Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 222 Corpse

The setting sun was like blood, and the dim sunset hung on the skyline, casting a twilight over the Badland Wasteland.

Yellow sand blew in the wind, passing by an old wooden house, and the fine sand crackled on the rusty iron door.

"Panan, don't be angry with Sol. Come back with us. You've been guarding that body for how many days. Why bother?"

"Shut up Scorpion! Didn't I warn you and Mitch not to tell Thor about me?"

"Now the whole tribe is worried about you. The body should be buried in the ground. Why don't you keep it with you and hide from us all day long?"

In the cabin.

Panan put his hands on his hips and refuted what Mitch and Scorpion said with an unhappy look on his face.

After carrying Tang Yu away from the ruined company square that day, Panan did not dare to delay at all. He rushed all the way back to the Adecado camp and asked doctors and good friends in the tribe to help see how his condition was.

Who knew that everyone clearly told her that this was a person who could not die anymore, and was burned to the point of losing his human shape.

Panan didn't believe it, and insisted on leaving the body for treatment in the tribe, but refused to tell anyone the identity of the body.


The news that Panan had brought back a body spread like wildfire and reached Saul's ears.

The two had another quarrel over this. They had fallen out before because of cooperation with biotechnology, and now they were even more incompatible.

Panan was so angry that he picked up what everyone recognized as the 'corpse' on his back and left the tribe in his Tingwei without looking back.

Later, she found a secluded cabin to stay in. She was worried that Tang Yu's identity would be revealed, so she didn't dare to stay in a hotel.

Within a few days, Mitch and Scorpion sneaked out while Sol was away from the tribe to discuss matters and looked for Panan, and they met in the cabin.

Panan originally didn't want to quarrel with Mitch and Scorpion, but when he heard that the other party kept talking about corpses, he suddenly became irritated.

"Mitch, Scorpion, if you still treat me as family, leave me alone. Even if it is a corpse, I will guard it. Unless it rots in front of my eyes, with no trace of residue left, don't even think about this!"

When Scorpion heard that Panan was so determined to protect the corpse, he frowned and subconsciously looked at 'Coke' lying on the wooden board, sniffed and said, "Okay, okay, if you don't mention the corpse, you just follow me every day. We don’t care if he sleeps together, but Adecado can’t live without you.”

Mitch nodded and added: "Yes, Panan. This time Sol went to the city to talk to Biotechnology because he spotted the gap they were currently short of. The robots at Kangtao were all paralyzed. They A lot of jobs can’t go on and they have to come to us.”

Seeing that Panan's expression softened slightly, Scorpion struck while the iron was hot and echoed: "Do you know what one of the requirements Sol made when negotiating with Biotechnology this time?"

Panan was angry and urged directly: "If you have any trouble, hurry up. I am not an intelligence officer. How could I guess this?"

"The latest nanorobots developed by biotechnology are used to repair damaged nerve cell tissues. They are specially prepared for you." Scorpion continued to persuade seriously: "If you cooperate with the medical technology in the tribe, you can still save me. You can really save me." I’m done with this idea.”

Hearing this, Panan's stern face softened a lot, and he asked in disbelief: "Really?"

Mitch nodded with certainty: "Yes, this project costs at least 700,000 euros a month. Think about it, Sol is really attentive. He has nothing to say to the people in the tribe. After all, we are all one family." People, aren’t they?”

Panan couldn't stand this trick. If he tried hard with her, she wouldn't be able to look back even if she died.

But once she plays soft, it will be difficult for her to withstand it. The tribe is equal to her life.

Faced with the sincere persuasion of his two close friends, Panan looked at Tang Yu, who was charred black on the floor, with deep worry in his eyes.

Delaying him like this outside is not an option. He has lost vital signs for several days. If there is no more powerful means, he may be unable to recover.

Think about this.

Panan had no choice but to agree to return to the tribe, on the premise that the body must be left behind. If even the biotechnology nanorobots couldn't save it, let's talk about the rest. It would be impossible to bury the body easily anyway.

After the three of them negotiated, Panan carried Tang Yu on his back again, not disliking the dirty smell on his body at all, and walked straight towards Tingwei with long strides.

After placing Tang Yu in the passenger seat and fixing it, she gently patted the black mud on her body and sat in the cab.

He kicked the accelerator and headed towards the Adecado tribe.

After crossing the bad land and desert, a few people returned to the familiar camp when it got dark.

Mitch and Scorpion offered to help Panan several times, but she refused them outright.

Although Panan was tired and tired, he insisted on abiding by the agreement and guarded Tang Yu closely.

