and anime.

I read it after dinner and before going to bed, and then I thought about how to combine it with my creation. I was so exhausted that I basically didn’t fall asleep before twelve o’clock.

When the disease was at its worst in November, I would wake up on time at three or four in the morning every day, my heart pounding, and I was scared to death.

At that time, it was basically the 15,000 update. After sitting for more than ten minutes, my waist hurt so much that I had to lie down and rest.

Low back pain, headaches, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, weight loss, frequent cold sweats, and other problems have greatly affected my creative state.


Instant noodles reminded me of a bunch of self-taught health-preserving exercises when I was in college, and I decided to pick them up and practice them again. (College students are given the nickname Banxian.)

After a month of conditioning, I am now basically back to normal.

Although the number of updates has decreased, I can feel that the smoothness of the text and the quality of the plot have improved a lot, and my head is no longer so dizzy.

In addition, I have always insisted on taking precautions for instant noodles, and I have not been infected so far, and my brain has not been greatly affected.

Now after sitting for three or four hours, my waist does not react that much. It is a bit sore but not painful.

The health-preserving exercises have been personally tested to be super effective, and can even produce results within a day. The following rankings are recommended based on personal experience.

1. Walking (five stars): especially parks, rivers, green areas and other places, walk slowly for half an hour. For instant noodles, walk along the river, and think about the plot.

2. Eight-step Vajra Kung Fu (five-star super recommendation): Taoist master has practiced this technique all his life. He must practice it when he wakes up in the morning. The whole person’s energy and blood are revived. After a few days of instant noodles, he is very good.

3. Single-nasal ventilation (highly recommended by Xingnao): Every morning when you wake up, your nose must be blocked. Hold one side of your nose, take a deep breath and then suddenly spray it out to clean all the dirty water in your nose and clear both sides. You will feel refreshed afterwards and guaranteed not to feel dizzy.

4. Wu Qin Xi, Ba Duan Jin, and Qigong Qigong. These training magic weapons left by our ancestors are particularly effective.

Basically, I make the above recommended instant noodles every day, and I can clearly feel that my creative state is picking up.

I hope that all Yanzu can have good health, and you can also recommend your parents and relatives to practice together to keep fit and spend the New Year with peace of mind.


Be lazy tonight.

There will be an update to Volume 3 and Chapter 1, which should be over 4,000 words.


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