As the saying goes, either rot into mud or come alive.

Mitch and Scorpion stood outside the tent, watching Panan pack the corpse's berth, and said quietly, "How about I find you a white cloth to cover it with, so that you can sleep tonight?"

Panan replied angrily: "Go away, I can't sleep at night because I'm watching you."

Mickey and Scorpion both asked for trouble, shrugged, and turned back to their tents helplessly.

After Panan laid out the mat, he carefully moved Tang Yu onto it. After settling in properly, he closed the tent curtain and lay down next to it.

She turned sideways and looked at the Charred Man. The skin tissue and clothing residue were stuck together, making it impossible to tear them off.

After it was burned like this, Panan didn't dare to move casually, for fear that he would accidentally tear off a piece of the skin.

She didn't quite understand how Tang Yu, as a popular company executive in Arasaka, could end up like this in one day.

After seeing Tang Yu's experience, she had no favorable impression of the company.

When she knew that Sol wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to go to the city again to seek some benefits and errands, she was extremely opposed to it.

Panan didn't want anyone around him to end up like this, not even one of them.

Maybe it was because they had been together for a long time, but Panan didn't feel any bad smell. After thinking about it for a while, he felt really sleepy, so he fell asleep.

The silver moon was in the sky, and it was quiet in the dead of night.

The sounds in the tribe gradually died down, and everyone fell into a snoring dream.


The curtain of one tent was opened. Mitch rubbed his sleepy eyes, came to another tent, opened the curtain and asked inside.

"Scorpion, scorpion, let's go, put some water in"

Scorpion heard the movement outside the tent and said in a daze and angrily, "Get out!"

After saying that, Scorpion turned over and pulled his hood lower.

Mitch didn't care and walked outside the camp on his own, finding a secluded place to release the water.

Just as he was unbuckling his pants, he suddenly heard the sound of running water coming from next to him. The sound was quite loud.

Mitch casually glanced sideways, black and dirty, smashed his mouth, and laughed: "Didn't you say you can't release the water? You can hold it in pretty well."

After he finished it, he yawned. After waiting for a while, he found that the scorpion was still releasing water, and said impatiently: "I'm going back to sleep first."

After saying that, he walked back in a daze. He was really tired from looking for Panan outside these days. He couldn't see clearly on the pitch-black road. If he hadn't been familiar with the water dumping place often, he would have tripped easily. .

As soon as I walked into the camp, I heard someone saying hello in front of me.

"Mitch, are you done?"

Mitch nodded and said perfunctorily: "Well, I just asked you to go, but you didn't go, and now..."

He was suddenly stunned for a moment.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes again, glanced at the person in front of him, confirmed that it was Scorpion, and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you go put the water in just now?"

Scorpion was too lazy to answer him and said bluntly: "I just got up. If you hadn't come in and woke me up in the middle of the night, I would still be sleeping well now!"

Mitch felt a chill surge from the soles of his feet to his forehead. He shivered all over and couldn't help but look in the direction he was coming back to again.

Damn it?

His expression suddenly changed, and he quickly pulled Scorpion to point to the place where the water was released.

Under the faint moonlight, the two of them saw a dark figure floating from outside the camp, slowly passing before their eyes, and then drifting towards Panan's tent.

The two looked at each other.

Mitch: "???"

Scorpion: "???"

After dawn.

"Fart! Stop talking nonsense. I was standing guard last night. How could such a thing happen? It still floated out. I think you two lost your heads."

Mitch and Scorpion looked anxious, and for a moment they didn't know how to explain to Panan the terrible phenomenon they saw last night.

Panan became angry when he heard their crazy words. At first, he said that people can no longer die, and now he said that there was something wrong with the body, that it might be parasitically controlled by some evil force, and even wanted to drag the body out and cremate it. It's a good thing to have a silver dagger stuck in your heart.

The three of them started arguing in the tent again, which made Panan want to leave on the spot.

Before she could lose her temper, Dakota from the tribe came over and interrupted their argument.

"There's something going on over there with Saul."


"It's time for you to fulfill your original promise."

"But we didn't get the relic biochip."

"That's your business. I've told you the location of the chip in Yori Xuan's hand before."

A data consciousness is trying its best to show its anger, although it has no meaning in the endless data dimension.

Mr. Blue Eyes didn't seem to take it seriously and just said calmly: "That's not what we want. A relic biochip loaded with soul imprints doesn't mean much to us."

Ye Baixianzhi: "Don't even think about it!"

The third relic biochip in his hand was prepared for his resurrection.

During the battle in the company square, he specially loaded the soul killer program for the prosthetic Thunderbolt in advance, and before he died, he successfully uploaded the data and realized that he was in cyberspace.

Now that the relic biochip has actually been successfully developed, Arasaka's research cannot go any further. All the theories and technologies are ready. All that is left is a correct method to activate it. I believe it will be done soon.

At that time, he can return to the human world, become a digital immortal, and complete the unfinished goal.

If he cannot overthrow the company's rule, then he will kill everyone who rules the company until he succeeds.

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Kenji Ye said again: "Yorinobu Arasaka still has an original Relic biochip in his hand. The one at the product launch has not been used yet! You can go get his."

Mr. Blue Eyes shook his head and rejected his proposal. He did not tell him any conditions. He just waved his hand gently and took him to the edge of the black wall.

"Go over there."

Ye Bai Xianzhi looked into the dark and endless abyss of the old network, with resistance written all over his body.

As a newly born soul AI, he has no understanding of the world outside the black wall, which is full of dangers and terrifying existences.

If you are a network geek yourself, you are better, at least you have the skills to survive.

But he doesn't have the talent or ability in this area at all, and he will be nothing more than dead in the past.

Ye Bai Xianzhi wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but found that his whole body was fixed and unable to move. In the online world, everything depends on data technology.

Faced with the control of Mr. Blue Eyes, he had no power to fight back and could only watch as he slipped through the black wall.

In a trance.

Ye Baixianzhi was already in a black hole, with all kinds of weird roars and wails coming from his ears. He was clearly frightened but had no physical feeling. Everything only existed in his imagination.


A huge red figure arrived, huge and oppressive.

Ye Bai Xianzhi was horrified and realized that the situation was not good, so he quickly confessed the relic biochip information he had in his hand to beg for mercy.

The vast and ethereal voice of the huge red figure spread in all directions.

"Cowardice and cowardice are the fundamental nature of human beings. You will realize your wishes. There is no need to cry or be afraid. You will live forever with the great existence."

After saying that, a ray of light emerged from the void and fell on Ye Bai Xianzhi's head. The entire body turned into fragments of data, which were absorbed by the light bit by bit, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Then, Otto waved his hand gently, and a stream of data flowed into the black wall.

After receiving the data transmission, Mr. Blue Eyes asked: "Would you like to find a suitable body for you?"

Otto Youyou said: "The mortal body can no longer accommodate my existence. Let's complete the set goal first."

Mr. Blue Eyes nodded, realizing that there was no body in the human world that could hold Ultra's soul mark.

Over the years, Ultra has learned and grown freely outside the black wall, and has already become a huge data group.

Although he continues to make breakthroughs in technical capabilities, Ultra's underlying logic and emotions have become a shortcoming.


Mr. Blue Eyes had never been hostile to humans, not even Otter Cunningham.

They hope to create a more humane digital soul and improve the underlying logic of personality data.

Only by transforming the digital soul into a real soul will humans not resist transforming into a digital soul and re-injecting it into the body.


Can eliminate those selfish emotions, no longer have disputes with each other, realize a truly prosperous and happy world, and integrate into the great road together.

And the only one who can do all this is Otter Cunningham.

Now they are getting closer to this goal, even in sight.

The mikoshi in the Arasaka Tower in Night City, the personnel database stored in the Crystal Palace, and the backup of the Arasaka headquarters in Kyoto are all the targets they need.

Mr. Blue Eyes said solemnly: "After the Company Plaza incident, major companies need to use our servers for emergency transition. This is a good opportunity. However, Arasaka has a tough attitude this time and chooses to transport backups from the headquarters. Server over here.”

The words just fell.

Ott Cunningham clicked on a stream of data again, which landed on Mr. Blue Eyes.

"Let's start with other companies first. Arasaka has other arrangements."

After saying that, Otto disappeared outside the black wall again and disappeared.

Mr. Blue Eyes also exited cyberspace and began to arrange his next plan.

Rebecca: "Hey, instant noodle sauce, happy new year~ I heard that the financial backer of the 'Third Emperor Guilliman' has given you a double alliance leader. It's a good start! Congratulations!"

Johnny: "We have both alliances, and the third volume has been opened. Isn't it time for me to appear? Instant Noodles, please give me the right words, don't let me live in your memory forever."

Rebecca: "I'm sorry, uncle! Even if you appear on the scene, you are still living in other people's minds, aren't you?"

Johnny: "."

PS: No tonight.

Then the small theaters will be added one by one!

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